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Everything posted by bch7773

  1. mint chocolate chip [drooling smileyface icon] MB 3528, RB 1182
  2. muhahahaha! MB 3528, RB 1182
  3. also check the talkback forum... I know theres at least one huge thread that had a list of songs on the post itself. just search the talkback forum for "skydiving music" or something like that. MB 3528, RB 1182
  4. from what I read, its a scam. Go here and read: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/scams/carsale.asp then ask yourself, does this look familiar? MB 3528, RB 1182
  5. yo yo, I be hearing you bytch! I trys to represent for all my seven cell homies in th' true slim shady gangster state, kansas. Don't be makin' me throw down my Triathalon 160 and cap yo' 9 cell azzes. peace out MB 3528, RB 1182
  6. Remind me to open a door for you or something like that sometime MB 3528, RB 1182
  7. (I'm bored) MB 3528, RB 1182
  8. no, but I've only been in this for a couple years. MB 3528, RB 1182
  9. I'm gonna name the one on the left Bill, and the one on the right Monica. Can you guess their last names? MB 3528, RB 1182
  10. is that really where dork comes from? ugh, I don't wanna even know what animal's penis "nerd" or "geek" is named after and whos the person who beat me to snopes?!?!?! I wanna point out the myths! MB 3528, RB 1182
  11. Why don't you just buy her some milk? I heard somewhere she likes milkmen. oh ashley, don't worry about not being 21... you can still drink, you're in college! MB 3528, RB 1182
  12. I saw a guy hook up his main backwards by accident, and he landed it off DZ. Nobody noticed it until someone said "hey, did that guy just break both his legs? I just saw him land and his knees bent the other way!" Funniest part was that he was a rigger... I needed my reserve repack, but you can guess that I didn't go to him! MB 3528, RB 1182
  13. yeah, search talkback, and there's a couple threads about this. also, "Cloud Connected" by "In Flames" is good. MB 3528, RB 1182
  14. sick stuff... as part as the woman's punishment, they should lock her in a car trunk for a few hours, while her daughter watches a movie or something. MB 3528, RB 1182
  15. I think quite a few people from KSUPC gonna be there, kansasskydiver, unstable, myownway to name a few. I've never been, but I've heard good things... and the photos seem to make it sound even better
  16. This is what I've read somewhere, so I don't know if its true, but: The human eye can really only focus on things less than ~4000 feet away. Anything past that is catagorized as "distant" by your eyes. So once you start getting under 4000 feet, your eyes and brain can actually see the ground rushing towards you. This is known as ground rush, and is apparently much more noticeable the closer you get to the ground. anyways, lowest I've pulled is ~2600, but I've done 400 ft bungee jumps before, and the groundrush is just amazing... your stomach feels like its gonna rip right out of you. MB 3528, RB 1182
  17. - Jack Handey ahhh, is there anything Jack Handey can't teach us? MB 3528, RB 1182
  18. c) christina One she combs all the greasy shit outta her hair, I think shes pretty hot. Madonna would be ok... 10 years ago MB 3528, RB 1182
  19. nice pictures [musing] i wonder what it would like to jump in that?!! [/musing] MB 3528, RB 1182
  20. nothing, if you play your cards right. just drive out to the middle of the desert, put on your rig, and wait for an alien abduction. once you are on their ship, use their anal probe to break a window, then jump out. MB 3528, RB 1182
  21. just go in to your local gear shop, and just try on all the helmets they have in there. bring along your sunglasses to see how they fit with the helmet too. all of the gear shops I've been to have no problems with you trying on their helmets in the shop. MB 3528, RB 1182
  22. all of your questions can be explained easily, if you just use the word "magic" 1) Horses are uhhh bad magic... if the hobbits used one, they would die. 2) their "travel straight to Mordor" magic spell broke 3) they have a magic bag that fills with food and money every day. 4) they don't get frostbite because they used a "anti-frostbite" magic spell 5) gandolf used a magic invisible parachute to break his fall. 6) dwarves, elves, and wizards exist... we can't see them because they make themselves invisible with magic. hey, its a big epic filled with magic, so I think that my explanations are plenty valid MB 3528, RB 1182
  23. I'm 6'2" with size 13 feet. you know what they say about the guys with big shoes right? they have big socks you know what they say about the guys with big socks right? they have big feet you know what they say about the guys with big feet right? uhhh I forgot where I'm going with this but I'm hung. MB 3528, RB 1182
  24. [whisper] if someone postwhores in silence, are they still a postwhore? [/whisper] MB 3528, RB 1182