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Everything posted by firstime

  1. Not wearing a suit would "maybe" make you better in freefall as you would have to work a little harder to keep up or down. Not a big deal, I have two, baggy & tight. I don't wear them all the time. If I jump with a couple of anvils I go tight. Hop & pops..shorts and a tee shirt. Jumpsuits can give you different rate of descent without working at's that simple.
  2. I've never met AFFI personally, but his posts on here paint the picture of someone who is both thoughtful and humble. I'm willing to bet that AFFI wouldn't have even reported this story (or if he had, he wouldn't have used the term "100 jump wonder") if the skydiver in question had responded with something less than arrogance about the situation. I stand corrected for my response!! CC: Pm to AFFI
  3. hey Justin, Whats with "99" jump thingy , are you going to do 100 at safety day or are you keeping it a secret. Secrets are hard to keep in this biz. I will make sure that the group knows that you are @ 99. LMAO, See you at safety day Bro. Larry (fingers) Be Well Buddy PS: well said on the cloud clearance rule
  4. I would give it 24 hrs and you will have a bunch of responses
  5. white vinegar will take odor out of just anything.
  6. "Only skydivers know why the birds sing." They don't have to pack
  7. *** Jumpsuit - forget it Goggles - optional Dirt dive - nada Long plane ride (more than 5 min) - nope Trafficy LZ - zippo High ticket price - no sir Freefall performance anxiety - not gonna happen Feezing at 13K - not so freezing at 4k Did I miss anything? all by your self on the packing mat
  8. ***Throughout the course so far, I have made many grievous errors in life that is my point my friend. Stop using the "100 jump wonder thing"to make a point. People who use that term have graduated into the skygod class. How about this " I saw a misrouted chest strap on a fellow SKYDIVER"
  9. ***then the 100 jump wonder looked at it and (in sort) did not see a problem with it which necessitated a little more attention given and some retraining. Did you forget where you came from??? you were a 100 jump wonder once. Are you expunged from mistakes because you have 1000's of jumps, yes your #'s do qualify you to comment, do it with grace without the attitude. I can't wait for this response!!!!!!!
  10. ***Cool But then look what happened to Superman... *eek* yup!!! he fell off a horse
  11. ***"What happens if neither parachute opens?", I heard a great response to the above question. " I have about 30 seconds to learn how to fly & the rest of my life to think about it "
  12. ***i tell you what !!!! i've felt my bowel's loosen when i've been in the door, and had to go for a crap when i got on the floor, it was as loose as anything !!! like turning a tap on and brown water coming out.... thats the power of real fear ________________________________________ I think you went to the "too much information booth"
  13. ***Expect the other guy to do something stupid and give him plenty of room to be stupid. I live my life by this theory and not just in skydiving. Well said
  14. I knew you would chime in on this post, your pony tails are a big talk, and "no it's not that". The talk is that if you dont constrian them they will kick your ass in freefall, but you have faired pretty well so far. It just made me laugh when i read the post and low and behold there was huka551, Still LMAO
  15. Sitting on the porcelin throne after drinking. cleaned up then threw my cigarette in the toilet. And yup you guessed it, all the hair around my speed bag was ablaze. My first thought was dip it the toilet, aint happening bro. What the fuck do I do now, I jumped into the tub and put the water on but the fire had already gone out. I was hiiting my balls so hard to get the flame out, I had a stomach ache for a week. Thank God My Kids are not in this forum
  16. A group of us went to Eloy this year and one guy didnt have a gear bag, just slung it over his shoulder, therefore I mentioned that maybe he should tuck his hackey in. After about 5 minutes of thought " I went to undo his hackey to let it dangle". As far as bringing your rig onboard w/o a gear bag, ppl as so oblivious that it fasinates me. Even the TSA in JFK????
  17. ***I would rather a person cut it away than ride it in anyday. Is that " your phrase" because if it is you just coined a new one. Well Said!!
  18. I build the machines that put the paper on straws!!
  19. About 1/2 of a bottle of Southern Comfort... to this day if I even smell that shit.. I will hurl in the general direction of whoever is foisting that odor upon my nose. Ditto Amazon, 35 yrs ago and aint tasted the shit since then
  20. ***girlfriend is already complaining that im going to jump on christmas eve if they are open.this is the look i got from her Don't marry her, just buy a house and give it to her, it's easier & less expensive
  21. I don't think anyone has the solution, you can along with anyone else offer your opinion as to what should have been done and what should be done in the coming years but can you guarantee to the public that it will work???
  22. since when did the topics stay in focus.
  23. People with "0" notta, zilch of common sense regardless of your education