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Everything posted by Mikki_ZH

  1. I guess a lot of the time they think: First thought "I can clear this, I can kick it out..." Second thought "OK, this won't clear, I'm going to chop, this way I have a fighting chance..." Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  2. Old thread with new actuality... I for myself did not change my point of view, if I knew I was going to die either in Skydiving or BASE I would not do another jump. But I know that I have good chances in surfiving, that is why I don't stop... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  3. Mikki_ZH

    Fatality in Norway

    clicky: http://www.martin.nu/new/album.php?id=69 Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  4. Count me in, i'll be there as well!!! :-) Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  5. Maybe this is a repost... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/28/AR2006052800766.html Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  6. This tower was 499 feet high. You can jump inside a tower (I don't know if this goes for this one) but if you can jump inside the tower you will have no turbulance. And if you have to jump outside it is still not a big deal for turbulance. Urban jumping is much more critical then that kind of jump. But like narcimund says, if there is nuclear stuff around a serious hazzard would be to get shot for trespasing...
  7. did you got to play with it befor the took it down? Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  8. The object is a famous climber wall in Switzerland. I sent you a pm with the details... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  9. Me too, if I'm going to die in this sport I don't want to have to look down from heaven and think, fuck, why did I not check if my rig was packed slider up or slider down..., that would be just a waste or resources... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  10. did you here Jasons interview on skydiving radio? there are people who jump dasy chained rigs without knowing it... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  11. I just saw a short documentation on a german TV station (Pro 7, taff). They said it was his fifth jump from the ET and that the people of the Skydiving Sub Culture call him the king of the ET... I don't understand this, even the most stupid, retarded asshole should know by now that media and BASE don't fit... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  12. So you are the Swiss guy I talked with ;) Remember the french/swiss? :) Jul. Who lives in Finnland... Sure! When are you in Switzerland? Saludos, Michi Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  13. I did a static line, slider up jump multiway of the at Tom A's dropzone. One jumper of the same multiway did a 1s delay hand held and my canopy was fully inflated below him. Maybe Tom A still has the vid of that jump, it was the graduation jump of the Death Camp Class 2005... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  14. The most recent attempt dates back to exactly one year ago. Are they sure about this...
  15. Welcome to the dark side... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  16. ... that correct for the first 6 month of your marrige, then your back to jerking off between the one-night-stands again... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  17. this is not a good year!!! symphaties to family and friends. BSBD Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  18. Find more info here: http://www.epco.aero/benne/index_gb.htm The Boogie was supposed to be during the first August Week. Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  19. Try these: http://www.kayland.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=33&category_id=cf0a83034cbe48bc6e0e65ad524824d6&option=com_phpshop&Itemid=1 They are lighter and cheaper then the Hanwags and are also shock absorbing and with ankle support... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  20. Nazi... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  21. Nice job, big big respect!!! Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  22. Since the last person to jump this site has made around 600 posts on this forum, I'm going to have to say that you're wrong about that. That person is my hero (and that cracy paraplegic who just got his E!!!). I don't know who he is or when he has jumped the ESB but I'm sure he gets a smile on his face until the day he dies when he thinks of this jump. It was probably more easy for him because he did not have to jump in bright daylight for the cameras, he probably just jumped for himself and not for the cameras. But at least he got to jump it. I respect Jeb for having the balls to try it. I respect Jeb for getting to the exit point, it's sure not a peace of cake to get there but I think almost everything else is just stupidity. To try to jump it during rush hour when the visitors deck is full of people. In my humble opinion it represents 1000 times more BASE jumping to jump such a building in night, only your friends now of it, getting away with it (or at least getting to jump it) then buying a fat man costume, getting a profesional face mask done, hiding cameras all over to document this great stunt and not getting to jump. But that's just me and what do I know... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  23. OK, sorry, I trade obectburning with glory hunting then... Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch
  24. I know that Jeb is everybodys darling but this is dayblazing, objectburning, BASE jumping image upfucking of the worst kind... But according to some posts http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2189286;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread of NY Jumpers this kind of behaviour is “cool” in the big apple… Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch