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Everything posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. Great idea. They use to jump in Cordele,Ga. but I don't have any details. I know this because I went there when I was looking to move the St.Patricks Boogie from Dublin and got the old "We had skydivers here once before and don't want them back" speech from the old airport manager. Thank God someone showed me Fitzgerald.
  2. Stiff-necked SOB's. Always trying to keep the man down. Someone needs to learn to read sarcasm.
  3. The least you could do is enthusiastically lay on the sofa.
  4. I love the way all these po dunk little shit hole airports all think they are special and they all start out with the same arguments.
  5. I saw a video this dumb bitch posted on youtube complaining about a plane that took off like 40 miles away and was climbing over the area in the middle of the night. We can only hope the stress of being a stupid bitch gives her a stroke or heart attack
  6. An ultralight school is a grand idea. Maybe a biker rally also.
  7. Phree beat me to it. I'd ride a trashcan lid into Hell if Jim West was at the controls.
  8. Just a general comment not really connected to this thread. I think mods should serve for maybe a year and then take a break. I've seen more than one get burned out and turn into a jackass. Again, this comment is not aimed at anyone.
  9. Interesting... Looks like I'm wrong. Thanks, -scott This should have given you your first clue. They generally don't just make up training information.
  10. This should be cross posted into the prop strike thread, since there are so many people that think THAT could never happen to them.
  11. Keep up the good work. There are people with hundreds and thousands of jumps that can't put their canopy where they want to on every landing. It is a valuable skill that might save your life one day.
  12. I think it's fine for other people to do.
  13. Fucking Chinese. Yes, I am aware that is racist.
  14. Again I disagree. That was the fault of a rider with his head up his ass and not paying attention to controlling his bike. The car may have been broken down, we don't know if it was stopped or just going slow for some reason. Again, I ride. I'm not a bike hater. I'm a take responsibility for my own life rider. If you meant that as sarcasm then point taken.
  15. I don't think it's legal in Ga. but if it is I wouldn't do it because people are ignorant assholes.
  16. He obviously didn't have enough miles to be using that GoPro. Oh, and he wasn't going 140
  17. That is a huge assumption that the truck driver did this on purpose. Think just for a second. Truck breaks down on a busy road, traffic backs up pretty quick, jackass bikers is more important that everyone else on the road, truck driver starts to get out of the truck not expecting fuckstick to come buzzing past everyone doing 60 mph. For the record, I ride also. There is a disturbing trend in the motorcycle community to always blame the automobile driver and never dissect incidents like we do here in the skydiving community. From this trend comes no learning. It is my belief that many accidents are the fault of the bike rider. Riding too closely,poor lane position makes you invisible in traffic. Couple that with erratic, last minute or unexpected movement and you have a recipe for a fatality. I place 99.9% of the blame on the rider. The driver gets .1% for not looking before climbing out of his truck.
  18. Sounds like your DZ needs better instructors. Tell us some more stories to entertain us.
  19. The first article I read said he was wounded. May explain the judges actions. It does speak to the fucked up that is our legal system though. If you attack a witness in the court room you deserve a jury that is prejudice against you.
  20. Looks like the door is open for you to step up your game. Time for you to make your name and your fortune in the big way arena.
  21. Might help if you posted one of the tons of pictures.