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Everything posted by Mikki_ZH

  1. 30. Climb down from an object in perfect conditions just because you don't feel jumping it... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  2. Picture of Mexican (one Swiss/Mexican) 4way gainer exit in Kjerag. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  3. OK, now I'm scared... In case you did not notice, my post was ment to be ironic. My luck you don't have the money. It would suck a little bit if you would die and having jumpers tell me that it was me who suggested you to do this kind of aproach in BASE Jumping... So again: My above post was ment to be ironic and sarcastic... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  4. OK, the thing I can suggest is book a fly to Twin Falls and ask for Miles or Shane. Explain to them how important it is for you to feel the adrenalin, give them some money, drink a few cans of Red Bull, put on a rig, step on the rail of the beautiful bridge they have in that town and jump. I promis, it's very easy. Even a bag of dog food can do it. Enjoy!! Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  5. Mikki_ZH

    Eiger conditions

    In the swiss news right now: A big part of the nose of the eiger (about 1/3 of 2'000'000m3) just came down... This weights around 500'000 to 700'000 tons of kilograms... And they expect the rest of the 2'000'000m3 to come down soon... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  6. This is only a guess: I think on a terminal jump the vents have a very low impact on the opening. I think on a terminal jump the canopy inflates manly through the nose. The geometry and the line setting of the ACE and the BJ are identical. I had some hard openings on subterminal (7 to 11 s) jumps with my ACE, but I think this is manly do to bad packing. I never had a hard (in the BASE way...) opening with my same size BJ, but I have less jumps on it and maybe my packing has improved a bit... But in general I think on terminal jumps both canopies will open the same. I would not buy a unvented canopy anymore. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  7. Mikki_ZH

    Eiger conditions

    Who knows, maybe nature helps us and turns the Eiger northwall into a giagantic BASE Jump that let Kjerag apear like some slider down jumps...
  8. Mikki_ZH

    Open minded???

    And it's not called a chute (exept you have a pre 300ish BASE Number and are truly oldschool... :-)), it's a canopy... Edited to remove the arrogant part of my post but I left the chute part so hokitt's following post still does make sence... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  9. Dude, you have to change your sign line, number 100 is not walking anymore... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  10. I can only guess but in Kjerag and Lauterbrunnen I have seen a lot of Trolls from European jumpers... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  11. The US BASE community. I'm sure if Bridge Day would be in Europe, it would look a little different. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  12. Here another opinion to this subject in the australian forum: http://www.basejump.org/ See the tread: Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  13. Very nice Martin, you almost have 30% of the market share. What I don't get is why more people buy ACE then Black Jacks... I started with an Ace and now I jump both. Facit, with my BJ I get softer openings on subterminal and terminal slider up jumps than with my Ace and I get faster openings with my BJ for slider down jumps. And I pack both canopies the same way. But sorry, this was a short hijack... Edit to add: When I say I pack both canopies the same way I mean that I leave the nose the same way. But of course I change the brake settings... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  14. Here you go: http://www.lysebotn-touristcamp.com/defaulte.htm Watch out for Nayette, she can be mean... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  15. What is missing here is a Ray Losli comment... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  16. Mikki_ZH

    Heli Boogie 2006

    No problem... You are one of the few who has a naked jump with an 180 from the nice yellow cliff in the valley... Was fun jumping with all of you in Switzerland an in Norway! Hope to see you next year again Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  17. I go handheld (for delays up to 2s) exept for S's, there I also go stowed from 0 to 2s. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  18. If you do a search for "stowed" you will find a lot of information. But the last big discussion was in this thread http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=2017005;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; after a cliffstrike of someone going stowed with a 48" pc on a 2s jump. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  19. whatever... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  20. What's up Jaap? Why did you close basewiki??? http://www.basewiki.com/ Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  21. From a Swiss Newspaper: A 35 year old jumper survives landing in 63'000 Voltage lines in France (vamous BASE Spot). He had burnings of 2nd and 3rd degree. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  22. Mikki_ZH

    huge porject

    from my pm: Gender: male Age: 34 Location: Switzerland Family Status (married, single, children, etc): married since 5 years, no children Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? yes How did you first get started in BASE jumping? A friend teached me 3 days long theorie and then took me to my first jump of a bridge Did you attend a jump school? yes, after I had around 20 jumps of the bridge I was invited to a week long free jump course and skill camp in Twin Falls by Tom Aiello. How long have you been jumping? 2 years Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? No How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? I have 2 Rigs and Protection. This costs me around 7000.-- USD. Then comes the money for the tripps. What do you think of when you see others jump? I hope that everything goes well... What do you think before you jump? I'm scared until I deside to jump, thats usualy 10 seconds before I go. From then on I'm 100% concentrated in the jump. I focus manly on exit position. What do you think while falling? I enjoy the jump, focus on body position and tracking. What do you think once you land? I'm always very happy. Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? yes, scraches and once a wall strike. I was able to get hold of a small tree in the wall but a helicopter had to pick me out of the wall. Do you illegally jump? yes, but illegal jumping in Switzerland is only trespassing. Jumping for itself is not illeagal in Switzerland Why do you BASE jump? Because it gives me a lot of satisfaction. It's a very rewarding sport. And I like everthing that has to do with it: Rigging, preparing for a jump, scouting a new jump, the fear of the jump, the extreeme joy doring the jump, and the feeling after the jump, the friendship of the jumpers and so on.. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  23. When you write lol, do you actualy sit in front of your PC/Laptop and laugh out loud? Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  24. Why do americans always buy automatic gear cars??? You will miss all the fun shifting around while driving... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  25. I have seen 3 ways, aprox. 10s, two had the impact pants (without the funny looking leg wing...) and one the phoenix-fly tracking pants. All three where good trackers but the phoenix-fly guy gained much faster forward speed and tracked further from the wall. Maybee these pants are very good for "nowegian style tracking" where you track realy fast and have some altitude to beginn your track. But I think for subterminal tracking the phoenix-fly pants are better. But this is only a guess, I have no jump with the impact pants. A good thing in my opinion is that there is space to put in protection. My 2 Rappen Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch