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Everything posted by littlestranger

  1. swinging on the vines that hung over the 20ft deep ravine behind our neighborhood was fun until my best friends big brother cut them down, bastard.
  2. You know why medicare pays for viagra for 80 year old men? Because the AARP is organized and that organization makes them powerful. Want BASE to be legal? Get fucking organized. I've read this entire thread and not once were the efforts of the ABP mentioned. What pisses me off about NPS policy is that it's blatantly discriminatory and arbitrary as hell, our parks are a public good, and it's the governments job to make sure that every American has equal access to them. Sure, there are alot of BASE jumpers that worry that legal sites will force them to compromise on the illegal ones, but put it in the prospect of legally jumping el Capitan gonna keep you from jumping that sweet antenna in your hometown, hell no. Let's get organized people...I wanna jump that bitch.
  3. major's gotta major deal. you know if you submit a video with dancin hos you'll be sure to win, (i think one of the judges may be biased, haha)
  4. These odds would be pretty easy to live with, but I'd be fooling myself if I believed I could apply them to myself in reference to BASE. The 50/50 odds of injury or death, though ostensibly extreme, seem more realistic.
  5. i'd pay a dollar to feed chucky to a snake.
  6. this is what i ended up getting, it ROCKS! came with everything i needed to set up satelite radio anywhere. it's wireless so i can run it through any fm radio including the car. only problem i've run into is that i had to read the instructions to make it work...
  7. i don't like dogs. wish i could expound on the sentiment as thoroughly as you have about children, but i'm just not that eloquent.
  8. Casie! how the hell are ya? where the hell are ya? Douva, the removal of the facial hair makes your eyes look HUGE. it's all about the eyes, gotta go for that sexy innocence. i definitely voted after.
  9. vicodin/hydrocodone rocks! but bear in mind that it is contains acetominophen, usually about 325mg per tab. over 5000mg a day can kill your liver. (it's easier to exceed this limit than you think, been there) it's a lousy pain killer, but an excellent mood enhancer. so save the pills for recreational use and take tylenol for the pain. haha
  10. i LOVE candy cigarettes...know where i can get some?
  11. thinkin about getting this, question - if i get the portable version with the adapter to install in the car, how is it gonna sound? remember years ago when you could get this cheesy cassette tape thing to play your cd player through, it was aweful...don't wanna go there again, and that's exactly what it looks like on the xm website. appreciate the info
  12. broke tib/fib january 25 2004. plate, 8 pins, 2 screws. started jumping 4 months later. doc says he could remove the hardware, but i wouldn't be able to jump for 3 months (apparently the holes have to fill in with bone). guess i'm keeping it. no problems but i can tell you when the weather is changing 48 hours in advance.
  13. They actually do this. Women donate breastmilk all the time for seriously ill preemies who are not strong enough to breastfeed.
  14. johnrich, you do a fine job copying and pasting nestle marketing propaganda. have you checked out the websites that i posted?
  15. I cried once. However, this methodology only works with instructors of the opposite sex.
  16. Yes, it's very nice that they are providing free 'Samples' of their product to these mothers. But trust me, they fully expect them to PURCHASE the product in the future. No, the question should be "what are you doing for these mothers and children?" Personally, I'm not doing anything, boycott didn't work...but education might. Here are links from the other side of the debate, they in no way represent my current philosophy in life, which is basically I could give a damn, but in order to educate yourself you need both sides of the story.
  17. This has been going on for years. See my post above. What I'm referring to is what we were up in arms about 25 years ago.
  18. I found this one very educational.
  19. The problem is not the formula itself but the fact that mothers in third world countries, who really can't afford to buy the formula, are watering down the samples given to them by nestle to the point where their children are becoming malnourished. The end result is a sick baby and a mother who can no longer breastfeed her child because her milk has dried up. Same ol shit, just a different day.
  20. Nestle was doing this 25 years ago and we were boycotting them then. lotta good it did. haha
  21. yeah, what he said. who is ella? and why does she need coaching?