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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. We used to have this feature a couple of years ago. It disappeared with the new message boards. I think the mods keep a close eye on everything and read every post, so I don't know how necessary it is. Usually something questionable is gone pretty quick. Skydiving is for cool people only
  2. Done and done! PM me your number if I don't have it and you want me to call and holler at you. Clay, I need yours. The one I have doesn't work. Bytch, I need yours too. Skydiving is for cool people only
  3. ...everyone pauses for a moment, looks east, and thinks, "I sure wish Jessicakes were here. There is not enough profanity at this dropzone." Skydiving is for cool people only
  4. There's no such thing as a "minor" alteration. Any alteration at all must be performed by a master rigger or the manufacturer. Minor repairs can be performed by a senior rigger, which basically means fixing wear and restoring equipment to its original condition -- replacing BOCs, things like that. Senior riggers can also patch non-certificated canopies with impunity. Major repairs could affect the airworthiness of the equipment. That includes any work on the reserve system and the harness. Skydiving is for cool people only
  5. ...and a fucker! *singing* Hookitt is a fucker, Hookitt is an IM-warning fucker! Skydiving is for cool people only
  6. I don't know but he sounds like a real fucker! Skydiving is for cool people only
  7. I was just wondering. His typing is so bad that I feel he must. Skydiving is for cool people only
  8. Two votes for this. Skydiving is for cool people only
  9. But being fucked up at work is kind of fun. Skydiving is for cool people only
  10. If he's already broken up with her and had all the discussions that go along with it, he owes it to both of them not to give her anymore face time. It will just make her think there is hope, and be painful for both of them. Give her stuff to a mutual friend. Put a nice note with it, about how you'll cherish having been a part of her life, and that you're sorry for causing her pain. She'll probably rip it up and hate you but there's nothing you can do. Skydiving is for cool people only
  11. Cutaway! And Showgirls. I love/hate that movie. Skydiving is for cool people only
  12. No way, if I touch that ass of yours I'll never want to leave. I'm going to miss you. But this is something that'll be good for me. Skydiving is for cool people only
  13. I just accepted a job offer from my former workplace in Dallas. More money, better hours, better work environment, more respected product. So long, South Texas. I'm going to miss San Antonio a lot. Other big news: Now that I've gotten this job offer, I'm committing to a four-way team this season. I'll see you at Nationals! Maybe I'll even kick your ass there!
  14. Birdies are so happy I'm back. "RAWK WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU FOR THREE WEEKS MOMMY????" I don't know if I can "push the injury." Doctors said I can't really damage the fractures any further, so I think I'm only limited by pain. I don't want to be a pussy, but I don't want to go to work and be miserable. My doctor (aka "Dad") just e-mailed me and said to stay home if I want. Professional medical advice! Skydiving is for cool people only
  15. They are fuckers. Doc didn't put me on half days officially. He said to resume activities as my pain level allows. I insisted I was ready to go back to work, but now I find that I may have been really unrealistic. Skydiving is for cool people only
  16. Of course, the fuckers DID schedule me to work xmas eve, xmas day, new year's eve and new year's day. They deserve to struggle through another day without me, those bastards. Skydiving is for cool people only
  17. To be honest, I'd love to stay home today. I think one more day would really put me to the point where I'd be ready to go back. I don't want to set myself back by hurting myself by working too soon. Problem is I've already been off for three weeks and I'm taking two days off next week to go back to Dallas to see the bone doc. I'm starting to feel guilty about how much work I'm missing. Skydiving is for cool people only
  18. Is your pelvis broken?! Skydiving is for cool people only
  19. Should I go to work today? Sunday was my first day back, after three weeks recuperating from a broken pelvis and tailbone, but I was in so much pain that after three hours I had to go home. I took Monday off too. I think part of it was that I traveled from Dallas to San Antonio Saturday afternoon, and the trip took a lot out of me. I think I could make it through work today...but I'm not sure. I don't want to piss the management off, though. And I feel like if I can work, I should. Apparently being able to sit up without much pain on a couch is different than being able to sit for eight hour straight in an office chair. Skydiving is for cool people only
  20. I come here to flesh out the list of people I'd like to smite. Skydiving is for cool people only
  21. It's there. Look under North America, then Canada, then Ontario. Skydiving is for cool people only
  22. D'oh! Looks like I picked a bad day for my return to work. I thought Sunday would be a light day. Anyway, shocking and great news. Skydiving is for cool people only
  23. I wish I had some wine. I don't think I'm allowed to mix alkyhol with the painkillers. Skydiving is for cool people only
  24. Jessica

    Adkins Diet

    Holy crap Deuce is such a hottie. I tried Atkins and three days into it my head hurt so bad I thought I was going to die and my entire body felt like crap. I then tried cutting out the high-calorie crap and alcohol and lost 10 lbs in a few weeks. Skydiving is for cool people only
  25. Hee hee hee! I can't sleep and you made me laugh! Go smoke, you earned it. Joe will never know. Skydiving is for cool people only