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Everything posted by brianfry713

  1. result = pattern >> 8 Sounds like you want to do an arithmetic (sign extended) right shift of 8 bits.
  2. Thanks for reminding me, I've got to figure out what I'm going to be doing for a Ph.D. research project in the fall.
  3. We attempted to make a few home brews at my house, screwed up some of the recipes and cooking, and I'm not sure what came out could even be considered beer. After a few trial and errors though we had a couple of good batches.
  4. :6:0 Had fun at the 4-way scrambles in Davis on Saturday, we also did a 29 way 2 PAC formation load for Dean's 6000th that was fun.
  5. I think crappy weather cancelled the rest of the rounds. They probably did one speed round if the followed the normal format: F - C - F - F - C - F - F ( C = Compulsory Routine, F = Free Routine)
  6. That's the idea. I'm getting tired of driving 2 hours to the DZ every weekend and can't wait to expand the range of boogies I can get to in a weekend.
  7. I don't think they've been deleted, it's just that the search doesn't find them because the index is screwed up. Any posts from mid January to late May won't show up in the search, but I bet if you took the time to scroll back and search manually, you'd find them.
  8. I think that some PAC 750 XL's are certified for IFR, as of last month.
  9. I usually fly in the morning and then drive out to the DZ afterwards. The money is getting short though.
  10. Takes a lot of practice. I do it every time I get a cherry. I also make some funny faces at fancy restaurants for longs periods of time while I'm struggling with the stem. Long stems are easier. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  11. I love leftovers, they're my favorite. Lobster goes bad pretty quick though.
  12. I'm totally clueless about colors and looking cool, so I had my girlfriend choose the colors for everything. I'm sure it came out much better than anything I would've designed. Of course, if I thought something looked awful, I let her know. I think she enjoyed doing it, she had about 100+ printouts of color combinations from the online canopy and rig designer. You might try to ask your gear dealer for help as well.
  13. Is the freefly comp over yet? BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  14. Congrats on the docks and flying relative. 85 min must have been a sweet tracking jump.
  15. Your explanation sounds right on to me. Talk and practice on the ground with your instructor and do some practice pulls on the ground and in the air. Maybe in the air try holding your hands in the deploy position for a few seconds to practice and stay stable: right hand near the handle, your left arm in front of you until you feel comfortable in that position.
  16. Congrats, flygirl1 and I are hopefully going to solo soon. Just a few more lessons first to cover emergencies and get ready to solo. I can't wait.
  17. I can't read it, but here's a clicky for ya
  18. You might want to talk to your rigger about shortening your toggle position on the brake lines so you don't have to take a wrap to get a full flare. Since it's already at the loft getting repacked now would be a good time.
  19. Happy b-day, and speedy recovery. Have fun on your skydive.
  20. You can talk to some of the instructors and video guys at SMB. They are experienced canopy pilots and swoopers. It's a lot easier for someone who has seen you land and fly your parachute to give you advice and help you in your progression. Some beer at the end of the day might help as it gets pretty hectic there while the tandems are jumping.
  21. Sorry to hear about your accident Krisanne, but like you said, it was a breakdown in communication that led to me be uninsured until I found out when I was forced to prove it to the court. I thought my mom was paying it and she thought I was paying it, but I guess neither of us followed up on it. I wouldn't have knowingly driven without it, mainly because I get pulled over quite often and I thought the fine would be much worse than the $200 extra on top of the speeding ticket I got tagged with. If I didn't have a loan on my car I would consider just getting liability insurance. I haven't actually been driving much the last 2 months since my car has been in the repair shop with an engine problem and I was on vacation. For a while I was paying twice as much at $600/month, so that doesn't take too long to cover the value of the car. I would want the 3rd party liability and wouldn't hesitate to pay up if I did any damage to anyone else or their property. For minor stuff, I can't claim anything on the insurance anyway because if I did the insurance company will cancel me (and several have). It was pretty hard just to get anyone to cover me. I've also gotten out of several speeding and parking tickets on technicalities, but I think I've contributed plenty to the DMV/courts with thousands in fines. On the original topic, at least in CA, I don't think the automated red light tickets and speeding tickets are being enforced anymore. I heard something about the program being canceled, and I know I ran a red light that had a camera and photo enforcement signs a few years ago and didn't see a flash or ever get a ticket. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  22. I didn't vote in the poll since I did get an automated ticket, got it in the mail but didn't pay it, and then had it stick. 12/31/1999, I got a red light photo ticket, I missed the light by .3 seconds (it changed pretty quick from green to yellow to red too). The whole intersection light up with flash bulbs so I knew it was coming in the mail. I got it and ignored it, then the fine doubled after a while and it gets placed onto your car registration. Without paying the now doubled fine with your yearly car registration, you won't get a new sticker for your license plate. I've been stopped for that as well, the cops are pretty good at spotting expired tags. After that comes mandatory court dates, and eventually a warrant and arrest. So in my experience, you'd better pay, although people come up with these theories and claim they work, so do what you want. I also got a parking ticket in a residential area for facing the wrong direction. Once I moved and didn't realize my car insurance expired and I thought my mom was still paying it. After a year and a half I got nailed speeding, couldn't prove I had insurance, and payed an additional $200 fine for that. But with my driving record, I pay $300 a month for insurance, so I saved quite a bit of money by not paying for a while, as long as I don't total my car of course. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  23. She's 24 now. I'm 27, so I guess I'm not too much of a cradle robber. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  24. I told them about my first jump, but after I made my second jump 7 years later, I didn't tell them until I started BASE jumping. My sister did her first tandem, and the family gathered around and watched the video. I was on the plane with her in my wingsuit. After it was over and we were talking about it, my mom asked, "Why don't you just jump off a bridge?", and I replied, "Okay, I'm doing that next weekend" BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative