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Everything posted by usedtajump

  1. Possibly NSFW My favorite of all time is from "Mom's Apple Pie". Check it out at The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  2. Wow, sorry you're having to deal with these tough issues at the same time. Pets can bring such joy into our lives, its really rough when something like this happens to them but sometimes there's just nothing else to do. We had to put our two 16 year old Cocker Spaniels down within six months of each other because they just got to old and infirm. Don't care if it was the most humane thing, it was a prertty horrible thing to have to do. Hang in there Karenmeal. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  3. Just finished watching "Skydive Compilation for Everyone". My complimentsto this guy!!! The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  4. Damn, that's rather a harsh remedy to a simple behavorial problem. Have you all considered some sort of obedience training?? My God, there are people trained that can fix that kind of problem rather quickly. Do something NOW!!!. Poor dog. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  5. I agree labrys, if he wants to refuse to go back its his own ass and he must accept the result. I just don't blame him for feeling that way. However, he should just shut up and do what he's going to do. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  6. OK, but without proof to the contrary we didn't KNOW until after the invasion. Not to turn this into a debate about WMD's but the fact is that people supported it, now they bitch about it. The shine has worn off the new toy. To compare to WWII we didn't know the extent of the Genocide until we were in Germany. Sometimes mths later. Regardless of the reason(s) we are there, if you take into account that we've been militarily bumbling around in Iraq, in one form or another, since 1991 with nothing to show for it, its small wonder that people have "Irag Fatigue". As far as this guy's situation goes, I felt the same way when discharged in 1969. If a recall notice had arrived in my mailbox inviting me back to Viet Nam I wouldn't have gone, consequences be damned! I was not about to go back over there and serve another tour in what was just simply Viet Nam's civil war, similar to the Iraq mess today. Why should he sacrifice his life for something that really has nothing to do with U.S. except for a private feud between the Bush family and Saddam? The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  7. No shit, thay should hang that camaraman while they're at it. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  8. usedtajump


    That's tough skybytch. Hope things work out OK for you. My neck is one major reason I gave it up. The disc thingys finally got so thin that it became like bone on bone, OUCH! Too many hard openings and tandem jumps I guess. Good luck whatever you decide to do. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  9. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  10. You and your're dad will be in my thoyghts and prayers. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  11. After my mom died earlier this month, I was looking through a file card box she kept recipes in. One recipe was for baked opossum. Yeah, mom was raised way back in the country. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  12. Anybody use Trac Fones? My Cingular contract is up soon and just wondered if anybody had any experience, good or bad, with them as an alternative to another contract situation. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  13. usedtajump


    Moved to the farm in Western Kentucky a year ago after living in Dallas for most of 61 years. Dallas sucks the big hairy wet one more and more every time I go back for a visit. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  14. usedtajump

    Jury duty

    Been called for jury duty in Dallas several times and always went but never got picked for a jury. Last time I went, about a year and a half ago, jury pay was still $5.00/day + parking. Because of the ridiculous pay, I gave it the seriousness it deserved and always looked forward to going across the street to Elmer's liquor store for lunch and having a hot link sandwich and a 40 oz. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  15. usedtajump

    Bah Humbug

    "Also, this year, I get to spend xmas with my Mom for the first time in 5 years. For the first time I'm cooking HER dinner. The whole thing, complete with the dishes she used to cook for us as kids. Im excited about that." /reply] Lucky man you are yardhippie. Give her a BIG hug and tell her how much you really love her.
  16. usedtajump

    Bah Humbug

    About five years ago our extended family on both my and my wife's side decided that to bring back the enjoyment of the holidays that we would despense with the drudgery of gift giving. Since that wise decision, Christmas has been so much more of a pleasure in that when we get together its just for the joy of seeing others you don't get to see that often. It has been so liberating.
  17. Good look RMH. Liberated from the chore of "blonding" to boot. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  18. Curried anything is wonderful. I'd eat curried sparrow tongues if I could get them. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  19. Hell, I don't know, that's just what was copied and pasted from the Bugs Bunny Show website and I ain't gonn'a argue with that "long eared galoot". By the by BlueSkiesKel, how'd it go last night? The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  20. "Overture, curtain, lights, This is it, the night of nights No more rehearsing and hearsing our parts We know every part by heart Overture, curtain, lights This is it, we'll hit the heights And oh what heights we'll hit On with the show this is it Tonight what heights we'll hit On with the show this is it." Good luck.
  21. "Nice post.Sorry for your loss.I wish more people had this type of insight about life and death." Probably comes from so many years in skydiving and all that implies. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  22. He should change his name to Karvin de Cock. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  23. Just got back from burying my mother after she suffered a fatal stroke last Saturday and thought I'd relate a few afterthoughts. First of all, let me say that mom was 92 years old and has been wracked with extreme pain in every fiber of her being for the last two years and medical "science" could do nothing to relieve her misery. She could not lay, sit or stand in any position that offered her relief or rest so the end was more of a God send for her, my 92 year old father, my two brothers and me. Mom had the incredible foresight to buy pre need funeral arrangements for the family way back in 1952 and believe it or not, the funeral home stood by the prices for everything in 1952 dollars in which the package was purchased. What I figured would be a used car purchase type negotiation turned out to be one of the easiest, most seamless transactions I've been involved with and made dealing with the death of a dear loved one all the more easy to endure. If you care anything about your children, I encourage you to purchase a similar arrangement to make your passing that much less traumatic. Of course, if you can't stand what you've raised, die broke and they'll be stuck with the costs. Well, Tuesday was mom's funeral. The funeral home let a dear friend of hers who had been doing her hair for 20 years do her hair and make up for the last time and compared to the agonized expression which had become mom's face for the last two years, she looked like she did about six years ago. I was amazed and all I could say is "she's beautiful". From that moment when we first saw her like that my brothers and I had such smiles on our faces and felt so good about seeing mom with a rested, relaxed look that there was not too much sadness and we just considered the occasion a celebration for her liberation from the agony in which she'd been trapped and for the many extra years we had her with us. The few tears I cried I considered selfish on my part. Since finding out about the concept of life and death as children, I guess the first thing we realize is that we're going to die someday, next you realize your mom's going to die someday and how horrible that will be. I find it very anticlimactic that after all those years of dread I find myself still smiling and somewhat happy about mom's passing. Of course, we'll most likely have to do this whole thing over for my 92 year old dad in a short few months since his tank is on empty and he's most likely already coasting. But what the Hell, 92 years is a good long time for anybody to be on this Earth and besides, he's covered on the same funeral plan as mom. Still, I truly do miss her. Thanks for you're indulgence. Jerry The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  24. Wow, I've been kind of out of touch computer wise the last few days. Best of health Bill now that you're getiting "fixed". Throw more salads in on a regular basis. The older I get the less I care who I piss off.
  25. I'm retired and soooo free. I love it!!!