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  1. Its worth knowing the law to put these thugs in their place. Never consent to a search. Ask them what crime are they investigating. If they are on a fishing expedition, just ask them if you are free to go or are you being detained. They can only detain you if they have reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed. Keep the Iphone handy and record EVERYTHING. They will try to convince you that it's illegal to record them, but it's legal. There's no expectation of privacy for a public official performing duty in public. I have no respect for them whatsoever. Gangland thugs with no respect for you or the US Constitution. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure both of those gentlemen were students of the Austrian school of economics. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  3. "Armas, para que?" (Guns, for what?) Fidel Castro “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” - Mao Tze Tung, Nov 6 1938 “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government” – Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” - James Madison, Federalist Paper #46 “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” - Richard Henry Lee, Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress, Initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  4. She may be old and tired but she's still the democrat leader in the House. To call the shooting an accident is beyond her usual buffoonery. I don't hate her, she's always good for a laugh. Carefull with the use of the word target btw. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XgR6g9ZV0Q I think its a tragic accident each time she opens her mouth. Im just happy the House passed a resolution to condemn the Arizona violence. I was wondering which side of the issue they would take. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  6. Wasnt just you. I was looking toward the back fro some frat boys and a keg. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  7. One of the few times I disagree with you. This from the guy who asks his constituents to "punish our enemies" and who promised open and civil discourse on cspan for the health care debate and then denied it? etc etc Nice words from his staff and speech writers, but from his mouth they mean nothing. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  8. Sounds more like they were exploiting the dem reaction to the the tragedy rather than the tragedy itself. In any case it's an appeal to a voluntary contrubution. The reaction of the progressives to something like this is to create social programs, grow fedzilla, tax, and chop away at rights. We can fix this. With enough tax dollars and subjugation, we can fix it! Then one day we wake up in the USSR. You might be on the Nutcase Determination Board, drawing a fat govt check but be careful. If you piss off somebody in the Politburo, you end up the next one to be committed. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  9. specifics? The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  10. Interesting that this gets turned into a gun thread. Fact is, bad things happen every single day. You can't prevent it, you can't predict it. But the liberals take every opportunity to convince us we can - "if you will only give us a little more money, if we can only take a few more freedoms, if only.... " Same shit, different tragedy. But, like Rahm says, never let a crisis go to waste. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  11. ?? Since you won't or can't answer the question, I suppose it will. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  12. You must have me confused with some other poster. In never made those claims or inferences. The list is irrelevant to my point. I just wondered what makes a hate group "right wing" vs "left wing," in your opinion. In other words, if I were to want to start a hate group, and get a good website, and pass out literature, and hold meetings with people of like mind, and I came to you and said - Hey Ms. Amazon, what kind of hate group are we? How would you determine that? What questions would you ask? The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  13. Then tell us. What is a right wing hate group, and why the need to differentiate it from, I suppose, a left wing hate group? You have an apparent disdain for conservatives and "right wingers," and you identifiy yourself with liberals and "left wing" thought, so I just wondered why you want to put labels on haters that parallel that line of thinking. Tis all. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  14. Oh well, I was just trying to get you to give us the meaning of a term you used to make a point. Sorry to have overwhelmed you. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.
  15. I just wonder where the threads come from.. and lo and behold.... lookie here Surprise surprise interesting those thread showed up on THAT website. Deflect much? So what, MANY news sites pick up the same stories! Still waiitng for an honest answer about YOU think about the Black panthers are they terrorist or not, and if not, Why? I am STILL waiting for YOU.. to COMPREHEND post # 88 Also still waiting for a definition of right wing hate group, and left wing hate group. Rub a dub dub ... I DO believe I posted this for everyone... a link to the Southern Poverty Law Center.. Come on, you are a big boy... capable of reading on your own aren't you???? Yes you did, but you never provided the definitions. And, of course, neither does the SPLC. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.