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Everything posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. You're not call CNN a reliable source are you?
  2. I'd buy a good all beef hot dog and cook some bacon. As a matter of fact, the other night for dinner I had grilled hot dogs on garlic toast topped with home made left over sloppy joe, bacon and cheese.
  3. Send me a friend request. I'll clean out your friends list for you.
  4. Congrats!!! Who are you again?
  5. A little late to the party aren't you.
  6. That was not the point of my post. Go back and re-read
  7. I see it all the time - Jumpers that do not have insurance, but always manage to have new gear and go to lots of boogies. Then they get hurt and claim they could not have afforded insurance. Well... that is just crap. They made a choice to have new gear and go to boogies instead of having insurance. Skydiving is an expensive sport, it is also a risky sport. You should consider health care as part of the cost of being involved in the sport. My wife has/can sell insurance. When she needed insurance, she was able to find it. When people claim they can't afford insurance she has found them insurance for 200-300/mth. They don't actually get it, they prefer to make 8-10 more jumps a month or drink beer. I freely admit that the insurance situation may have/probably has changed substantially since I moved out of the US 6.5 years ago, but at that point I was paying $80/mo for insurance (for a male, 25, single, no kids). It didn't cover checkups. It didn't cover glasses. It didn't cover day to day shit. It covered me fucking myself up in ways I couldn't afford to fix myself. I didn't call Progressive when my car needed an oil change, I wasn't going to call my health insurance company when I needed my blood pressure checked. If the government and employers would get out of the health insurance business and people bought insurance for what they needed it for the whole insurance/health care issue would be solved in this country. I bet your employer didn't help you get your car insurance either.
  8. I do lawn service for a living. Sight unseen I'd put that at $40-$50
  9. I was 32 I think. To lazy to do the math. 1800 jumps and one crushed vertebra later here I am at 46. Not active in the sport now. Still jump once in a while and run a boogie once a year.
  10. You will want to buy a good one, keep the blades sharp and cut the grass on time. If you ever get behind you are screwed.
  11. Never heard of it. Where is it?
  12. Got news for y'all. Running a small piston jump plane is not cheaper than a turbine per head.
  13. CSpenceFLY


    Any landing ya can walk SWIM away from... Gee, everyone thought Sully was a hero when he put it in the water, but this guy gets no slack. There is a difference between landing an airplane dead stick because that's the only place you could put it and flying a "perfectly good airplane" into the water short of the runway.
  14. I disagree. When I started jumping,we, the low time new jumpers jumped together all the time. We didn't do stupid shit like try to have 6 low timers freeflying together and the experienced jumpers kept an eye on us and wanted to know what we were planning on doing on our jumps. This was before the wonderful coaches program came along and everyone started ignoring the new people unless they were paying for their slot.
  15. DZOs tend to be their own worst enemies. If they are willing to let someone make a business out of taking their profits I say let them. If these stupid asses haven't learned anything from the Skyride mess then let them give their money away. I disagree that any of these companies are a benefit in any way all they do is intercept customers that were already looking for a place to make a skydive.
  16. She said... Somewhat minor nit here, and obviously I appreciate the he-said-she-said nature of this, but she apparently went from "can you cover it with clothing?" to "can you wrap your leg in duct tape?" I still think the whole thing is silly but c'mon, the guy isn't a dryer vent. Maybe suggest a sweatband or an ace bandage? Or a magic marker? Blow-torch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgSBKQueFH4
  17. CSpenceFLY


    I can't believe that P5 didn't comment on the Raeford Dragon.
  18. CSpenceFLY


    http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=38761; Mine.
  19. CSpenceFLY


    Mines on here in one of the other tattoo threads. I'll see if I can find it or repost. While you are waiting do a search for the Raeford Dragon.
  20. Maybe you suck... Joking. I don't have a clue as to why you feel the way you do. You're in the best seat to figure that out. I do agree with quade. Trying to grease in landing on ruff/windy days usually end up worse than if you just fly the airplane to the ground and make it stick. The last thing you want to do in a gusty cross wind is hold it off and bleed of the airspeed down to the stall.
  21. Your choices have no value. Since everyone is different, "average" is useless.
  22. just wondering?? If his rant was before the chop... any idea what THAT was about? Was a packjob done that he disliked??? and so then he UNpacks it ?and REpacks it? and then goes up and malfunctions it???geeze.. there's your "Karma " ... right there ! hahaha....did he pay for the packjob? Oh I Liked the Acronym for the car!!!!!