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Everything posted by jakee

  1. Thats not so much church in politics as church in science, same as all the cloning and GM debates and such like. Either way I'd be much happier if they stuck to christenings, weddings and the last rites and didn't try to impose their moral code on scientific progress and by extension, me. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. Yep, the doctors only take them out when you don't need them any more. I've never really understood why people wouldn't want their organs used, there are usually huge waiting lists. I read somewhere recently that Spain has an opt out rather than opt in organ donation scheme, sounds like a good idea. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. WARNING: When heated product will be hot! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. The given territory was a reference to an earlier post, going back pre ww2. I am aware of the fight for independance (now which country was the first to recognize the irsraeli state?) and funnily enough it doesn't give Israel many extra points in my book. As for current affairs you can't deny that Sharon is a very right wing leader and certainly not shy with military force. Surely his actions can only have strengthened Hamas' supporters? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. Thats static pressure only and not dynamic right? Edit: Of course it's not dynamic it's inside a bloody helmet. I should think these things through first. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. OK thanks, I get it now. I'd kinda assumed that double mals and canopy collisions were already included in what you posted. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. So 40% die without a viable canopy and 20% with a viable canopy. How do the other 40% die? I might be being a bit thick here but I can't see where the rest of those fatalities come from. Could you post the source of those stats? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  8. A state given to them by an occupying force (Britain), (which had already made numerous promises to the arabs in exchange for WW1 service) and then recognised by a dubious authority (the UN) after pressure from a biased nation (the US). I'm afraid I still don't see why the Palestinians should think that fair. OK, now you're talking about the Palestinians right? No? Israel is far stronger than the palestinian territories and more than capable of fighting off surounding Islamic nations. They have long since moved passed fighting for survival, and with Sharon in power have been at least as aggresive as various terrorist organisations. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. Mate, if I am ever sat next to someone on a plane who needs to lift up the armrest in order to fit in then I guarantee you that flight will not lift off until I either have a new seat or security has carried me away. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. Just looking at the more political type points there By having a different point of view than the Republicans? Ummm, because he's old? Maybe in 30 years another democratic candidate will point to his Iraq experience. Besides, you could say that the difference between Vietnam and Iraq is that Bush at least showed his face in the second one Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. And of course, just saying that to an airport security guy will get you thrown in jail... Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. The thing that bothers me is that retina scans are not accurate enough to guarantee that a pool of 1,000 scans will not produce any false matches, let alone a pool of 65,000,000. Also, fingerprinting has never been proven to be a 100% accurate method of identification. Some recent preliminary studies even suggest that one persons fingerprint may change enough in 5 / 10 years as to be unrecognisable. If these cards are introduced will we have to pay for upgrades every 5 years or so? Of course what also bothers me a lot is the suggestion that once ID cards are introduced it may become compulsory to carry them at all times. OK it has been said that this also would be subject to a further commons vote but will that hold true? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. His wife must have left him for an Imam. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. Thanks dude. I would have said the exact same thing, and now you've saved me from all that typing. Excellent Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. Really? Thats how the greatest democracy in the world works? I thought the electorate was bound to go along with the majority vote, oh well. Sounds like its not so much a vote as a sort of opinion poll, is that about right? While we're on the subject who exactly are the delegates who cast the votes that count? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. If NASA is serious about its mars timetable then long term space exposure is surely a field in which they need to pull their thumbs out of their arses. Not only reduced gravity but also radiation exposure. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. Damn straight, no Hamas member is safe, we will target every and all supporters of HAMAS. Hey wait.... Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. "I like to look at the hardware, sometimes it's shiny." As long as I can see my face in it Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. You may have found the magical mystery cure. Being active. Doing more excersize than it takes to walk from the car park to the office. Does more than any diet ever will. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. I'm only replying to you because you had the easiest quote but.. The thing you all may have missed in this definitions/semantics bitch slapping session is that what websters dictionary say's has sweet fuck all to do with the results and consequences of this assassination/murder/military strike (take your pick). Do you think the Palestinians give a shit what the Israeli's decide to call it? Do you think the Israeli's would have thought 'hang about, people might call this illegal murder, should we rethink our plan?' Talk about missing the issue, when you give people gear checks do you look at the embroidery and ignore the pins? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. Sure, its a good idea for everyone who's finished high school already, those who haven't might have a different view. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. jakee

    Mr. Bungle

    there isn't anyone in that band called Zippy or George is there? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. True to the book! They compressed the entire political ethos into a couple of eagle emblems hanging on the wall and turned it into a big shootem up. Which wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't taken all the decent weapons away and replaced them with big machine guns. What was that about? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. One movie I would have loved to see would have been Hitch Hikers Guide (just starting production). Sadly Douglas Adams died half way through writing the screenplay and they've already had two hollywood script doctors finishing it off. It'll be ruined, RUINED!! Do you want to have an ideagasm?