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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I know, I know! Skydiving is for cool people only
  2. I'm pretty sure FF means freefall. He's a static line student. Skydiving is for cool people only
  3. I'm an edit-monkey for a newspaper. Skydiving is for cool people only
  4. I'm in the same place. I was at the dropzone for the first time since my injury this weekend and I could hardly watch everyone's landings. Everything just looked so fucking dangerous. I'm scared, but I've set a date. I'll let you know how it goes. Skydiving is for cool people only
  5. Seth, happy birthday. I hate you with the heat of a thousand burning suns. Skydiving is for cool people only
  6. Jessica

    I'm done

    I have a question about tacking down slinks. I'm going to PM you. You will not escape that easily. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, thanks for everything. I really am going to PM you though. I don't know what knots to use. Skydiving is for cool people only
  7. Really? Got any stats? Lisa? Do you have any input as a gear dealer? Have people "largely abandoned" the Raven? Skydiving is for cool people only
  8. It's gorgeous. Congratulations.
  9. If so, then I'd like to apologize for my above post, and offer Canuck some remedial lessons in satirical writing. Skydiving is for cool people only
  10. This is so childish I can't believe it. If he got in your way and "delayed" your exit, then it was your responsibility to check the spot before YOU exited. I've jumped with Bill, and he is the nicest, most self-sacrificing, and egoless skydiver I've ever met. He was checking the spot for his safety and the safety of everyone on the plane. Do you really think his being a moderator on an Internet site has anything to do with anything? Lordy. Skydiving is for cool people only
  11. I would have been irritated if someone had posted about my broken ass without gathering the facts from me, since CLEARLY I was going to recover enough to be able to post the accurate information myself. The information was simply not so urgent to other jumpers that it needed to be posted right away. When I did heal enough to sit at a computer, posting my own incident was embarassing and humbling, but I think it's important that I did it. I think letting others learn from your mistakes is part of the responsibility of this sport. Skydiving is for cool people only
  12. Jessica

    Good Bye kat69

    Me too. Skydiving is for cool people only
  13. Irony! Skydiving is for cool people only
  14. Jessica

    Good Bye kat69

    Yes. Depression is a disease that can have a fatal end as sure as cancer. Someone who takes his own life because of a failing of the mind isn't any more "selfish" than someone who dies of a failing of the body. Depression is a serious, potentially fatal mental illness. I wish Kat had reached out to us. But depression is not rational, as Michele said, and when there is not a pinhole of light in your life it can be impossible to help yourself. Hugs to her friends. Skydiving is for cool people only
  15. Ooh, I like it. Crap for moderator! Skydiving is for cool people only
  16. Snicker. Skydiving is for cool people only
  17. Yeah really! I thought it was kind of funny. It's certainly more enticing the the average reader than "Mad Cow disease has made eating beef scary." Skydiving is for cool people only
  18. I used to think the best place for a wind tunnel in Texas would be tourist mecca San Antonio -- whuffos could see the Alamo, visit SeaWorld, play in a SkyVenture tunnel. But now that I am moving I think it should be in the Dallas area.
  19. Jessica

    Goth skydivers

    Me, I'll join you. My gear and jumpsuit are mostly black and I am pasty and depressed too. I wonder if black lipstick will stay on in freefall. Skydiving is for cool people only
  20. Billvon, because he's both geeky AND hot. Skydiving is for cool people only
  21. It's from an animated short called "Rejected." Can't really remember anything else about it though. Skydiving is for cool people only
  22. What's your cell number, fucknose? PM it to me. I'll let you have it mad-style. Your ears will bleed. Your brain will swell. It'll be beautiful. Skydiving is for cool people only