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Everything posted by RMURRAY

  1. I meant the turbine single otter. Do you mean the one at Dallas was fast to altitute? rm
  2. good stuff on singles vs twins. on singles though, why do you experienced pilots think the single otter is not popular as a jumpship? http://www.texasturbines.com/PagesPics/specs.htm rm
  3. I replace velcro top and sides at 200 jumps (max) which for me is once a year. Never a problem for RW and swoop loads...maybe a bit overdoing it but I would not want to wait to 400 jumps. rm
  4. RE off heading and line twists. try it both ways. what works for one person will not necessarily work for all. Bill Booth has stated that tuck tabs on the shoulders are a compromise and depending on how tight the reserve is and how high the reserve is packed it can make a big difference. With my VX, if I had any doubt at all I would be undoing them for a hop n pop (ie dump when you clear the plane). rm
  5. these were posted by someone (maybe skymonkeyone or MEL) at one point...I could not find the post..... rm
  6. We have plenty of rings in stock. I had a machine shop make them locally. MEL did you check out investment casting them? might make sense now... rm
  7. I know a guy hurt badly (broken back) when the slider flew up in front of his face during landing. He had well over 2000 jumps at the time...but that was about 10 years ago - I thought everyone knows not to stow the slider anywhere near the front of your face these days.... rm
  8. Nancy at Jumpshack confirmed they heard of this on Friday and will be getting parts back to inspect. rm
  9. I used to have problems, but all is good, after they replaced it a year ago. the battery last a long long time now. I just replaced the first battery since i got it. it almost lasted a year. where do you have your Neptune mounted? - I mean for swooping... rm
  10. I have the option of using it either way. that is worth 80$ to me... rm
  11. I just bought a regular Neptune. This Ruggedized version must be brand new. I hope this doesn't mean the regular one is too fragile. I might end up using mine in my helmet only - where it is protected. bought it mainly for the under canopy alarms as a swooping aid... rm
  12. were you doing back loops? what I am getting at is maybe you dumped at high speed. Even so a canopy should be more forgiving. think about dacron lines if it is a real problem. rm
  13. I will hold you up as my role model...in my next life. bozo exactly. cycle should be 365 days. at least that is what I use. rm
  14. I sent you a message. I have a container that is affordable, will (should) fit you, looks almost new, and which fits up to 150 main and up to 135 reserve. rm
  15. it is quicker than stowing a regular slider. less time in the air, more time on the ground. rm
  16. JumpShack have posted a video on their website which shows "more realistic testing of the speedbag" (most likely in response to this thread). I am not able to download so cannot comment. It is under new downloads down at the bottom. http://www.jumpshack.com/portal/ rm
  17. Buy decent used gear and spend more $ on jumps to become a better skydiver. Gear doesn't make you better, experience does. Kevin exactly! and include lots of windtunnel training early on if possible. rm
  18. for used gear you can try it on before buying. New gear does not always fit perfect even though it was custom made. Of course if you can afford new, go for it! rm
  19. I agree completely but I pack for myself.....except when on (4 way) camps. I will install my old slider for that. They are great but you need to "know your gear" - I'd say a lot of people don't or don't care to..... rm
  20. (shoulder) tuck tabs are thought to be the root cause sometimes. have you tried taking them out of the equation on hop n pops?. rm
  21. From the start of the video to the time they left the airplane was 8/9 sec. Does not seem long enough to be an issue. Sparky I think the root cause of the "lack of calm and coolness" is no one can see the ground.....also maybe the pilot is low time. correct? rm
  22. how does a "2.0" open and fly compared to a regular JVX? from what has been said it will remain zero porosity longer and it might be more rigid in flight. I guess the proof will be how the pros do with it... rm
  23. how many JVX 2.0's are out there now. half a dozen? rm
  24. The 4 way team can take the time they want - they just need to leave the plane a little short so they don't screw everyone else. Adjust where the green gets turned on - turn it on way early and let them leave the plane at the right point. Not so hard if everyone is being reasonable. rm