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Everything posted by metalslug

  1. "Do you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool ?". Military psychology is obvious and predictable and that is why it fails on many people. I did a year of compulsory military service. Did it induce discipline? Yes, for as long as I was there at least. Did it induce pride? Not a chance. The lasting impression left on me is that, in a battle situation, my life could be dependent on the strategy decisions of a neanderthal who had endured the same brainwash during his training that they were now attempting on me. It is ? How about: "Quitters never win. Winners never quit. But those who never quit and never win are idiots." For a person to persist under the perception that even their best efforts will not help amounts to masochistic behaviour. How can that be a great character builder ? I'm in favour of tough physical training and I do understand the need for a team-orientated mindset in combat, but IMO the current military psychology is becoming old-school and needs a modern rethink. Not softer, not easier, but 'logicaly honest' enough to motivate more resilient minds. A few years ago, a story was leaked to the press about our national rugby team that attended a team-building training camp that became infamously known as "Kamp Staaldraad" (Barbed-wire Camp). It was explained that the team had undergone team-building training under supervision of a police Task Force commander. Leaked video material showed, amongst other things, an entire rugby team in their birthday suits in a cold muddy pit, at night, singing songs. The incident became a local fiasco and rugby administrators were the laughing stock of the country for a while. Why was this incident such a closely guarded secret and why was it so embarrassing when it leaked? Could it be because the modern thinking of first-world nations cannot fathom the benefits of that kind of training? ...and can you?
  2. Did you join a Yakuza family ?
  3. To properly assess the injury, we will need to inspect the wound closely under the same circumstances as it occured... with nothing but your socks on.
  4. Get a business loan to finance the pond and span a crossbeam & tollbooth over it. The beam will open to allow them to complete the swoop ...if they have fast fingers and exact change.
  5. Yep, count me in, gotta luv that stuff.
  6. I would be a date, the kind that grows on date palms. Yeah, that's it, a hot date, everyone's favourite date....
  7. I'm slightly off topic here, but your post makes some unusual claims. The modern MOPS has a different description of a full series. Did you do the older BSR's ? Was it very different back then? Assuming you exited at 11k, completing a modern full series by 9k is very impressive stuff for a student. I could probably do it now but I think it would be a very unusual achievement for a student. Just to clarify; Were you stable head-down on an AFF dive? Rob Kruger only managed head-down after several hundred skydives. Am I not understanding your description of events or were you just seriously talented?
  8. As with most such articles, there are a several issues around this. It is a fact that all firearm licences in the country are currently being recalled and gun owners now need to re-apply for the same licences they had before. So far a large number of these re-applications have been refused without explanation, even those who have been responsible gun owners for many years. As is the case in many countries, the vast majority of firearms used in a crime are illegal and/or unlicenced firearms. The current government drive to recall and refuse legal licences to responsible people is therefore a cause of concern for many. There are many that believe that the criminal justice system in South Africa is not as effective as it has been in years past; possibly due to budget constraints, corruption, incompetence or a number of other alleged reasons. Criminals have therefore become more bold and aggressive in their activities. Hence legal gun owners are fewer, illegal owners are increasing. It's especialy bizarre since those who criticise police effectiveness are told to be more proactive in policing their own communities. For those who enjoy a conspiracy theory; it has even been suggested by some that the government intends to slowly disarm it's citizens to a level where an armed uprising or armed resistance would be impossible if the country were to degenerate into a Zimbabwe situation where 'white' properties are simply taken and re-allocated and/or minority rights ceased to exist (since caucasians are the minority here).
  9. I gotta agree with Lisa here. (No, not about hot Italian men , but about the importance of appearances.) But I'm going to factor in something else too... Attractive people of both sexes are often regarded as 'jerks' (in the case of men) or 'high maintenance and bitchy' (in the case of women). To a large extent it's often because these types of people feel that they can afford to be that way. They figure "This is the way that I am, these are the things that I like and those are the things that I dont like and if that's too inconvenient for you then move along because I can find another partner soon enough that can handle me." The partner on the receiving end of this ultimatum then needs to decide if the good outweighs the bad, and because physical attraction is important to the majority of people, they will usualy make an effort to stay with the 'jerk/bitch' until breaking point. It's not the perfect relationship, but it exists, and that's my understanding of it.
  10. I am a bit puzzled why some scenes were cut from the original release and only appeared in the Extended version. In ROTK, the confrontration between Gandalf and Witch King is less than a minute long, but it's impressive and compliments the continuity of the story by explaining why Gandalf's staff goes missing somewhere between the gates of Minas Tirith and the rescue of Faramir. Saruman's death is also a short scene and brings clarity and closure to parts of the storyline. The scene where the army of the dead accepts the deal and take the Corsair ships on the Anduin helps to explain how they arrived at the Pelargir port in ships. If time was the critical element in dropping the above scenes, I can think of plenty other scenes they could have dropped to fit these in instead.
  11. 2 bed apartment + single lock-up garage - R400 000 ($66,000 or so) Centurion, South Africa.
