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Everything posted by chronistin

  1. ... star wars filming location in tunesia.
  2. I just got back from 4 days of jumping, and I need to say: There's nothing better than skydiving. Nothing. I love it. Thanks for listening! Andrea || Chronistin.
  3. chronistin


    I love that! Who is this Dr. Rob Gilbert???
  4. Nobody? Nothing? (Just trying to get the thread back on the first page, i'm really interested, so if you know anything, pls reply!)
  5. What I did was a combined Static Line / AFF course, i.e. 3 Static Line jumps & the whole AFF programm after that. The reason why they recommended it was that you don't have to learn 2 things at once, because you know a little about steering & landing a canopy before you progress to freefall.
  6. The strangest thing happened to me at my second static line jump: I jumped, but continued to watch myself from the plane. I could actually see my bad arch, my frightened face and everything. It was only when I felt the chute opening that my visuals rejoined my body. Never experienced anything like that before (or after). that was kind of frightening.
  7. Yeah, that's how I understand the "shouldn't keep you from learning from your mistakes".
  8. More cool Stuff at
  9. ähem... what happened that i had a reserve at my 35th jump? well...short story: it was my first jump with handdeploy, and i couldn't find it long story (german) here: btw, sunnerl, have we met?
  10. Well, after my first reserve, they told me: "As long as you're standing on two healthy legs, you did everything right. Which shouldn't keep you from learning from your mistakes."
  11. chronistin

    Rhetorical ?

    Me too! can't concentrate! wanna jump!
  12. Does anyone have info on the subject? when? where exactly? disciplines? any links? thx Andrea || Chronistin
  13. Have a lot of fun! I've got to wait till next thursday... :-(
  14. are you saying that nudity is politically incorrect?
  15. I know a whuffo who does understand. Strangely enough, his fear of flying is so big that he would never board a plane, not even if you offer him a lot of money (i did). Still, after 4 months of my being obsessed with skydiving, he's the only one who still likes to listen to my stories & even asks for more. He always tells me: That is so great, I wish I had the guts to try it. That's my best friend.
  16. Don't know about photos, but I really loved this story: I'm collecting good skydiving stories for my linklist (german & english) found at, so if you know more stories on the web, please let me know! Greetings Andrea || Chronistin
  17. I met a girl who had the same problems, she said it happens always when she has undergone a climate change, i.e. going far south or after a heavy change of weather. she couldn't/wouldn't jump for 3 or 4 days, but after that, it was alright again.
  18. No, I didn't - it was fun, by the way. It was during the Pink Boogie in Tozeur (Tunesia) last february. I did my course there. Great landscape, and a whole airport just for the jumpers... well, almost.
  19. Great images. And you look happy! Bet you were. And this is good topic. Let's see Who else has got something to show these are from my 17th jump, after AFF and the first solo-jumps, when I realized I needed some fotos for an article I had to write... Chronistin || Andrea Edited by chronistin on 5/6/01 02:24 PM.
  20. Me too, me too! Edited by chronistin on 5/2/01 07:52 AM.
  21. I did my first Jumps from this Baby... from the inside, mind you, not from the wings *gg* She's great! While I had my course in tunesia in february, the pros did some fun stuff again... I did some jumps from different cessnas inbetween, doesn't compare. Visited her (and the great team around her ( last weekend in Klatovy. 9 Jumps, enough for my License!!! My first (foolish) reserve. Quite an experience. Anyway, if you're interested in jumping this plane, check out the schedule at Greetings Chronistin||Andrea
  22. Well it's not really my DZ - just the place where the best jump plane of middle europe is located most of the year, and where some of the nicest people I met are jumping... but anyway, the idea is great... let's see your "homes away from home"! Oh, and btw, if you like some html around your pictures, the page it belongs to is
  23. ... and I found some friends to take me... and the weather should hold... Up, up and away first thing tomorrow morning!!! The place where I'm going has a webcam (here: makes these last hours in the office much harder anyway, if i could send blue skies to those of you who are still grounded due to the rain, i would... but as I can't ... I'll just jump
  24. Weekend's approaching... sun is shining... and with a little luck I'll finally be back in the air tomorrow !!! (little luck meaning that I have to find a car to take me to the DZ, but, oh well, that can't be a problem now the rain has stopped) I'm usually an angry bitch in the mornings, but seeing the weather outside brought on my first pre-coffee smile since I don't know when hope you'r happy too! Andrea || Chronistin
  25. This is terrible. One thing I just can't understand is how a person can end up trying to hurt someone they once said they love. I've seen it happen so many times, just can't understand it... Hope you find an understanding judge! Andrea || Chronistin