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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Jessica

    Bloody Brit

    Where's my Notebook of Wrath...oh, there it is, just out reach of the bed...urrggggh...can't reach.... Skydiving is for cool people only
  2. Hm. This actually sounds more plausible than skydiving. The bottom. It's a perilous place. Skydiving is for cool people only
  3. Jessica

    Bloody Brit

    I didn't know South African piles of crap who can't spot and have bad attitudes had birthdays. Skydiving is for cool people only
  4. Person I don't know that well: I heard you were hurt! What happened?! Jessica: Um, well, I had an accident and broke my pelvis. PIDKTW: An accident? Was it a car wreck? Jessica: Actually it was skydiving. PIDKTW: ... Skydiving is for cool people only
  5. It's true it's true! Skydiving is for cool people only
  6. Focus on the words "fully recover." When I was in the hospital arguing with the doctor about how much morphine I should get, I was struck with overwhelming gratitude that I wasn't listening to him describe how I could live a full life as a quadraplegic. Count your blessings. You will get better. That's more than a lot of people can say. I'd have titled this post, "I received some pretty GOOD news today."
  7. Um, I'm here. Where the fuck are you? Skydiving is for cool people only
  8. You will all be glad to know I loudly berated the paramedics then chastized them for making me yell, because it hurt. Dude. Yes. Yes. Skydiving is for cool people only
  9. When I get back to San Antonio in a couple of weeks we'll get drunk with our crutches, OK? Skydiving is for cool people only
  10. I'm thankful that when I wiggled my feet after impact, they moved. I'm thankful for disability insurance. I'm thankful my friend is feeding my birdies. I'm thankful my parents are willing and able to take care of me for the next couple of weeks. I'm VERY thankful for Demerol. Skydiving is for cool people only
  11. He'll be here tomorrow. Thanks for all the kind thoughts. I'm in a lot of pain, but it's nothing compared to last Saturday when I was freshly broken and the hospital technicians were indelicately shoving me into the CAT scan machine and such. I'm happy to be home with my family and my pain pills. It gets a little better every day, and I just have to be patient and resist the temptation to rot in bed. Skydiving is for cool people only
  12. My pelvis and tailbone are both broken. Last Saturday my canopy collapsed and dropped me 10 feet (right into a fire ant bed, how's that for insult to injury!). I spent five days in the hospital and now I'm home with my parents. Sorry I've been AWOL, but this is the first time in over a week I've been able to sit upright for more than three minutes. I'll post in the Incidents forum as soon as I'm up to it, so you incidents nazis chill for the time being. I'll be fine! I made them take my gear off before the paramedics got there so everything is in great shape except me. I'll be back in the air in a couple of months. Skydiving is for cool people only
  13. Then I would definitely have the CC company cancel the charge, and if you do receive the equipment in the next week, allow Para-Gear to re-charge you. Skydiving is for cool people only
  14. I've always had excellent customer service from Para-Gear. Do you have a copy of your Internet invoice saying you selected UPS? Skydiving is for cool people only
  15. Who leaves on the 31st? Morons? Freaks? Doofuses? You gotta stay for the New Year's Eve party if you're gonna be there, dork! I dunno. I'd like to go, but I just don't know how this is going to play out. Skydiving is for cool people only
  16. I might be changing jobs right around then. So I don't know what kind of time off I'll have (or if I'll be dead broke from new deposits, etc.). Skydiving is for cool people only
  17. Jessica

    On the bus?

    *bump* I know some of you wankers have advice for me today. Skydiving is for cool people only
  18. I haven't been keeping up with this thread 'cause I didn't think I was going to get to go. Now, though, It looks like I might get to take a vacation the first week of Jan. Will any of you guys still be in Eloy? Or should I just go to Taft to chase the Super King Air? Skydiving is for cool people only
  19. Jessica


    NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD Che, you've made me hungry. I'm having popcorn for lunch. Skydiving is for cool people only
  20. Jessica

    On the bus?

    There's a High Occupancy Vehicle lane.
  21. Jessica

    On the bus?

    I'd definitely keep the car. This is about not being behind the wheel in commuter traffic.
  22. Jessica

    On the bus?

    I'm looking at living about three miles from a transit center. I'd drive to that, where I'd hop on a bus for a 30-minute ride, then catch a light rail for about 10 minutes to a station next door to my workplace. It doesn't sound too bad in theory. Skydiving is for cool people only
  23. Jessica

    On the bus?

    But why? Skydiving is for cool people only
  24. Jessica

    On the bus?

    If I took a new job in the downtown of a huge metropolitan area, and decided to live in a suburb about 20 miles north, and I knew the traffic was going to be horrible.... would it be a good idea to ride the bus to and from work? I've never been exposed to public transport, really. There's a light rail coming to the suburb someday, but for now it's a 45-minute bus ride downtown. Does anyone commute by bus? How is it? Traffic makes me crazy when I'm driving myself, and the idea of letting someone else do it is appealing. Skydiving is for cool people only
  25. I want you. Attention list-keepers: please add the bytch and brains. Both are hotties whom I would like to molest. Skydiving is for cool people only