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Everything posted by jakee

  1. Religion cannot be removed from this subject when so many peoples views have been shaped by religious doctrine. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. Poodles actually are hunting dogs. One of the most keenly developed senses of smell of any breed. Stupid little pouffed up toy poodles really have ruined their image. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. Hmm, the government has no business telling people what marriage is. Well the who the hell is going to make that constitutional amendment you wanted? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. From the article, Can anyone see the sense in this statement? I can't see how an order that directs troops to commit illegal acts could itself be legal. If they had been following a legal order then they wouldn't have done anything wrong, if they were following an illegal order then they've got no defense. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. But was it unofficial policy to open fire on civilians? Had this kind of thing happened before and what had the superiors done in that case? Or was this a case of a lone soldier within an otherwise civilised army? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. We do have some national parks but they are not really the same as US national parks, people still live and farm on them etc. What we do have are footpaths, bridleways and greenlanes, on which any member of the public can walk, ride, drive or all three. It's an incredibly widespread network which pretty much allows you to walk point to point any where in the countryside. Most farmers don't mind too much as long as you don't trample the crops or leave the gates open. But like I said farmers usually allow the hunt on their land anyway so it's not really relevant. Anyway the main objection most anti hunt campaigners have is the way the fox is killed when the hounds catch it. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. Basically the main defense of the hunt in England (besides tradition) is that the fox is a pest and the numbers should be kept down, therefore pretty much every farmer in the country permits the hunt to operate on their land. The riders themselves wont intentionally tresspass bu like I said, with a pack of hounds running free then occasionally they are going to end up on the wrong side of the fence. Sometimes that fence leads to someones garden, doesn't happen very often but it can cause a lot of damage when it does. Never underestimate the British obsession with gardening Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  8. Why yes, that is simple, how silly of me to have overlooked it. But wait! What if I grew up in India? China? The middle East? Japan? How would I know what to believe? All those differently dressed people offering me salvation would surely muddle my brain! Its also quite amusing that the birthplace of christianity completely fails to be surrounded by christian states. Edit: Think I got a bit sidetracked there Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. I can't even come up with a response to that. The idea that an omnisient god would see the world in such a ludicrously over simplified, and frankly incredibly egotistical way just boggles my mind even more than the idea of god full stop. I can't come up with a reasoned argument against that right now besides screaming THATS SO F***ING UNFAIR!!!! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. Well in that case is 'The feeling mutual Jesus'? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. You think mh is on the same level as al queda? Wow, thats really harsh. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. Well duh! Seriously though, if a newspaper writes an article claiming that abuse is going on people who don't want to believe it wont believe it. Show a photo of the abuse and then it's much more difficult to claim it's false. Besides, I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that should read 'They shouldn't have done it'. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. Maybe if you don't like someones cooking then yes, but when you're talking about political affairs of this magnitude don't you have a duty to speak up when you dont agree with whats happening? Sure 'any fool can criticize' but then 'any sheep can agree'. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. And if I ever get to jump a herc I suspect that I will be smitten by it as well. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. woah, I'm not attacking you, I'm also pro choice, I was just making sure I knew where you were coming from on this. Just seemed a bit odd that you were against designer babies to treat existing kids then saying it's all up to the woman, but like you said opinions are likely to change with first hand experience. Edit: Can't say I've ever been to a rally either. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. In this case the law would also require that the offending dog be put down so that it doesnt maul anyone else. If you can't control your dog it gets taken away, if you can't control your pack of dogs well hey, you can just pay up and go and do it all over again. To be honest though the property debate isn't really a big factor in arguments for or against hunting, it's mostly moral objections that are cited by the anti hunting league. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. Ok I can see the way that you're looking at this situation now. The difference as I see it is that the pharisee and the son are both working for approval, instead of just because they want to help (if you don't believe in god how can you seek his approval?) As you say the perfect person described in the question does not exist, so we're talking shades of grey here but surely some shades are so close to white as makes no difference? If the commandments do relate even to where your thoughts wander in unguarded moments then I don't really see how whether or not you've broken any can be seen as an indication of how 'good' your life has been. Catch 10, the ultimate catch. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. Not so much talking about country estates here. Most farmers and landowners happily let the hunt ride across their land, foxes are pests right? The point was that if the fox happens to run into your garden (yard if you like) its pretty difficult to stop a large pack of hounds from running in after it and digging up all your plants. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. One thing the article may not have told you is that this act has already been passed twice by the house of commons (elected) and blocked twice by the house of lords (nonelected rich gits and political cronies). Pass it one more time in the house of commons and the lords can't stop it. Anyone in England not living in a cave protesting against a new bypass should be fairly familiar with this already. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. She was too large and the trousers were too tight. I'm now off to have that memory treatment I saw in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. I have absolutely no problem with harvesting stem cells from an embryo, any sperm and egg have the potential to be a human, because a sperm and egg come together then replicate a few times doesn't mean they are now human, just that their a bit closer. Crude way of putting it I know but I hope it showed my view. As for creating designer children for the purpose of curing original offspring, that gets complicated. At the moment I think people who are pushing for this are fully aware of the consequences of their decisions and the responsibilities they will then have. However if these techniques become widely available can it be guaranteed that all parents will fully appreciate the weight and importance of the decision to have a new designer kid? oh and, That would make you completely pro choice then right? Finally Most of the time when people talk about inhuman acts it seems to me that they refer to what I as a cynical bastard would consider to be raw human nature. Not at all related to the subject, just a vague thought. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. I bellyfeel that. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. I'm sorry but it does look to me like you're deliberately misinterpreting the question that was put to you. That example you've given deals with the sort of person who puts on the appearance of respectability and charity, never steps out of line but works inside the law to make himself rich. The question you were posed deals with a truely selfless person, someone who does good deeds for others just because they want to help, yet happens not to believe in god. There's a huge difference there. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. I don't want any barbed wire round my back garden, It looks shit and gets in the way of trimming the hedge. They're not allowed to, however when the pack of hounds is running ahead of the horses its kinda hard to keep them out. Something tells me your really not very familiar either with fox hunting or this act. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  25. This is no laughing matter dude. The image of cellulite straining to escape lives with me to this day. Do you want to have an ideagasm?