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Everything posted by Amanda965

  1. Random this resurfaced! I went last April and had a blast- went to Kauai and ouir time was very filled with lots of great things to do for the one week we were there. FOr whoever else looking, I am sure that anywhere in Hawaii is great, it is just such a beautiful place!! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  2. BSBD Ted. Last fall, Ted joined me, Alana and Laurie on a roadtrip to Tecumseh. We spent a lot of time talking and I became very fond of him. Although some of his views were definitely stubborn, he was a very intellingent and nice guy who will be missed. Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  3. That happened to me too! However, I did not really aknowlege it as hurting too much and kinda forgot about it... I woke up the next day and say my eye was all red and swollen shut, so I thought I had conjunctivitis and did not go to work. I met my boyfriend for lunch that day and while sitting across the table from him, the realization came to mind. I said, "I dont have conjuctivitis, you shot me in the eye last night!!" Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  4. I will be done with my masters on March 28th!! I am so excited to be done, however, school is addicting... at some point I would love to go back for my PHd or law school.... You still have some time in life.... dont give up on your masters yet! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  5. so you are back in Columbus?!? Geez, I can never keep track of you anymore! Call me if you want me to come My zipcode is 43230, so I guess we're not too far apart! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  6. I did not see heights when I clicked other. Aside from heights, I am absolutely petrified of CENTIPEDES!!! Eww, way too many legs running way too fast. Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  7. THAT is exactly why I am manipulating my pills so that I am not having that problem when I go to Hawaii (well maybe that and a few other reasons, but that really is one of them ) Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  8. OK, I did not see the response above mine and I did not know this person now has a customized license plate, but it is Justi's! (she goes to Ohio Univiersity, which is where I thought the pics were b/c of the brick roads!) Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  9. I think I may know the answer since I am from Ohio, I know someone that drives a grand am and there are brick roads in the background... Was the picture, by chance, taken in Athens, Ohio?!? Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  10. That is AWESOME Cora, congrats! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  11. I would be sad if I did not have NBC, that is my favorite channel. I do not watch cable at all unless I am at someone else's house. And I LOVE THE OLYMPICS! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  12. It is weird- I know a lot of people that have done pretty much everything, but I do not know anyone that has done Meth. Is it more common in some parts of the US vs. others?? I know ppl that do/have done acid, crack, heroin, coke, ex, etc. BUT not Meth! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  13. I GUESS it is better SAFE than SORRY but it is also a waste of our time to get all worked up when the likelihood of this happening is not very likely... Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  14. Hope you get better soon too!! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  15. I hate the cold and snow- (as I am sitting here at home with the flu) Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  16. I work in Healthcare. I went to a conference where an epidemiologist gave us predicited numbers for the burd flu in the US. He compared the numbers to a category 5 hurriacane hitting across the entire country! Although I find it hard to believe, I must say that I was scared listening to him talk! Since I work in long term care, the residents would be low on the priority list for vaccination/treatment, but their emphasis was on developing contingency plans for staff when 50% or so will be out with the bird flu! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  17. I have not jumped since OCTOBER!!! Had ONE oppourtunity in January, but my reserve needs repacked. What is the sense in getting it done with weather like this?!? Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  18. Don't forget a pump for the keg as well. Here in Ohio, it is normally a $50-100 deposit for the tap. You may be able to borrow one from a fellow skydiver- that would be your best bet. Also, don't forget a trash can or something filled with ice to keep it cold and lots of cups! For fun, you may want to bring a beer bong or something like that. I went to a so called "party school" so keg buying was a very regular occurrence. A law actually went into effect while I was there that said one house was not allowed to have more than 7 kegs (I think it was 7) at any given time Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  19. There is one nursing home in particular that I can think of here in Columbus that takes in a lot of younger people that have fried out all their organs with drugs. If it wasn't for HIPPA, I would be taking some of my friends there on a field trip to learn a true lesson. Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  20. Absolutely Adorable!! I have a little one to play with right now too (7 weeks.) My boyfriends sister had baby Kevin in December. Wow, what a bundle of joy! Just over the past 7 weeks, it has been so neat to watch him change and grow! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  21. The movie was funny, but didn't it seem as if it dragged on FOREVER!! About virgins- it is funny because I know some people (in their mid twenties) who are virgins. by society's norms, this just is not normal. I have seen people's reactions to the statement, "I am 25 and still a virgin." People react with, "Wow, that is really good" or "I respect that" however, by the tone in their voice and facial expression, I get the feeling they really often times think, "What is his/her problem?" That is really sad... I am not a virgin, but I used to say that I was going to wait until I was at least "in love" of not married to have sex.That does not mean that I have always complied with this statement, due to our society, pressure, alcohol and whatever else... However, what I normally see is that these days the thought of "sex until marriage" rarely happens and it is sad to for me to see so many friends (guys and girls) who have sex with lots of people just to "get laid" then if something negative results, such as pregnancy or a STD they say "how could this have happened?" Take responsibility for your actions and realize that the consequences of sex can often times be more than just an hour or less of pleasure... OK, off my soap box now... Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  22. Great minds think alike! I love those two in addition to the vanilla frosting poptarts. YUMMY to all!! Too bad they are against my diet Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  23. Picutre 2 (its cuter), Quote # (whichever one says "hope you have a ball onyour bday" Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  24. Dunkin DOnuts makes these ones with coconut on them that are awesome!! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~
  25. I sencond you on the fact that ROTFLMAO is overkill, however, what else can we invent to reply back with when someone has a witty or funny comment aside from HA-HA? Come uo with something better we some of us can start using it! Blue skies and SAFE landings! ~Amanda~