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Everything posted by yourmomma

  1. 3 posts after someone gave examples of the effects of non-regulation. You dedicate an entire post to saying de/non-regulation is the ticket.
  2. Your replie makes me sick to my fucking stomach. My ex tried everything in her power to make my life miserable before our divorce. She fucked up and cheated before I bent to her ways fortunately. As a man I gave her half of the assets accrued while we were married. If the tables had been turned she would have fucked me harder than she got fucked by her new boyfriend. A lot of infidelity dosent just happen cause the guy can't keep his dick in his pants. It takes two to get married and it takes two to fuck it up. Being a vindictive cunt (not saying you were) is a big reason why pre-nups(a contract saying I will commit to god but not my finances) exists.
  3. Regardless of how you feel about the word, it was screamed by the politicians for all to hear while explaining why marijuana was needed to be made illegal. And why those porch monkey's couldn't be trusted with a vote, or fight with whites on the battle field. In that context it is historically dead on. Classy or not.
  4. I choked down her book. They would have been well advised to give the ghost writer credit on the cover. It was horribly written and only adds fuel to the idea that she is vapid and incapable of running our country. Edited to change horrible writing.
  5. I wonder why you are so insistent that the only fuel for these fires were office supplies and jet A. Being that there was a restaurant on the top floor of one of the buildings, would it not be safe to assume that gas lines (which may have been ruptured on impact) existed. How about the probability that a large number of the "offices" were in fact very elegantly constructed with wood's of all sorts and density and carpets constructed of myriad different materials. Not to mention many building materials which are "flame retardant" but when ignited burn at higher temps than non flame retardant materials. It seems it was hardly just pens, paper, computers, and desks to burn.
  6. Really, the holiday is about putting shit under a tree. One helluva christian you are.
  7. "The holiday IS Christmas" You're funny, the holiday IS Hanukkah. Fucking goyum.
  8. Jefferson fathered children by his slave - is that a "conservative" value? Yes. And.... Clinton lied about getting a blow job, obama is a muslim/socialist manchurian candidate, and reagan was infallible. Oh and GWB wasn't stoopid, he just don't talk so good.
  9. Where do I send my money. FYI my tithing is around $11,000
  10. Go read the constitution. The fact that god is omitted at every level and the ordination of the articles comes from the free will of man, speaks volumes. As hard is it is for you to accept the founding fathers were "progressive".
  11. Ding ding. Two years after buying my house a church was built across the street. In the steeple was a loud speaker that chimed once on the half hour then the number of the hour. I asked the pastor why the tolling stopped at eight pm. He told me he didn't want to disturb the neighbors or HIS family. I politely explained that I worked 3rd shift and waking every half hour was very disturbing. His response, in not so many words was, tuff shit. I responded by blaring(far louder) music whenever people were entering or exiting the church for service. My front door faced the front doors of the church. So I would emidiatly pull the speakers inside and clam ingnorance when the police arrived. After several hundred dollars worth of noise complaint fines, the tolling stopped. Turns out the fire house down the street wasn't fond of being woken every half hour after a night of battling fires. At any rate I had decided to sell rather than fight any longer. The last couple of months cost me about 900 in fines but it was well worth it for the looks of disgust as perishoners entered and left services to black sabath and megadeath.
  12. "Once the previous administration decided that it could trample on core US values and thumb its nose at both the US Constitution and international law, eventual confusion was guaranteed. " Silly lib letting fact and logic override emotional response. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that as long as my "gut" tells me it's ok, it's ok.
  13. I understand your contention. That being said, I truly believe these people are enemy soldiers. Geneva convention rules apply, not the rights and freedoms granted to civilians.
  14. I agree these guys never received (nor should they) due process. Any judge doing his job will be forced to drop the charges.
  15. "That population isn't KNOWN for long term relationships." I reckon part of that is the due to alienation, and the marginalized life many face in their adolescence. Tho people predisposed to reject monogamy transcend sexual preference.
  16. If there was a god he would describe Christianity the exact same way you describe homosexuality. Isn't it ironic, don't you ya think. P.S knowing nothing of you other than your posts I can state unequivocally that you are far more disgusting than any number of the fags I know.
  17. Health care should be run as non-profit across the board. Many hospitals are already. While at the same time developing coffers that are beyond any in their communities. By the by this leaves the capitalist anarchist's against this idea with no leg to stand on. If those who insured health care were mandated to do the same it would go a long way in reducing costs as profit margins are no longer a concern. Every body working will make their money; and the cunts who refuse or those simply unable, will not drive up the cost for those of us who do the responsible thing and treat health insurance as a necessity.(Ie forgo, skydiving, cable, vacations pets, children(same difference) afford it) ps I'm really drunk so that didn't/wont come out as eloquently as it could.
  18. I don't think many can argue against the fact that; these corporations colluded as a means of developing financial constructs that, while only technically legal, were understood to be untenable. Most hoped they would be in and out before the shit hit the fan. Some where others weren't. To be sure these were not just the actions of CEO's, CFO's, boards, etc however the proverbial buck stops with them. Like has been pointed out, when one is lent monies they are subject to conditions set forth by the lender. Simply put.. sucks for them. Enduring a extreme paycut is far better than the punishment they should receive. Prison.
  19. You really should add skydiving to your list of shit that kills and destroys lives.
  20. "And please let me know how it works out for you when you start using relativity to describe ballistics at *slow* speeds" I..ehh. I have know idea what you're talkin' bout willis. I would try more mushrooms and lower exit points. It has worked well for me.
  21. Which ever side will allow me to indulge in hookers and blow. So..... Neither.
  22. Nova produced a program which calls our ideas into genetics wrong. I reckon the best route is to deny all prior science; and claim our new found knowledge as proof that we don't understand genetics at any level and ignore all information herento claimed. We have found dissenting info the original hypothesis must be wrong.
  23. Same as for the people who believe in the Bible - should we agree with their core beliefs, and refer to their ancestors as dirt (for a man) and male rib (for a woman)? _____________________________ And as we were created in his image god is actually dirt. Me thinks you're on to something.
  24. It is unmitigated gull to post that little diatribe then turn around and post something like this:" (insert gross exaggeration of the truth here)". That strategy is getting old." WOW,just...... wow.
  25. America's Christian heritage is both rich and deep. What most historians and educators refuse to acknowledge, our forebears understood clearly: it was mostly Christians and churches that formed and shaped the new land that became known as the United States of America. While undoubtedly christen, the founding fathers were far more secular than most people are willing to accept. As is evident by looking at the wording of our constitution.