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Everything posted by yourmomma

  1. "anyone with an open mind and a reasonable understanding of physics should understand that." Well there you go. Your posts have elegantly displayed the fact you have neither a open mind nor a reasonable understanding of physics.
  3. You are exactly right. The fix: you may smoke pot out of work; however you check a box for disalowing a piss test and going right to a blood test with the added cost paid by the testee. That way intoxication at time of test accuracy is kept while passing the buck to the one who demands it,the testee.
  4. "He has every idea about what he's talking about. He just has no idea what you're talking about." "Yes, I know. That is a shame " People who refuse to participate in the delusions of others deserve accolades not shame.
  5. Special the building law killian shoe Stanley service. Pigment welcome smoking o'luck oldest during toast close pure. Dublin dry turkey olives ascorbic mojo. Feather banana ugly god. "its not becasue(sic) I am using the wrong definitions, but because many refuse to understand the way they are being used"
  6. Thou he was a true patriot, trying to protect us from the socialist in the IRS.Dude apparently didn't have enough: Muslims, Jews, Thermate/mite/mation, mysteriously reinforced areas, holographic missiles, CIA officers, connections to a country other than the one where the attackers hailed and the mission carried. brave passengers and inaction by the government to get the job done properly. This country really is going to hell.
  7. "All my life I have seen a constant wearing away of our Christian heritage" The fact is no you have not. The truth is church attendance is greater than at any point in our history. What is truly sad is even given all the facts, you refuse to accept a very basic truth. The most pious of our founding fathers where the ones who demanded the separation which has gradually been eroded. Due to a BELIFE in non facts and half truths.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahha. It seems to be totally lost on you that calling someone a smug, know it all punk. Is really the realm of a punk know it all suffering from a delusion mixture of smugness and hubris. A trait normally associated with children and the insane.
  9. "What did I fail to comprehend?" I don't know there is sufficient bandwidth to cover it but we will start with; "I think those who criticized Bush but fail to criticize Obama lack intellectual honesty. And those who would defend Bush and criticize Obama have the same problem. Obama is human. He makes mistakes, too. So do all of us." And thanks to another poster, I checked and am not violating copyright or fair use laws.
  10. I wasn't commenting on the law. When a liberal makes a post, using the tactic of posting a portion of a story to make a point;knowing they are being intellectual dishonest by not making all the facts known, you rightfully call bullshit. That is all I was doing. I believe you already know that and simply dislike being cut with you own sword.
  11. Tru dat, Lawrocket will probably cut you a break for a lack of reading comprehension. I think this goes to more of 1)Hubris 2)Parrotting (total Parrotting) of blind hatred to differing opinions inspired by pundits trying to make a dime.
  12. "The OP can't quote the entire story, as that would be a violation of copyright law." That's taking bullshitting to whole new level. "And just because the job advertiser was proven correct in the end, doesn't mean that she didn't have to deal with some stupid nonsense to start with." Hey it was on a tabloid website; IT MUST BE TRUE! Fucking glorious You should stick to feeling persecuted due to our socialist government trying to take away your SAM's
  13. Stupid liberal, everyone knows you bow to show respect. When you are beholden to another, you hold hands.
  14. But, history shows that not all of the events were not planned Two "not's" don't make a right; three lefts do!
  15. Are you talking about the same government conspiracy that Rhys is always on about?
  16. "Most of the tools they have developed were because of regulation not inspite of it. " WTF are you talking about. Credit default's and exotic derivative were created precisely because there were no regulations to enforce malfeasance . Later you admonish kallend because they had done nothing illegal. Which seems to say you accept there was no regulation in place to force culpability.
  17. Dude if your gonna get freaked out about science you don't understand, you should start with the large hadron collider. Those scientists have there eye on creating a black hole, AND are generating energies which far exceed the relatively paltry ERP of 3,981 MW (96dBW) generated by haarp.
  18. Its pretty unbelieveable that the military sends un-encryptied anything, anywhere.
  19. "and follow books like the Bible and the Koran that say pretty emphatically that you shouldn't go around killing people - and they go around killing people" Thats why the bible is so kick ass. The very first thing your not suppose to do is justified, condoned even glorified later on. I've always read "thou shalt not kill" as a pretty emphatic condemnation on killing any of god's creatures. I'm sure someone here will be able to quote the bits which make taking gods word at face value seem ridiculous. But if your gonna throw all your eggs in a basket what's the point of leaving one out because its inconvenient to get in.
  20. Yes, several million kilometers, a (tiny) fraction of the earth. At those temps petrol engines fall prey to the moisture in the fluid systems that make up fuel and cooling. Again global worming has never, nor will it ever imply that winter does not exist.
  21. Sorry, ill say it slow so you get all of it. Global Warming Does Not Mean The End Of Winter. Infact Increased Temperatures On One Bit Of Earth Can Lead To Decreased Temperatures In Localized(meaning millions of square kilometers) Areas While Still Not Having A Effect On Average Global Temps.
  22. I am on a crackberry so access to his research papers is limited by my ability/desire to access it via this interface. That being said, if his data is as good as anyone else's I will give it considerable weight. If it is a self-referential (as I am assuming, but may be very wrong) REASERCH PAPER than I will never bother you again in regards to global warming. I will let others bang their heads against the wall of your(and his) opinion.
  23. Blogging does not equal science. When he posts the quantitative measurements that have led him to argue that galciation is indeed increasing in these places, he will then have taken a first step towards science. Until then here's a list of shades of red; Blue, green, yellow, black, white.
  24. Whoa, dude, blog does not equal science. And un-cited data is totally useless. Before you have some witty comeback about attacking the person line of bullshit, lemme splain something to you. When YOU present scientific data it is not MY responsibility to figure out from where the data originated, that is the responsibility of the citer. There is a very specific reason why this is done and is an accepted standard anywhere science is being done.