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Everything posted by metalslug

  1. It certainly could be; probably Dutch, Flemish or South African (Afrikaans) in origin.
  2. Chelle's going to be riding on that? *sigh* I so wish I was a bike. - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  3. So, uhm.. should I be jumping at JSC this weekend?
  4. Skydive Xtreme, Nylstroom, South Africa.... Nicknamed 'Zappi' or 'Zap wagon'.
  5. Agreed, and many static-line progression students worldwide are doing their 3s, 5s and 10s delay freefalls without any altimeter at all. The primary goal of any skydive is to survive without injury. Surely a device such an altimeter does more than merely assist you in doing that? If people should be prepared to jump without an altimeter, then how precise should their altitude awareness need to be when relying on only their senses? Accurate to within 500ft? 1000ft? It is true in most circumstances that deploying a canopy too low would result in less altitude to deal with a malfunction, and deploying too high could endanger other jumpers still in freefall. Are these two possibilities of a much lesser concern than being able to demonstrate that a person survived a skydive without devices?
  6. OMG, they got me. It must have been the publicist's name that suckered me. My middle and last names are "Andrew Farr". Go figure.
  7. Well, when next in London, I'll know where to go for a
  8. Ah, c'mon kallend, surely you consider that it's possible (and likely IMO) that the low murder rate in these countries is more of a cultural phenomenon than an arms law issue? It may be worth noting aswell that the populations in these countries are a mere fraction of the US population. Although I admit that I have no statistics to 'prove' anything, I am convinced that some nations are simply more violent and less sophisticated than other nations in today's times. How much business does a gunshop in Belgium do in a year anyway? Probably not a roaring trade, not many interested buyers. Take away the guns in a violent country and the murder rate may decline somewhat, because it's less easy to kill, but the desire and the attitude towards murder is not likely to change. Arms have a way of making people equal. In their absence, the most aggressive will defeat the most defenseless.
  9. The above quotes were made by the same person.
  10. Derek, in your jumping days, did you own more than one type of canopy ? Lets say... one canopy that you prefered for swooping, another for Birdman and maybe even a third for demo jumps? If so, why did you need more than one canopy? Are wingsuit and demo jumps an "increased risk" type of jump that justifies a bigger/safer/different canopy to reduce that risk ? Why not just use your smallest, most elliptical canopy for every kind of jump? Thinking, “My other rig has the XXXX canopy, so I can make that jump if I use my other rig.” is flawed risk assessment.
  11. You may be on to something there , but only if she knows that the cars and money belong to you. There are a few DZ.commers that I have never met before; have no idea of their humor, personality, wealth etc, but I would still call them "hotties". Why? They look good in a photo. No other reason. From what I understand from "hottie", it's a person that looks good on a photo or in real life, without you even having to know anything at all about them, or without even speaking to them. This means that a person can be rich, successful, kind and have a magic sense of humor; but unless she actualy knows these things about him then she may have no attraction to him at all. Beware the "sense of humor" thing that some have mentioned, because it can work against you too. Remember that humor is relative, not all women find the same things amusing, and humor that is too frequent and too weak can make a person look silly. So, if the gods didn't make you a hottie from birth, your options are: (1) Work out a lot and build physique. This is best one. It takes time and effort, but anyone can do it and the results are pretty much guaranteed. (2) Do something with your hair. If the current style or color is not working for you, try something new, nothing to lose. Chelle recently went black, and it hasn't hurt her hottie status. (3) Be careful what you wear. Although not all femmes find the same fashion sense appealing, there are certain universal fashion blunders that are an instant turn-off for most femmes. I'm not going to mention what the fashion blunders are, and I think it's smarter if I just stop here, coz if I say another word then I'll be mistaken for "queer eye for the straight guy"
  12. The Beer Drinkers Anthem DOUGH... the stuff, that buys me beer RAY..... the guy that sells me beer ME...... the one, who drinks the beer FAR..... a long way to the beer SO...... I'll have another beer LA...... La la la la la beer TEA...... no thanks, I'm drinking beer That will leave me with no DOUGH.....
  13. Then you're not truthfully answering the question. The question is whether you could, not whether you would. It's about willpower and self-control. Motivation and incentive should not even be a factor. I could give my rig away for free, but I would not. I would be an AFF-I by tomorrow, but I could not, no matter how much I was paid. Me, I could go 40 weeks, and I have before. I can usualy find some substitute to keep my thoughts occupied if I really need to.
  14. To your knowledge, has this scenario ever happened ? i.e: a scenario where the jumper was altitude aware, made a conscious decision not to pull any handles and passively waited for their AAD to fire? If it has happened, then I absolutely agree with you that such a level of reliance is unacceptable. The tandem incident that you mentioned would appear to not be such an incident, as the TM was not altitude aware and did not deliberately wait for the AAD to fire. Device failure was involved (the alti), but as you have mentioned yourself already, human error occurred in the TMs failure to make use of his senses. Where one device (and one human) failed, a second device saved, and I'm sure that TM is a grateful and wiser man today as a result. Would you speculate on the level of reliance in the Perris incident that sparked this thread ? Do you think its likely that the jumper made a conscious decision not to pull and just wait it out ? ...or is it more likely that harness issues / unfamilar gear / delayed reaction were factors in the no pull/low pull ? I believe that what kallend has been pointing out is that human error does occur and will occur in future, at all levels, and that it doesn't even have to be your own error that kills you (canopy or freefall collisions etc). Such errors are certainly not excusable or lightly dismissed, but they happen. It is for these moments, when the human fails, that many devices take their place, and that can surely not be seen as an undesirable level of reliance ? We do not know the exact circumstances that resulted in the no pull/low pull of the Perris incident, but we do now know the exact circumstances that prevented Cypres activation, which has indirectly allowed many conclusions to made about how that particular aspect of the incident could have been prevented. I believe this is the reason why so much comment has been focused on the Cypres in that incident.
  15. Jesus Christ on a crutch! Cats claw things, that's what they do. If you dont like that, then dont keep cats. What's next on your pet list? A de-toothed puppy that wont chew your shoes ?
  16. I think current firearm licenses will still be valid for a long time. The reason I think the license process is going so slowly, and so 'negatively', is a simple lack of police competence. They have minimal staff working on thousands of applications. After 18 months of waiting, the applicants press the issue, and 'evaluators' then err on the side of caution. Less chance of trouble to deny a valid application than to grant an invalid one. The backlog is also why I think they will extend the renewal period. After 6 years of concealed carry every day, I've never needed to use the firearm and the black tenifer coating is wearing thin in places. I wouldnt mind handing it in, but it would disturb me if a law existed to deny me the right to have a new one. I have heard theories from others that the goverment is trying to de-arm its citizens so as to better control them, so that if South Africa slides into a Zimbabwe situation there will less chance of armed uprising and resistance from conservative caucasians. It's too early in the 'transformation process' for me to be sure if there's any merit to this kind of concern. IMO, a heavy crossbow is an ineffective weapon to use in an emergency situation. It requires time, effort, some space and usualy some available light to load the quarrel safely. I do have a 5ft stainless steel broadsword from Toledo mounted on my wall, hopefullly it will be better than nothing if a situation arises.
  17. From an older thread... - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  18. Cant be 7, what if all 7 were for the left hand ? To find a matching pair she would need at least 13 gloves. nothing An analogue clock ?
  19. For those interested; This link has some info on the hand signals used on the flight deck and a short video clip.
  20. Video download clicky (WMV format) - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  21. "This is the repost police. Step away from the vehicle." - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.