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Everything posted by BBKid

  1. Not much more I can say except that my condolencies go out to everyone who knew Tommy. Lets all get up in the sky and be that little bit closer to him. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  2. Heard about a tandem who, at 7000ft said "Can we go from here, so it won't hurt as much if the parachute doesn't open?" Hello there Bryn, it was good fun yesterday eh? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  3. BBKid

    Todays rant..

    Hey, I never claimed to be perfect as a child, it wasn't even that long ago, but in my opinion if you're dumb enough to step out in front of a moving car after looking the driver in the face, then being surprised when you have to jump out of the way, then the gene pool is better off without you. Also, round here the majority of kids have no respect for anyone, even themselves. They make no effort to learn (my Mum just retired from woring in a school, and I know how hard the teachers try), and parents don't seem bothered any more. If anyone else tries to do them a favour by giving them advise, they run the risk of being stabbed or shot at (happened to a lot of my friends), or today's litigious society means you'll probably get sued for emotional distress. I'm sorry if I come across as very pissy, but it's really pissing me off at the moment. Good example: a friend of mine has just graduated (like me) and is going to do a PGCE (1 year teacher training course). He's basically been told that if a child is crying, and he puts his hand on their shoulder to comfort them, or holds their hand to help them cross the road, he'll be dismissed, reported to the police, and probably prosecuted for . I just hate this element of society - my friend is going to make a great teacher, but he's really sceptical about whether he'll be able to stick it out due to all the shit they're throwing at him. Christ on a bike, this country is goign to shit... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  4. BBKid

    Todays rant..

    I hate it when the little pricks start running across the road or riding their bikes across when they can clearly see me coming. My favourite trick when they do this is to downshift really fast 2 or 3 gears, the noise makes them think I'm accelerating towards them. They certainly get out of the way then, I'm just waiting for one to shit himself in the street, then my mission will be accomplished - bwahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  5. Not a bloody chance! I'm happy with the idea of bailing out and pulling the reserve at 1000', but you're out of your tree if you think I'd just arch and wait for something to happen. Now a higher altitude, with a sharp knife and a quick opening main - that's another matter! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  6. What a wanker!!! So, the chute was "full and round" eh? Seriously, I have never heard of an AFF program using round mains, but the reserve was probably his definition of round too, which is why he didn't turn away from the power lines. Having said that, I do know of one other person who cut away in freefall, but this guy was experienced enough to know better, he just places waaaaay too much faith in reserves! Shambown! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  7. I don't live in London, though a lot of my family do, so I've visited many times: 1 + 2. Try doing a search for either Trusthouse Forte, Travelodge, or Ibis hotels - they're all pretty big chains and so the standards and prices are pretty similar wherever you go. Obviously London is much more expensive than anywhere else in the country, and central London is more expensive than the outskirts, but you'll make up the difference in travel costs. Gonna be there in November/December? BOOK NOW! THEY'LL BE FULL! 3. As for cars, try 4. Erm, I'll have a think and get back to you. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  8. Okay, I have massive song fixation at the moment, and I want to download...I mean purchase this particular song, but I don't know who it's by or what it's called. Kind of summery, chillout track, title possibly a variation on Drifting Out (that's the kind of chorus bit). It was a big summer hit in the UK in the early nineties - anyone want to help??? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  9. I'm still bitter at those Chelski b*stards for beating us to it on the last day of the season (then beating us at Anfield on the first day). Everton tomorrow!!!!! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  10. According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Nicholas Iain David Graham was a Intelligent Meara Elven Name Possibilities for Nicholas Iain David Graham The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Vanwaondo Another masculine version is: Vanwaondoion More feminine versions are: Vanwaondoiel Vanwaondoien Vanwaondowen Hobbit lad name for Nicholas Iain David Graham Rorimac Greenhand from The Far Downs Hobbit lass name for Nicholas Iain David Graham Peony Greenhand from The Far Downs Dwarven Name for Nicholas Iain David Graham Gimli Deathvisor This name is for both genders. Orkish Name for Nicholas Iain David Graham Urkrót the Blacktooth This name is for both genders Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  11. Geordie might scare you, but a scouser might steal your wallet! I was amazed when I went to a different DZ because I was used to Ian at Peterlee moving heaven and earth to get you on the load you wanted, or finding an instructor for you, yet when I went somewhere else the CCI only wanted to talk to you when you were writing out a cheque. So I'm going back to Peterlee this weekend to (hopefully) get my cat. 8 (20 months after my first jump!) Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  12. Have this happen to me. Any males out there feel differently? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  13. 4 months? Count yourself lucky. Started on 13th October, 2001. Still don't have my A yet. Hopefuly this weekend though... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  14. Bugger, my friend. that's all I can say. I don't know what's going on, but I assure you I know the feeling very well. I give a great big Cumberland Sausage of a shit. It'll work out - he who will never admit to being wrong decrees it! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  15. 1: Moto GP 2: Football, as long as Liverpool pull their finger out of their arses and start scoring 3: Rallying - better drivers than 4: Formula 1 - to complain about how I could do better for half their wages (unfortuantely I can't pay my way in like Firman) Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  16. "Whu'fo you jump out dem planes?" Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  17. Come to Hibble with Nick - you cannot help yourself, wear revealing clothes... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  18. You lucky bastards. If only you knew how good you have it - grr.......try coming to the UK and filling up. "Pump number 3 please" "certainly sir, now I will have the shirt off your back, and please bend over for your kick up the arse" Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  19. BBKid necklace

    From Pammi's site (hope clicky worked). 4 - 5 weeks, delivery time, getting excited already! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  20. OK, I will, as soon as this TV show finishes, then I have to pair up all my socks... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  21. BBKid necklace

    Screw it, won't be ordering a custom rig for a couple of years/hundred jumps, so ordered a custom necklace from Pammi instead. Light blue and white with thin silver spacers on rubber cord - can't wait. $15 is a snip, too - thanks Pammi and Merrick! Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  22. BBKid necklace

    Ordered mine, 'cos I like it and it's in colours. Though I will almost certainly be ordering a custom one in my colours (light blue, white and green or some variant), and when I do it will be from Pammi. Hell, I get bored of all jewellery after a couple of months anyway, so it's not as if I'm committing online adultery. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  23. Or I could advise you to remove that e-mail address to avoid SPAM. I made that mistake once... Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  24. Tries the e-mail address, but it said I needed an account # too, so I just put the e-mail address, card account #, and expiry date. Seems to have worked, my order has been accpted and processed. Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"
  25. Just tried to order the style closing pin from Preyor, but I'd never used my PayPal account before - I was completely thrown when it asked for my account number. I can't find it anywhere on my account info page, and the 'help' section is unhelpful as normal. I just entered the card account number which the cash will come out of - is this right??? Plus, anyone have any idea how much it will cost to send to the UK? Nick --------------------------- "I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"