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Everything posted by yourmomma

  1. When a group openly states their intentions it is not a conspiracy.
  2. The fact that urapeein's stole an entire continent is not the discussion. The fact that mexicans are actively trying to steal it back is. Edit- Sorry ignored the tough shit bit. As an aside I didn't figure you as an eye for a eye type of guy. I know you understand the concept of ones misdeeds not being a excuse for the misdeeds of others. So when calling tough shit I reckon that's the lawyer talking not the objective thinker. PPS. I am all for allowing mexicans in giving them SS#'s and collecting the taxes. if they want to vote they will have to become citizens. At which point they can vote themselves out of the union. And to that end I say have at it.
  3. Make no mistake, there is a concerted effort underway to annex parts of this country to mexico via attrition. The proof is in the lack of assimilation by mexican immigrants both legal and illegal. When large numbers of europeans and Asians began entering this country they would stick together and create communities within areas(little italy's, chinatowns,etc) to help one another assimilate and create a new life. Indeed you would find extreme loyalty to america in these areas coupled with a pride of the individuals heritage. This couldn't be further from the truth with a majority of Mexicans. Indeed the opposite is true. The demand for a bilingual country is just the first example. The indignation expressed when attempts are made to enforce the laws of our land is another and even more potent example of the true intent of these people. Our government has been complicit in this to be sure, that doesn't however change the intent.
  4. If you provide an explanation of exactly what consciousness is , people of science will line up to prove you wrong. If you say its god and scientist having nothing. More people will be reading the bible. That's the only evidence needed.
  5. "You don't need to afford the things you buy you need to afford the interest rates on the money you need to borrow to buy them.So concerned are were weto build a better australia. You helped build a worse America. That was an accident. Sorry my crackberry doesn't like allowing urling or posting at the moment. Yes I've seen the show.
  6. ""pay commensurate to the first world country we live" is supposed to mean." Ha Haha, if the mine in WV would have been full of niggers or kykes or spics or whopes or mics or faggots or liberals their desire to have a fair wage would surely be responsible for the inability of the corporation to sort out the safety issues they were confronted with. You are right , innocent owners were simply being fucked over by the government when standards where applied. Instead the families are going to bankrupt the mine because mining is a" unskilled activity." The closing of the mine, the death of 20 people, are absolutely the result of the regulations which the envriodiots imposed. The signers of our constitution whom where conservative(who only wanted the first born male to vote) continue to be on the wrong side of history. Ratification of the constitution... opposed by conservatives. Ratification of the post office was one of the first bits on record where conservatives screamed we were fucked. When the Marine "CORPES" first hit the shores of tripoly, all of the conservatives were horrified because it would effect the source of their nig... I mean capitalist workers. The interstate road system has done more to drive us into communism than any pinko media egg head plan in generations. Did you know Eisenhower was a fascist, Kennedy was not real it was a test to prove we could make it to the moon, Johnson only had the name cause of his enormous Johnson,Nixon was innocent,Ford made a car, Carter was an idiot, Reagan was the first alztimers patient not to display symptoms in his 80's, Bush the elder believed we would not raise taxes, Clinton's worst crime was lying about infidelity, Bush the younger achieved everything he had because he was not one of the elite....and Obama is the best person to be running our country. Whoa.... I don't think I even know what commensurate means! You are right, history is repleat with altruistic capitalism.
  7. "And what things do you think should just be provided by the government no matter what?" You couldn't be more right. We are guaranteed nothing, but "life, liberty and the pursuit happiness" Let's get ride of monopoly law. As those are. laws incapable of affecting those bits of the constitution. Health standards, those are not specifically addressed, so let's import all the tainted drywall in the world. As well as rid ourselves of all EPA law because one only has to go to china to realize the lack of law prior to regulation had no net effect in our country or its enviorment. All those pesky rules governing banking are obviously a socialist plot as the banks will never collude or fuck themselves. The FAA! Ha you will be fine because the DZO's already insure that the plane you dick around in is perfectly safe. As a matter of fact our safety from foreign intruders is only guaranteed thru the 2nd amendment, I will be first in line to buy a M1 A1 when they come online. And since I like to smoke crack, and shoot H any attempt to stop me is an obvious affront to the constitution due to the fact they make me happy. And lastly my religion requires me to have your first born. Please do not try to restrict my " free exercise thereof."
  8. Being paid what you deserve is not greed. Until the chinese or indians get the technology to hand me my happy meal in Iowa, the american doing the work deserves a pay commensurate to the first world country we live. Just because a person has "limited talent" does not mean his/her importance to the bottom line is diminished. Another words how successful is the bean counter when there is no one of "limited talent" to take my order.
  9. I've got a cruiselite, fingertraped line cascades, tailgate and slidergate, on a handmade rig patterned off a perigee. Its been in the water no more than once I swear. The canopy does have a couple of patches due to a tree landing (which sucks cause its integral risers). Other than that its a tits rig. New velcro in 05! I'm a bit greedy so I won't give it to you but I will let you have it for 3 g's. Packjob included.
  10. "Greed is why people want minimum wage laws. Basically, they want more than their labor is valued. It's also why companies hire the people who are the most valuable i.e. do the most for the least money. If you pass a law requiring labor in the US to be less valuable it will be used less." I reckon were going to have to agree to disagree about what exactly defines greed.
