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Everything posted by RMURRAY

  1. I replaced my VX's vectran at 600 jumps and replaced the vectran lower control lines at 300 and 600. Probably a bit safe but did not want to be grounded due to something snapping unexpectedly - only have one rig. I have MEL's cascaded HMA with dacron LCLs. Word is I should get over 800. rm
  2. Your consistent inability to understand and relate to other cultures is an issue you ought to deal with. well put! I agree.
  3. I am finally dumping my 150-M for a PD143R or SMART150. and I am done with PA products. I would like to know how the Anglefire performs at high wing loadings. rm
  4. I would be afraid it might affect my chances of getting that promotion at work....or maybe my 4 way team would disband for no reason.... rm
  5. After doing more than a few tandems (read: several hundered) a good TI will probably find they can land their students more comfortably (read: safely) by generating a little speed prior to the flare. Whether they do this throught the brake/surge technique, or a toggle turn, it's still safe if they are experience in the technique. is the brake/surge technique at odds with what Brian Germain recommends in his latest article? rm
  6. I guess all Canada-US issues are inter-connected. One big one, Alberta has the oil you will need, especially after GWB's speech. Unless you all quickly squeeze your butts into ethanol burning micro cars, you will need to work with this new PM. Calgary and Fort McMurray (Alberta), I think all Americans will be able to find them on a map in the future.
  7. this discussion is about the arrogant Liberal party getting booted out of office not arrogant American foriegn policy so I will not respond. I didn't vote for Mr Harper but like what I see so far!!!
  8. Okay, so if the U.S. Navy asks permission first, is Canada going to say "no"? And if so, why? What are those ships hurting by traveling through that area? The US would expect to be asked before a foreign navy ship enters US waters. How can you argue for the US navy on this one??????? Do you just agree wtih what ever your government does?????? rm
  9. the slider on my VX comes down fast (usually). There are many good designs however I am sticking with JumpShacks snap toggles. Never a problem. rm
  10. I think you cannot use Slinks in other reserves than PD. not true. I use Reserve Slinks on my Raven -M but got written approval from PA first. rm
  11. I think you cannot use Slinks in other reserves than PD. not true.
  12. It will be interesting to see if they can do away with the Gun Registry. The Liberals and NDP will oppose getting rid of it and I doubt that the Bloc Quebecois would support any attempt to remove it as it was the Marc Lepine mass murder of young university women in Montreal that helped precipitate its formation. Depends on what the Conservatives offer the Bloc in return..... most items will need to wait until/if they get a majority in 18 months or so. They may be able to get a cut in GST through, maybe manditory time for possessing or using an illegal handgun. I'm only disappointed the Greens did not get a seat in BC. Harper should drop the "God bless Canada" bullshit. That is not what a lot of people want to hear from a PM. rm
  13. I sell stuff for friends and have shipped probably 50 items from Canada to the US. UPS ground has been excellent and is cheap. Inside Canada I use CANPAR. For Europe and down under TNT. I am sure FEDEX is good.
  14. I use UPS ground. good price and never a problem. make sure the sender uses a good box which is not too small and put the canopy in a plastic bag with no holes in it. you can check that the canopy was not damaged in shipping easy. make sure they call the contents "parachute parts" and devalue to reduce tax. rm
  15. well it must be true then. Chaplain: Let us praise God. O Lord... Congregation: O Lord... Chaplain: ...Ooh, You are so big... Congregation: ...ooh, You are so big... Chaplain: ...So absolutely huge. Congregation: ...So absolutely huge. Chaplain: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You. Congregation: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You. Chaplain: Forgive us, O Lord, for this, our dreadful toadying, and... Congregation: And barefaced flattery. Chaplain: But You are so strong and, well, just so super. Congregation: Fantastic. Humphrey: Amen. Congregation: Amen. The Meaning of Life (1983)
  16. I put a short (wmv) video of the 298 on my website http://www.sidsrigging.com/galleries/galleries_index.htm very nice. I will get rated on Vector just because my local little DZ uses the Canadian Aerosports rig If I had the cash, I follow exactly what chuck blue and lou diamond did. get my own rig - 38 lbs and under 10K US brand new. I think there is enough demand up here that DZs will pay for a "hired gun". rm
  17. Not a TM yet but interested, will JumpShack make whatever size you want or is it only 298, 350 or 396? Have you seen any 298's? rm
  18. I have a tee shirt with that cat on the back. It was bought at JumpShack only a couple of years ago. Don't bother with their website - call them. rm
  19. that is pretty fast! takes me 30 seconds to check and double check that it is hooked up right. would you recommend one for a VX for use with a wingsuit? I would say NO but I have zero wingsuit jumps - I would probably want a second rig just for wingsuits - with something like a Sabre2/Crossfire2 and no RDS. rm
  20. sorry to get off topic but do you use your VX for wingsuit jumps? I can't imagine anyone who jumps a VX and does not want more speed - probably just me. rm
  21. well put. and remember when he is gone I'll bet there are others lined up to take over. this BS will go on for decades...
  22. your gear is not worth what you think it is worth....it is worth only what someone is willing to buy it for. So if you happen to like an odd colour scheme and you are not willing to split the gear up (sell separately) it is possible you could NEVER sell it. Just think about it. you are asking someone else to like all of the following all at the same time....brand of rig, size of rig, colour of rig, brand of main, colour of main, size of main, brand of reserve, size of reserve, condition etc etc I sell lots of stuff for friends and try to sell complete, end up always selling in pieces. rm
  23. more money but just get a removable slider for the VX - you won't regret it!
  24. just jump it - I would not put anything on it. Either that or take up smoking.... rm
  25. design engineer, in automotive. work on Ford stuff mainly. rm