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Everything posted by bch7773

  1. I agree... I'm glad somebody caught this troll... I mean, why would he want to f*ck up some fellow skydiver's gear? MB 3528, RB 1182
  2. actually, you shouldn't be nervous about the ground rush... I think I've read somewhere that the human eye can't focus on things farther than like 4000 feet away. This means that you won't see the ground rushing towards you until below 4K. And I hope you aren't still in freefall in a tandem below 4000, because ground rush will be the least of your problems... hahaha anyways keep practicing your ripcord pulls... try closing your eyes while you practice, it seemed to help me remember where it was. MB 3528, RB 1182
  3. thanks for the help. So as long as I file a NOTAM, does the pilot just need his basic pilot's license? And all he needs to do is just announce when the people are jumping, etc. over the radio? And I think he has a Cessna 172... is that an ok jumplane? Do we just remove the door? MB 3528, RB 1182
  4. One of my friends owns a Cessna, and he is always asking me if I can jump out of it. What licenses and ratings does a pilot to drop skydivers out of their plane LEGALLY in the US? I want to do it, but I want to make sure that we don't get in trouble. I don't care about if we are breaking uspa laws, since they aren't technically laws... MB 3528, RB 1182
  5. I learned using the static line method... it was the only kind my DZ offered. I would say that if you have lots of money saved up go ahead and go for the AFF, because its gonna cost you a lot more. At our DZ, NONE of your static line progession jumps (ie static line, 10sec, 45sec) cost more than $30 bucks. Compare this to AFF which most of your jumps are over $100 bucks. But I do agree that your first few intial jumps on AFF are a lot more fun than your first few on a static line. Both methods will teach you to skydive, and let you have a sh*tload of fun. MB 3528, RB 1182
  6. I agree... I'm looking for new gear and some people post the same gear two or three times a day. Its slightly annoying MB 3528, RB 1182