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Everything posted by yourmomma

  1. This crackers arguments reminded me of a joke. What do country music and the special olympics have in common? It' nice that's its there for those folks but its just not the real thing.
  2. It is beyond ironic that you parrot the misuse of the word elitist in an attempt to discredit the point of the article.
  3. Even after public ridicule she still does not comprehend her mistake. “So, no, I think that if there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about Nafta, and about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context
  4. When our lives improve, 10 will get you 20 that Bush policy will be the cause. When I first paid taxes in 63 I was relived to know that most of my family’s money was being used to fight those dirty commies who wanted 100% as opposed to my free country who only wanted 90%. After deciding not to be productive due to the lack of incentive, I was renewed the opportunity to make money again thru the Reagan tax cuts. Then Clinton(oh excuse me that was Bush 41) took office, RAISED the tax rate and again I was forced to quit making money. Fortunately it was the 90’s and nobody was making money and creating business. Then a competent man took office, the Clinton internet bubble burst (I am still fuming over the taxpayer cost of that one!!!!!) and Bush “the awesome” lowered my tax rate by 4% and again, I had a reason to make money and give it to folks who make 60K and want a million dollar home. However the dems had other plans and decided to use my tax cuts to pay for 2 wars and the banking system. I am afraid what big government controls this socialist will implement. Surly they will not be modest like the department of homeland security. My spirit is only boyed by my ability to vote for a war hero and vapid cunt.
  5. If someone promises to make a post to get useless cole to respond to our impending rapture timeline .I promise to get myself banned.
  6. The Bush family had extensive ties to the Bin Ladin family. Ken Lay sat on a Cheney led advisory commission on energy. Calling Bush a crook or terrorist based on these connections is as absurd as the Obama, Ayers, Rezco guilt by association drivel being thrown out now. Every person on these forums has had connections to people who are less than palatable to a political career. These are distractions which keep us from voting not on the medal of ideas, but the knee jerk reaction of possibilities.
  7. and Ann Coulter is the same person. Who wants to bet? Fox "(We purport then imply)"news is the very same thing that the (insert the idiot republican) aptly named "Clinton News Network", and derided for 16 years. My reluctance to show a cognomen must mean I am a troll, or maybe unlike PhillyKev, I am aware of the horrible people who exist on forums such as this. While most folk are given a pass because they fill out a profile. I am ignored because my anonymity cancels my point. However the validity of my point is as resonable as anyone else. Look at my posts and focus on the points or the BASE bits, and see if Moe (Who has never used a computer) or Nick (who does not know me personally, but has replied to semi personal posts) thinks I am a troll. Or you can just accept the arguments of a person who has a blantly baited political discussions without ever describing life outside of speaker’s corner. (Ruchmc) Oh yeah, useless Cole is still delusional. P.S. “An extreme FX 89 will rock a 90 right 270 left” Yourmomma July 99 .
  8. Does anyone think that on his death bed, Bill may encounter a moment of clarity and realize he has been bullshiting himself for this long.
  9. You could sell jesus christ brand nails in the next isle.
  10. I do have a farm, and from now on I will call my pig jesus, and refer to jesus as pigfucker. That's more appropriate than delusional faith in a myth.
  11. It is a testament to the human condition that wrong doings of Bush are even debated. The fact that Clinton was a fuck up and that Kerry/Edwards would have done nothing to improve this country, DOES NOT ABSOLVE BUSH from his inability to lead, corrupt foreign and domestic policy, and a complete disregard for the checks and balances guarantee by the constitution. A democratic leader guilty of the same in/actions would be beguiled by the right as he well should be. However to place an R in front of a name and parade the person around as a false conservative is enough to placate the majority of americans who get their “news” for Rush and CNN. It is pathetic and reflects and abhor ant tendency to regurgitate the opinions of others as fact at the cost of logic and reason.
  12. "If you were to die right now in your sinful state, the Bible makes it clear that you would be judged in righteousness and sent to hell (described earlier) for eternity. Does that not concern you?" About as much as Allah's wrath concerns you.
  13. The history of conflict between science and god, is not so much a conflict between science and god, as it is between science and religion. Religion is an expression of ones beliefs, that there is an almighty who controls the world and controls the daily affaires of the world. The problem comes when your religion is doctrine that makes a statement of the physical world; and then as a scientist you investigate the physical world and there is a difference ? Low and behold you have conflict. You cannot be a scientist and gain you insight into the world by reading religious scripture. It’s been tried and it fails every single time.
  14. Quote That's very true! And the implications of that line of thinking are cool as well. After all, terrorists are human, humans are part of nature, therefore a terrorist who detonates a nuclear weapon in Manhattan is all part of a natural cycle as well. And to think we've been so worried about stuff like that. Solves a lot of other problems, too. Nuclear waste - natural! Sulfur dioxide pollution from coal power plants - natural! Urban sprawl - natural! 9/11 - natural! Looks like all our problems are solved. Billvon, Now you're seeing clearly. I knew you had it in ya. Oh by the by the heavy metals imbeded in the fine particulates actually make you healthy. I mean the government would never allow industry to emit pollutants which are harmful. That would be like arresting a civilian without sufficient proof of wrong doing. As for you Narci, well I'm sorry that you travel through life with pink coloured blinders on. Maybe one day you will see the intrinsic value of RIGHTeous thinking.
  15. Quote ***And what other source is causing the carbon increase that we have seen? *** It is naturally occurring. I mean humans are part of nature and by extension anything we do is natural. Therefore this is part of a natural cycle not a "man made crisis", so nothing to worry about. See, no need to participate in your liberally perverse world full of delusional cause and effect, empirically driven arguments. By the way stay on-topic and answer my statement.
  16. Wow, you must be reading "The Secret". Creating your own reality is super-sweet. Really, anyone can do it!! "My canopy isn't malfunctioning. That's just the reserve manufactures scaring me into using their product so they can make more money and benefit off my irrational and completely un-scientific fear. As a matter of fact their are brave scientist saying that the malfunctioning canopy is a complete myth and that this canopy under is not in fact man made but naturally occurring and nothing to fear. So I'm just gonna ignore all these liberal fearmongers in those drive by AFF classes and ride this thing out. And to think I almost spent money on a reserve." I love it.
  17. Same as whiskey compass. Measures flux lines via the Hall effect.
  18. There is an old man who lives down the road from me. He writes divinely inspired “signs” in crayon, then yells a lot about how my inability to understand it will doom me when the spaceship on the far side of Saturn comes to conquer our planet. Useless, I'm sorry but he is absolutely positive that he knows the truth, and he draws stuff with crayons. That's way impressive.
  19. It is beyond ironic that any skydiver judges another for being reckless. Skydiving, drugs (including alcohol) are all choices that upon making can /will destroy your life, or kill you. Yet because Nancy said no, skydiving and alcohol are OK and a randomly defined set of chemicals is bad. And BASE becomes illegal without killing 1 innocent person. Why?
  20. Your simple way of thinking, or more appropriately your total ignorance, has caused more problems for the continuation of society than any other theory. The objections you pose are childish in their understanding and void of empirical evidence. If your standard of logic was accepted , my inability to “see” a electron would preclude this discussion..
  21. John Rich , in my estimation , is addicted to guns. As well as correctly bashing the English for not shooting home intruders with them.