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Everything posted by BBKid

  1. Aaah, beat me to it!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  2. Au contraire, mon frer. Wanna hang out at the bonfire sometime? Hmm, I'd half consider that if it was a serious could say I'm a little pissed off with the womenfolk where I'm living at the moment. Wish I lived in Nottingham. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  3. When ya gonna be here? I ask because my cousin is Welsh and owns a farm with LOTS of sheep. Seriously. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  4. Sorry to actually answer the question, but anything upwards of a 10p piece. Some of the older ones may not take the £2 coin, but they'd be rare in London I imagine. I'd just get a phonecard anyway, if I thought I was going to be in payphones a lot. EDIT: didn't mean to come across as pissy towards those who didn't answer the question, I just meant I'm too tired to come up with a witty quip right now. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  5. "Ne-er do well" Contraction of (very) old saying "Never does well", implying that the person being spoken of is not considered a "good egg". We are supposed to hang out, but you obviously haven't read my post in your "new toy" thread. Oh yeah, liar! Or blind. Or mad. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  6. [laughing maniacally] Bwahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!! By means of a simple post, BBKid will dispel the myth that all skydivers are good-looking! [/laughing maniacally] And I thought Alana should know which ne-er do well she should avoid when in London! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  7. BBKid

    i got a new toy!

    [looks at picture] Uhhhhhh, you know I'm staying at your place when I come to see you, right? On a side issue, I've heard Florida in April will guarantee crap weather and zero jumps. People have been advising that I go to Ohio instead, umm, yes. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  8. Ask Malcolm (or whoever's flying) to put the radio on, and you can all have a good sing-song on the way up. I should be up at P'lee this weekend, so I can tell you all about my first FF. We've all been there, the only difference between you and most other people is that you are FAR braver, for a) admitting how scared/nervous you were, and making the decision not to jump, and b) for landing in the 182. I don't want to land in that thing unless I absolutely HAVE to. If you want a quick idea of how I felt about mine, check this thread. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  9. What pisses me off the most is when people confuse "Islamic fundamentalists" with "Islamic extremists". The fundamentals of the religion are such that adherence to them would make all Muslims on the planet peace-loving people - and I don't mean to suggest that the majority are not. I agree with Darius 100%, especially the points he made about Iranian sympathy after 9/11. I don't mean to come over as 'British and pompous' or anything, but Americans seem to have this paralytic fear of even the word "Iran", whereas more and more people from Britain are choosing to go there on holiday - particularly the younger generation, who I fear, based on what I read here every day, in America may be brought up to believe that all Muslims are evil. An exact reversal of what many people are complaining about with reference to the Middle East. Extremism, whatever religion it is based upon, is far more of a problem. Also, FYI, significant numbers of Palestinians who people have noted danced in the street after 9/11, are Christian. There's far more to this problem than religion. Try reading "Orientalism", by the late Edward Said. Probably the most intelligent man of the second half of the twentieth century, whose works more people should be exposed to. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  10. Go easy on Metallica guys, they live in the Bay area of SF - they need the money! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  11. You mean you weren't doing night demos after three jumps? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  12. Well, I don't live anywhere near London Village, but I've booked some of my annual leave for your birthday! I'll be down before that too, 'cos I want to meet some of these reprobates who seem to be intent on mentally scarring you! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  13. No I will not! And I'm shocked you would ask. Besides, sturgeon are property of the Queen. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  14. Mmm...medication... Never had vicodin, but Valium is awesome. Mind numbing pain to "blaaaaaaaaahaazzzzzzzzzzzz" in about 5 mins, with no woozy feelings afterwards (apart from the pain of course). That's the good thing about having a doctor for a dad (I'm kidding here folks!). Hope your back gets better soon Alana! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  15. Yeah, it's a shame some tool has demanded a no-fly zone over NE England on Friday, just so he can go to sit in a pub and NOT drink. Anyway, just jump centre kit, or is stuff I've touched not good enough for you anymore! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  16. Oh yeah, one other thing, remember that numbers go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. I was warned many times that I would "forget" number 2, and despite all my protestations that I would be cool as a cucumber, I still exited and went "one thousand, three thousand", having pulled almost instantly! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  17. ****! Getting sick of tandems are we? I guess giving me my freefall brief reminded you how joyous it can be to hang out with RAPS students! See you Saturday, or Sunday if we win the Rugby (which we will) Edited to stop the post being deleted (sorry Billvon!) Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  18. No, the person buying rings a bell, and then it's a scramble to get to the bar! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  19. Though in this country (or at least at Peterlee), sticking £20 behind the bar for other people to drink is the norm. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  20. Fool! 1 beer coming up for me! Thing I did to relax me on first freefall was to try to get the instructor I was most comfortable and/or had been dispatched most recently by, and ask him to dispatch me on the freefall. Then, I just tried to visualise him holding up the static line, and treat it as any other DP jump. That's the theory anyway...log book quote: "Good climbout and release, rolled onto right side on pull. Good recovery, well done." As I remember it, it went more like this... "Good climbout, albeit with smell of shit emanating from student. Stupid look of delusion on face - why was he looking at me as if I had a static line? Wobbled off step, followed by ill-advised attempt at freeflying. Managed not to entangle himself on deployment. Must remember to congratulate him on choice of swear words, and volume acheived." But I guess that's why they're instructors - they see it how it really is! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  21. I've never had an oar go up my arse when I was drinking American beer.... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  22. Oh, great, just what we need - ANOTHER skyhottie! Sweet pics - I want someone to snap me, and when I get out of plaster, take photos of me in freefall. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  23. I've been out of a C-182, C-206, Grand Caravan, Turbolet 410 and an SMG. 182 poised exits are cool, and being last out of a 206 and doing a sitting student exit is really to move into. BUT - favourite exit has to be the Let 410. Biiiiiiiiig door, lots of things to grab onto, and if you just jump, go limp, and make no attempt to change your position you can watch the plane flying away for about 15 seconds (well, I can anyway!). Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  24. Psst...Dave, will we all get free jumps at this DZ you're buying? I'll be your best mate! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  25. I haven't read through all the replies, but since you, like me, beleive life is given to us (by another power), just try to reconcile youself with the fact that they are closer to the power. For some people that's the only help they feel they can rely on. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"