  12. It's a good thing we have experts to answer such tricky questions.... [attached]
  13. South Africa's equivalent of the SIMs is the MOPs and it states for us that jumpers need to hold the actual licence before advancing and not merely the requirements. No skipping for us here. The same is true for many licence requirements; for example the PASA MOPs require an actual B licence or higher to do an intentional night jump and I may not apply for a C licence until I've done an intentional night jump. So why dont I have a B licence yet? Right now it seems to be about dropzone economics. I've been licking manifest's ass for a month now to arrange the required "Cat 3" FS jump for me, which will require 3 experienced bellyflyers (usualy DZ staff) to complete a particular 4-way sequence with me, but they appear more interested in applying such staff for tandem and AFF because both are more profitable than my jump.
  14. It is important to note that an IQ of 100 is the average score of those that have been tested and within the same age range as the person tested. This then means that a man aged 60 who scores 110 is not necessarily more intelligent than a man aged 25 who scores 100 and neither does it mean that he/she is above average relative to the world population, because only a tiny percentage of the world population has been tested. Most people are not supposed to know their actual score, testers make an effort to keep scores confidential even from those being tested. It is usualy not good for a person's confidence to know that they scored below average, but it is the reality for approximately half of everyone who gets tested and so the prefered practise is to not tell people what they scored. If the candidate is very insistent on knowing, always tell 'em they scored 'high' ...just dont say how high. The end result is that pretty much every person out there who "knows" their score is also certain that it's more than 100. I've never met anyone who actualy "knows" they scored less than 100, which makes these kinds of topics somewhat comical. "IQ" scores are not an exact science; testing methods vary over time and across geographical regions and the state of mind of the candidate at the moment of testing is also one of many variables. Intelligence typicaly includes logic, reasoning, memory and ability to learn. It is a not a measure of academic knowledge and it is not the same as wisdom, the literary "mad scientist" is usualy a genius with very little wisdom. Some highly intelligent people from history have developed psychological problems, unsociable behaviour and drug habbits and have lived less significant lives than a great many simpler people.
  15. Similar thread here. - Repost police
  16. Say what ??! I have a Glock 21, and I assure you it's 45 ACP. Now, if I could just have a suppressor fitted...
  17. Now that is interesting, and answers my question I think. Probably not a code at all.
  18. Is this gibberish or is there a message here? If there is, could someone perhaps work out the key so I can reply.
  19. So that kids cannot go looking for him, of course.
  20. It depends on how you "found out". One lesson I've learned is to never trust the grapevine. I once had the hots for someone but never mentioned it because others that knew her said she was in a committed relationship. Barely two weeks later she had dumped the guy for someone else, so clearly I had missed a potential window of oppertunity and someone else had stepped up.
  21. I remember reading somewhere that even producer Rick Mcallum(sp?) asked Lucas this same question. The answer he gave (or rather thumb-sucked because Lucas himself admits to inventing much of the continuity on-the-fly) is that Jedi only 'dissapear' if they are strong enough with force, that the midichlorians themselves absorb and dissipate the body. Lesser jedi and sith lords stay intact. Some fans even like to believe that Luke was burning an empty Darth Vader suit in Episode VI rather than Annakin's body, because Annakin was powerful enough to disappear too. It gets messy trying to piece these kinds of stories together with logic. It's like the Matrix trilogy, many parts of the sequels inevitably conflict with the prequels just to be able to boost the entertainment value in other aspects. It should be remembered that, up until a few years ago, Lucas was never sure that he would actualy make all 6 movies. He wasn't too worried about perfect continuity, he was more concerned with face-value entertainment which would be more likely to turn a profit. Lucas has said that in his original draft of Episdode IV, Obi-Wan survives his encounter with Darth Vader and goes on to train Luke himself in Episode V. During filming however, he changed the story to kill off Kenobi because he thought it would add more entertainment to the individual movie. When persuaded to assist with the story for the sequels, he needed another character to train Luke so he changed his draft of Episode V to create the Yoda character that was never there before.
  22. Just in case you've had a rough day, here's a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological texts. Picture yourself near a stream. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air. No one but you knows your secret place. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world." The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity. The water is crystal clear. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding underwater.
  23. Sure she would, but both myself and Pierce Brosnan thought that Colin Farrel would make a good James Bond and that wasn't to be. So, when the producers start smoking the good stuff again they'll pick the least suitable Bond girl instead.
  24. Alrighty, I'm not a PETA supporter. I've done my share of fishing and probably eaten more meat than veggies in my lifetime. However, it is an interesting subject to me that we place the importance of our own species so much higher than any other. That too is perhaps in the nature of any species, certainly lions could care less about any species other than lions. When an extra thousand seal pelts are harvested on the ice, several animal rights organisations will make a fuss about it and will be dismissed or ridiculed just as quickly by those with opposing points of view. By contrast, humans are among the most populace species on the planet, some 7 billion strong. When mass genocide occurs in a country, the world stands in outrage. Thousands of chickens will be slaughtered today to make KFC meals and I'll be standing in line today to buy.