  11. WTF, I would expect that response from a conservative. Minimum wage laws don't inhibit the hiring of americans, greed does. The desire to maximize the bottom line today trumps the long term sensibility in doing so. Greed has destroyed us and will destroy china. This pattern has remained unaltered since it's (or maybe our) inception.
  12. HAHA, you are right and we will see how long it lasts. If you don't think the chinese government is absolutely terrified of its enormous under class, you haven't ever been to china. They continually lower the bar for the middle class as a means of empowering the poor. While allowing the those in power to achieve more. This is why they have citizens who will work for the wage. When $150 a month makes you middle class it isn't capitalism.
  13. 1)Yes 2)Google- sterling bloc economies. 3)All the right to be fired states require other methods. 4)You are absolutly right. The rich in america employ 10's of millions of chinese.
  14. I am surprised that you have taken up the tactics of those with whom you normally argue. Not only is it a stretch to argue the US economy was the dominate economy in 1937, its absolutely disingenuous to suggest that the bubbling resentment of the poor(which was a far greater % of the population than after the war when the middle class was invented) did not result in a minimum wage in the form of unions. Every time the rich get richer while thumbing their nose at the poor, they end up regretting not sharing the minimal bit of pie required to make the masses happy. That shit ain't socialism it's the cost of doing business.
  15. I must not have explained myself. Either you have the strongest economy and pay a minimum wage; or you don't have either. Otherwise its called having your cake and eating. History has taught us when this occurs individuals like Rush Limbagh are taught what class warfare really means.
  16. "it devalues the entire monetary pool" That's a good thing if you intend on creating jobs. A debasing dollar increases the cost of imports, while making our goods cheaper. The dollars strength in the last 20 years has destroyed more jobs than any government policy (min wage,right to be fired states, welfare systems), recession, housing bubble... you name it. A strong dollar creates cheap foreign labor. Simply put a devalued currency in a global market is a job creator. Also, unlike '30s Germany or Banana Republic's the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. In other words our debt is someone else's savings. To prevent taking losses foreign debt holders devalue their currency. Take a serious look around you, sovereign currencies are racing to the bottom in an effort to protect their savings. Additionally,The only country attempting to increase their peg to the dollar is China, China has ambitions of replacing the dollar as the reserve currency to that I say good luck, and good riddance. Nothing would change the minds of Americans and politicians on everything from energy consumption to education and entitlement spending faster then removing the golden goose. There currently is no other AAA rated market $12 Trillion dollars deep to absorb the worlds saving demand, and I welcome an alternative. China is the only nation strong enough to cut their losses and move on. American financial dominance is nearing its end because as a nation, we have become incompetent. Our competition was never the (D) to your left or the (R) to your right. Though both parties possess fat cats, the more conservative you are it seems, the fatter you like your cats.
  17. The greater at the walmart next to my favorite 475" freestander smiles the same way.
  18. I thoight fer ser that u couldn't out sewtpid de bible. But sure as fuck you proved me wrong.
  19. Whoa, you figured me out. I guess I will half to tri listening for the first time. Please refraine from correcting mu spelling as it is far to ahrd to akomplash it on meh own. Member I'm lazy y-el u r undeicydid
  20. Guys Rhys is right. Stupit iz ass stewpid duz. More to the point, skydiving has become a grandma sport. Dis MeY Kre8 cUnTroVeRsIE BUTT(Hee hee he said butt) Y iz my onion bad. Prazeing clunton would make freefaall buildings obvious to those woh understand simply fisics lyke me. BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL. Know wurries I nowe freefall, u'r loved won will be fin. I'm a swoooper,I'm a swoooper, I'm a swoooper! U don't git it seppo.
  21. "I never said fire alone, the was certainly damage, but the main catalyst was fore according to nist, not damage. neither the damage observed nor the fire or the combination of the two would make it possible for the building to collapse like that. Straight down rapid onset with freefall acceleration, through the path of what should have been the greatest resistance. not possible, quite simple to compreend but continuosly considered a conspiracy theory. science gets ignored by the wankers (in denial) that defend the official story as though it was some kind of religon. The evidence is continualy ignored without comment from the authorities and when someone pursues questioning the official stroy they are ridiculed and called unpatriotic. tehy are compared to extreme fringe terrorists for simply showing some reason. You all know your government has corruption, you all know your local authorities have corruption, you all know that where you find money and power you will find corruption, yet you consider these dubious and concealed 'investigations' to be bonafide and complete even though they are blatantly flawed. That is weak! That is meek and apathetic. That is unpatriotic. " Guys Rhys is right. Stupit iz ass stewpid duz. More to the point, skydiving has become a grandma sport. Dis MeY Kre8 cUnTroVeRsIE BUTT(Hee hee he said butt) Y iz my onion bad. Prazeing clunton would make freefaall buildings obvious to those woh understand simply fisics lyke me. BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL BILLDINGS IN FREEFALL. Know wurries I nowe freefall, u'r loved won will be fin.
  22. This is plainly a(n)(d) adhomo attacke. I MeAn PlEaSE sow wet dey doughnut sphel gut. Adress the issuzu.
  23. If the health care bill does not result in your chicken little apocalyptic world view coming to fruition. Will you admit it or will you cling to the propaganda, and in lock step with master declare it utter failure. Then propagate the explanation to everyone that the only way to fix the problem is to go back to the days when an ex propagandist with altzhimers decided lower taxes on the rich and ever increasing spending was the answer to everything. Health care included.