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Everything posted by BBKid

  1. Hang in there buddy! Sounds like you're progreesing well, as far as I'm concerned. Did anyone else notice how easy everything becomes the second you clear student status. I never had such precise turns as the dive after getting my cat 8, just being relaxed and not under pressure does that for ya. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  2. Look closely at his arm, in particular the outline of his hand. Photoshop, methinks. Now if it had been a Galatasaray fan... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  3. ooh, ooh - I've got to do that! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  4. "corrupting the morals of a minor"??? What the hell does that mean? Will they make him drink hemlock too? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  5. Most people I know who've done tandems told me that they didn't really notice the view on their first tandem - they were just too spaced out by the speed, noise, and the thought of what they'd just done. Therefore lurking the tandem when you are inexperienced is not only dangerous to 2 or 3 people besides yourself, if you're doing it to give a relative a thrill, they might not even notice it, so it really isn't worth the hassle. If you want to share a family member's/friend's experience (and you have their permission as well as the TM and cameraman), just exite before them. Stand in the door, facing in, and fall out backwards. They'll see you skydive, and you'll see them skydive, with the assurance that the TM will give ample time after you exit. Sorted. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  6. "Ball under malfunction" - too funny! Also, ask someone to check that the main lift web is the right length for you - an instructor should know what to do. I was getting blue legs too, even though the legstraps were tight enough, but it turned out they were crossing my thighs at a funny angle, so nothing I did to the straps was going to make the situation better. Sorry about the crappiness of the pic! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  7. Anyone got a picture of these shirt stows? I can't picture them, or how they would work. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  8. Well, there's one relating to getting smashed, if that's not the hallmark of a skydiver, I don't know what is! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  9. Jeez girl, sounds like you did better than me, I ran into the back of a car about 14 months ago, turned out to be an unmarked pigs...I mean police car. Tapped them at about 2mph, no damage to them or their car. I still got sued for 10 grand. Bastards. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  10. Just to follow up, Baghdad and Iraq aren't interchangeable terms. The majority of Iraqis are still living without the basics, and there doesn't seem to be any real hurry by any of the occupying forces - US, British, Australian, or whoever - to rectify this situation. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  11. Depends what time of day it is though. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  12. But have probably never lived outside the USA. Nothing personal against you Clint, it's just that most Americans I know who have lived in Europe or elsewhere have figured out some of the reasons why many countries hate the US, and agree that GWB is only making things worse. This is just an observation - I'm not getting drawn into a long argument. I wish for your sake someone else was in charge. EDIT: I know he was born by the time Snr did his skydive, but you get the point. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  13. I like having a mobile, but hate the fact that if I got rid of it, I would never speak to anyone ever. Even my Mum calls me on it to tell me my dinner's ready. I love waitress service! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  14. Christ! Just looked at the results. Even with me screwing the vote by going for "is the devil", he's still waaaay too popular. I was watching the vid of GB Snr. doing a skydive a few months ago, and couldn't help thinking "if only those legstraps had squashed his nuts and made him infertile..." Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  15. When I get a custom rig I'm going to get: C - Oh F... R - Beer! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  16. Has anyone ever tried one of these? 140mph on a motorbike all through UK winter, and it'll keep a clear visor all day. Just a thought. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  17. I'm 22 and I remember it - how does that work??? We had a good laugh...I mean considerate reminiscence about Joey at the DZ not long ago in fact. Ah, what the hell - we were taking the piss out of the spaz and imagining what would have happened if he'd exposed himself on kids tv! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  18. Big hugs and prayers goin' across the pond to ya' Michele! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  19. The way I read it, I thought it meant the CCI had shouted to him when at a higher altitude, so he wouldn't have to make a low turn. Just my interpretation of text, out of context of course. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  20. "Bollocks!", when uttered by me as I do something naughty after leaving the step! Sorry if I scared you mate! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  21. Does anyone actually use them? Everything I've read and been told about pull-out suggests that they are likely to be snatched out of your hand before you reach full arm extension, which suggests to me that most people are using base mounted PC's in their pullout systems. If you use an apex mounted pullout, why? For those using base mounted versions, what made you choose this version? I'm not allowed to use one yet or anything, I'm just curious. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  22. BBKid


    Huh????? If only I knew how some of those ended! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  23. Thanks man! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  24. I'd get the protrack first, then if I wanted a backup audible I'd get a cheaper one from a different manufacturer, such as a TimeOut. I figure that if conditions are weird enough to cause a problem with one type, I'd rather have my backup from a different maker. Of course, you shouldn't rely on either, that's what your eyes are for (and alti when you're a noob like me). Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  25. I figured as much, but I used to get confused when I saw PISA, then PdFSA, and thought at first that they must have a branch making rigs in South Africa. Obviously I figured out pretty soon that wasn't the case, but just wanted to know for sure. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"