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Everything posted by metalslug

  1. You're thinking of Mulholland Falls. Not the same movie. - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  2. "A rose, by any other name..." There's always a way around things if you like him/her. I would have no problem if she had the same name as family. And, if she had issues with my first name, she could call me by my middle name. Lots of us have middle names that are seldom used. This would be one time to use it. - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  3. Chances are good that your instructor has seen that "Holy Crap" expression on countless students before.. and he will probably have the best advise on how to deal with it. The only thing I might suggest to you is... dont look down. Arch and look at the horizon as you exit. Although my AFF went well, staring at the ground quite often on my first few freefalls didnt really help to calm me down. I would have been more relaxed geeking my instructors. -
  4. From a computer arcade game "Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001" ...which starts with the character parachuting into the action. - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  5. Very nice... but Angelfire is cuter! Hmm.. anyone know if there's a Brazilian femme team gallery ? - No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.
  6. metalslug


    High: Jumping my brand new rig for the first time.
  7. I think you need a medical opinion rather than a skydiving opinion to answer this.
  8. How many computer software developers does it take to screw in a lightbulb ? None. I'ts a hardware problem.
  9. DOCsa's profile is not entirely accurate with regard to his current location. He's in the UK at the moment, as can be deduced by his quote below.
  10. I always thought that JohnRich held claim to fame as the primary instigator of the Speaker's Forum.
  11. Well, c'mon, who is he/she ? Maybe some photo-pimp here can 'paint the target' for you.
  12. What name did you use ? When I entered the name "Chelle" it returned with Twitchy Curlyarse. That cant be bad. ..oh, and I'm General McBush.
  13. Yes, I would. If I was married and it's my wife, the vow said: "Till death do us part." Until she's declared dead then I'm not going anywhere. Another reason to stay would be to witness the efforts of the medical staff, so that when they tell you they "...did everything they could", I could take some consolation from seeing that for myself and be assured that they weren't standing around undecided.
  14. It would depend on the situation. As many have commented before, there is more to life than skydiving. If I needed money to pay for medical treatment, I'd sell my gear, because without the proper treatment I probably wouldnt be able to skydive again anyway.. or do much else either.
  15. Easy for you to say, you're not paying by the hour.
  16. What was he the best at, exactly ? I haven't read the book you speak of, so I'm going guess that Sandow, while at his peak, was the best within his specific time period of bodybuilding history and within the judging rules for competition bodybuilding of that time period. However, I'm not convinced Sandow was a really nice guy. I think it's a somewhat narrow viewpoint to think that jealously is the automatic cause of animosity towards a successful sportsman (or sportswoman) within their sports community. Did Babe Ruth have a small funeral ? Will Michael Jordan and Michael Schumacher receive a poor eulogy from their sporting peers if they die tomorrow ? "people a come to see me de strongeste man in de weld" Now that was a very bold claim to make, even for Sandow. You would know yourself that bodybuilding and strongman competitions are not the same thing. Chances are realistic that some burly Viking descendent in rural Scandinavia could have benchpressed more than Sandow at the same time period. However, Sandow did compete in competition and his name is in the record books rather than the pretenders that may have claimed to be better, burly Vikings included. As the saying goes, "Put up or shut up." Sandow put up. Being remembered as a likeable guy only lasts a generation or two, until the people that remembered you have passed on themselves. Being remembered as the best has the advantage of being written in history and of being timeless. As for me, I'll strive to be likeable first. That way, if I can never be the best at anything, I'll at least have qualities to fall back on, because there's very little historical glory for being second best.
  17. Oh man, I've just finished reading some of the locked threads in the Swooping and Canopy Control forum and my sides are hurting from laughing so much. Alright, I do understand that canopy control is a seriously important topic, considering that canopy mistakes account for the bulk of fatalities, but watching those guys go at each other over the laws of aerodynamics, pots and kettles calling each other 'black', people opening their mouths to swap feet, and who is better than who on performing stunts X, Y and Z... there's something pretty funny in all of that. Maybe its the nostalgia of my schoolyard youth.
  18. Do you accept the free slot and go jump it ? If so, are you then saying that you do like to fun jump but not enough to pay for it ? I think some people's disappointment with 'work' jumpers could perhaps be compared to their disappointment when comparing amateur and professional sportsmen. A lot of people play sports on an amateur level and/or watch sports with great enthusiasm. They follow the sport for the love of the game, not the money. (I'm not suggesting that 'work' skydivers are earning big money, but even making enough to cover your expenses is already a huge financial saving by comparison.) Many amateur sportsmen admire the professionals and wish they had the skills of a professional, not necessarily for the potential money involved, but for the simple pleasure of being very skilled in a sport they love so much and to share this spirit of enthusiasm with like-minded amateurs and teammates who are all paying the same expenses and making the same small financial sacrifices to stay in the sport. Imagine their disappointment (perhaps even their contempt) when they read an article that their favourite professional sports-star has quit playing because they were unhappy with their contract for this year. It's a realisation that their talented sports idol is not playing for the love of the game, and that can be sad to see for a lot of people.
  19. You mean the cutaway cable ? I read this and my newbie mind has no idea what you're really talking about. On my FJC were taught to pay attention to the rings, but only to check that they were arranged overlapping in the correct way with regard to the riser that runs through them. I was not shown how to correctly route a cutaway cable. Is it common for students to be taught this on a FJC or should we all be asking our riggers to explain correct cable routing to us later on in our skydiving lifetime ? (hopefuly not too late) Does anyone have a photo or a link to a page someplace that can educate me on what Lew has just said ? I still dont know what I'm supposed to be checking.
  20. Hehe.. I felt a bit of deja-vu reading your post. I also had my first reserve ride on jump 50, and perhaps even from the same type of malfunction. According to my rigger, my canopy problem was caused by tension knots, resulting in a distorted section of canopy and slow turn. Maybe you had the same problem?
  21. The photos may be real, but the jet is not. The photos are clips from an upcoming motion picture titled "Stealth" Read all about it here. The pilot, shown in the one photo, Lt. Kara Wade, is actress Jessica Biel.
  22. Arcade game, sport. Arcade in those bulky machines with coin slots, rather than a home desktop PC or console. Yeah, I recall Mortal Kombat as arcade game, but if those other one's were arcade games then it really has been a long time since I was last near one.
  23. A movie spawned from the popularity of an arcade game. Not many of those around. I can just imagine CapCom negotiating with film bosses: "Well, we think this will be a success because we found lots of coins in our video arcade machines..."
  24. Nah, it's all talk, not much action. The simplest form of 'safe' sex.