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Everything posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. This is something that can be kept up with on a local level among the states DZs.
  2. We have a winner. Pretty much gotta do it myself here. All the professionals are gone.
  3. I wonder how close they came to plowing into those mountain tops?
  4. Wouldn't it be better if the photo was on the floor...for the challenged people. If you come to Fitz you will likely jump that plane there also. It a huge conspiracy to make people believe there are more Otters than there actually are.
  5. I find it interesting that you got an answer to you question and then came back and changed the scenario. So which is it? Are you worried about your lift ticket or are you worried about the safety of the tandems?
  6. Make your own and don't suck at catching them. A regular cue ball works for belly speed.
  7. Simple solution. Just say no to third party booking agents and they will all go away.
  8. Ooops, sure did. Hadn't had my second glass of coke yet. Feel free to edit if you like.
  9. Straight to reserve. If you are high enough you can deal with whatever happens. If you are too low, that second you took cutting away may have been the extra second you needed to have a survivable landing.
  10. Cool....any reason you...scratch that...some motorcyclists choose to do it in residential areas and not on an open road? The fuck is the point of taking off and making noise when there's a stoplight/sign every block? There are assholes in every activity.
  11. I wanna ride with you!!! Do you ride along side Kawasaki's, or am I gonna get pushed into a concrete median?? Not unless you are riding like a dick and endangering my life.
  12. To lazy to look up the video but I saw it too. Coming from someone who rides a motorcycle. The thug biker wannabes caused the incident that started this. One of them cut in front of the guy in the SUV and then brake checked him and was rear ended. When the guy stopped they attacked him and he drove over a couple of bikes to get away. Had it been me there would have been dead wannabe biker thugs strewn along a 4 mile stretch of the route. I'm too old to fight and I'm not taking an ass whipping if I have the option to run your ass over. We have packs of thugs like this in Atlanta. A small group tried to surround me like that on I-75 coming through town one night. I pushed one off the road at an exit almost into a concrete divider at and exit and the others decided they didn't want to fuck with the old guy on the Harley. I'm not sure, the wind may have lifted my shirt and exposed my gun.
  13. Doesn't have to be a boogie. That shit happens at any given DZ on any weekend.
  14. I can barely remember what has happened at Fitz. Fortson should know.
  15. Wing Ding is kicking into gear. Y'all come visit me there tomorrow.
  16. Arch arch arch arch....aaaaaaaaand PLF.
  17. I put a lot of jumps on a Spectre 170 loaded at about 1.4 when I was flying camera. Loved it. First thing you want to do is lengthen the brake lines a little and they fly great.
  18. The guy was on short final and made a last second right hand turn in front of him. You people have lost your damn minds.
  19. One final thought. Someone mentioned up thread "bring something". I agree totally with that. Come with the intent of adding something to the boogie. Some of the best times we have had at the St.Patricks Boogies have been because of people who have taken it upon themselves and many time on their own dime to organize activities for the event. Hell, if nothing else, bring a box of trash bags and try not to be the squeaky wheel.
  20. You got it figured out for the most part. Except for the no politics thing. It's just a different set of issues. Everyone wants the tandem concession,everyone wants to organize, oh and btw can you cover my travel,food and hotel also, everyone wants their aircraft there, and don't forget organizer wanna be that wants to tell you how it should be done and then shit talks the event when you don't do it their way, the 1 to 2% that show up just to try and fuck something up and the ones that would complain if you gave them free jumps because they didn't like the plane it was out of. People have lost sight of what a boogie is supposed to be in my opinion. Yes, it used to be about getting to jump out of bigger and different airplanes, but it has always been about socializing. The vibe at a true boogie is like no other.Unfortunately it's something that many just don't get cause they are too busy complaining to stop and enjoy the moment.