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Everything posted by bch7773

  1. I still don't see why using you say disconnecting your RSL is stupid. Its pretty simple... if you are in high winds, and you have already opened your canopy, you've collapsed the slider, unstowed brakes, got into the landing pattern, and made sure you are gonna collide with someone, I think its safe to disconnect the RSL. Lets say someone disconnects it at 1000 feet. Below that, you aren't supposed to cutaway (according to SIM I believe), so having the RSL still connected is moot. And how long does it really take to disconnect it? 2 maybe 3 seconds? Not really a safety issue. meanwhile, disconnecting it allows you to cutaway your canopy if you are getting drug, without having to get a reserve repack. And yes, a repack is only 40-odd dollars, but it still means you can't jump for a few days (for most people). Not to mention most skydivers don't have very much money, and something tells me they would be hesitant to cutaway while being drug, if they realized they would have to get a repack. MB 3528, RB 1182
  2. I have been using those as well. They seem to keep my hands fairly warm, but they have no grip on them at all, which is kinda important if you have to regularily climb on a cessna strut. I've heard good things about Neuman Tackified gloves... anybody use them? Has anybody tried the winter edition of them? I would think they would keep your hands warmer, but do you still have enough feel in them to grab handles, etc? MB 3528, RB 1182
  3. well lets see: 1. Did he piss off Bush Senior? 2. Does Zimbabwe have oil? 3. Is there anything else Bush and his cronies can profit from in Zimbabwe? Sorry, the answer is no to all three questions, the US cannot come and bomb your country at this point in time, please check back with them in the future. ok thats not quite right. look at what bush wants to do with North Korea... the answer to your questions would be still be no, but you can tell bush is itching to go in there. MB 3528, RB 1182
  4. you from zimbabwe nigel? What part? I was there last summer... and things have gone to shit. MB 3528, RB 1182
  5. or rather, just disconnect it under canopy once you see you have a good canopy. Barring another canopy hitting you (which is pretty rare), you get the benefit of a RSL if you had had a malfunction on that jump, and you still can cutaway on the ground without the reserve coming out. MB 3528, RB 1182
  6. its happened once or twice to me. not a big deal. I just remember to turn it back on once i repack it. MB 3528, RB 1182
  7. if you guys like microwave tricks... heres a couple. put a cd in your microwave, face down, and turn it on for 3 seconds. There will be a big flash, and your cd will look really cool. This won't hurt your microwave, but it will destroy the cd, so use like a cheap CD-R or something. or, you cut a grape in half, lengthwise, and place it in the microwave, in the exact center, cut-sides-down. Then turn on the microwave for 15 seconds. The grape will actually form a continuous flame/spark for several seconds. It has something to do with plasma. MB 3528, RB 1182
  8. yeah but now that you have it in a .wmv file, you can directly import it into windows movie maker... it outputs it as a .wmv as well. I would say just give it a shot... its kinda fun to mess around with. MB 3528, RB 1182
  9. nice video man... at least you don't have your cheeks flopping if you wanna do one with video, just use "Windows Movie Maker". Its a pretty basic (therefore crappy) program, but its free with Windows. I actually made a couple videos of me with it, and for just showing whuffo friends it looks pretty cool. MB 3528, RB 1182
  10. Ask an instructor to watch you land, and ask him what he thinks you should be doing to improve your landings. even better, if you have a friend or something watching, get them to videotape your landing. I know that can help a lot of people, because then you can see exactly what you were doing, and not just what you THOUGHT you were doing. anyways, don't sweat it too much, the most important thing is to land safely... and even the experienced guys buff in landings every once in a while. MB 3528, RB 1182
  11. bch7773


    I've made a few helmetless jumps. I couldn't afford the Z1 I wanted, so I just jumped helmetless for a few weeks until I got it. Its kinda a cool feeling, just wearing goggles. You can really hear and feel the wind more. But it also comes with more danger... plus, your goggles come off easier, which sucks in freefall, if there isn't a helmet there to pinch em down at the sides. MB 3528, RB 1182
  12. The instructor only stays in the plane during your SLs to your 15 secs delays. After that, they will jump out with you... and one of my instructors did jump out with me during one of my 10 second delays. And when people say that static line gives you more canopy time, they are referring to the canopy time you get while on student status. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think on AFF that you are on student status till like your 9th jump. With static line, you are on student status till your 15th jump. So you do get like twice as much canopy time while on student status . However, you can only jump with instructors or coaches until you have your A-license, with either method. so my 2 cents... keep going with static line to keep costs down, but like some other people said, if you keep failing levels because of instability, switch to AFF. MB 3528, RB 1182
  13. Yeah, but three feet behind that window is the tail. Seems to me that youd have a pretty good chance of hitting it. The person who told you that may have been referring to if you need to get out of the plane after its crashed and its on fire or something. MB 3528, RB 1182
  14. bch7773

    sad sue

    welcome back sad sue. I noticed that there wasn't any strange threads going on for a few weeks, and you've been gone for a few weeks, and so now it all makes sense. MB 3528, RB 1182
  15. I was not trained on AFF, but I do know that there is a reserve side JM. Its his job to pull the reserve if something is wrong is the main. I believe that the reason he isn't chasing after this student is because his job is over once he sees the main start to deploy, which it did. Also, the main side JM did the correct thing by pulling the handle, even if he saw the student pull the cutaway, so that the students RSL should have pulled the reserve. I think perhaps the students rig didn't have an RSL, or it didn't work. MB 3528, RB 1182
  16. hey there. welcome to the place most skydivers hang out when they're not skydiving. also, according to your profile, Ottawa is in Egypt. I guess I learn something new everyday MB 3528, RB 1182
  17. I only got the jitters when it was a long time between jumps... you know, when you haven't jumped for a few weeks, it seems pretty scary to jump again. other then that, just remember to relax... if you start thinking about getting nervous, then you are going to get nervous. MB 3528, RB 1182
  18. its a tree that nice mulch is made from. I can't figure out why some people are so against quality mulch. MB 3528, RB 1182
  19. I can't see it at all.... why don't you attach some more pictures so that all of us can see it. MB 3528, RB 1182
  20. nitrous is ok... but unfortionately it goes much too quickly to be really fun... its like going from sober to shit-faced in 10 seconds. its just not as much fun as people make it out to be, IMHO MB 3528, RB 1182
  21. I've lost 2 contacts on 2 seperate jumps when just using goggles, and haven't had a problem losing one ever since I've had my fullface Z1. I say either sinch your goggles down tight, or use a fullface helmet. MB 3528, RB 1182
  22. ok don't we already have two or three threads going about whether or not GWB should be reelected?!?! lets see more boobies and/or jokes threads going, but no more of this political stuff. [/rant over] MB 3528, RB 1182
  23. you can always ask your local rigger at your DZ if he has any special tricks to show you. Most riggers are pretty experienced with getting slippery canopies into small bags, so they can show you a bunch of little things that make the entire packjob easier. Or I guess you could always watch a packer pack yours, and see if there's anything special they do. I've packed real slippery pd demo canopies before, so I know what hell you are going through. good luck MB 3528, RB 1182
  24. I agree with aggie. At our DZ, the ripcord handle is where a BOC pouch would be. So its really hard to look at it without losing your arch. I'm not sure about a hip mounted ripcord... though I imagine you would still have to look down and to the side with your head, which is the opposite of what you are supposed to do in a hard arch, which is to put your head back and chin up. MB 3528, RB 1182
  25. I see the pie, but wheres their naked jump? what kinda hundred jump shannagins you guys pulling? MB 3528, RB 1182