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Everything posted by RMURRAY

  1. my local is a small cessna dz with a slow climbing 206. add a highly loaded VX. I do tons of hop n pops. we even have a swoop special. all six get out in one pass at 3000 ft max. very affordable... rm
  2. As far as I know it is designed by Brian G and built at Airtime. It prompted PD to come out with the Stiletto. I have a 92 sq ft Jonathan for sale. want to give it a try rm
  3. I agree completely. It is not an easy thing to control yourself. but I am convinced spanking is just not right and does not work either. rm
  4. longer lines also mean more drag. but you would think the thinner HMA would more than make up for that. Are you sure you are not going faster to start with so that the reduction in speed was more noticable. I did not get longer lines from MEL for my VX, only the cascaded HMA. rm
  5. I cannot afford new so I buy used. there is a ton of good gear for sale... rm
  6. Mine is about the same.... racer NOS VX 97 150-M no cypres 18 lbs I asked Nancy at Jumpshack what the lightest power racer that she could put together. "I'm sure if we made a step-in harness (no legstrap hardware), with a 97 AngelFire, and say a 101 FireBolt, I could get it down to 8 pounds" rm
  7. I assume this is the Turbine Moose (detuned to 450HP) and not the one with the Russian radial (with 360HP). Must be nice to have that kind of money. Riggerrob, don't they use these planes in BC to fly people into lakes for fishing (ie commercial) or are they all just for personal use? rm
  8. oh well, too bad is right. out of curiosity, how long do you think the T-Moose (on wheels) would take to climb to 13500 ft??? 6 minutes??? rm
  9. probably the same rules. maybe someone in the know can confirm. if so, too bad. this thing must climb like crazy with the turbine (or even the Russian radial) engine installed. Here is the "T-Moose"... www.aerotekaviation.ca/TMo-img26-e.html rm
  10. Has anyone looked into whether this plane can be used for a jumpship at a small or medium sized dropzone. Maybe someone from western Canada has looked into it already??? rm
  11. My god I hope you're kidding. A ban on something that they have right now in spite of not being allowed to have... Uh, yeah, that'll work. We have an outright ban on heroin in this country. We have an outright ban on cocaine in this country. We have an outright ban on crystal methamphetamine in this country. ALL of those things can be obtained pretty damned easily if you go to the right place and meet the right person. And you really believe that a ban on guns will succeed in ridding the world of guns?? -Jeffrey Unlike the US, handguns are very restricted in Canada. banning them (except for police, Brinks drivers, security etc) would not be a big deal up here. The current Prime Minister made it an election promise (to get votes) and it did not piss too many people off. We are not talking about guns in general here, only handguns. The gang violence problem is ours to solve. It is our border people letting the guns in. rm
  12. put yourself in his position. the gangs are out of control. on boxing day (dec 26) 7 shots fired one innocent teenager killed in busy afternoon shopping. I would say drastic measures are needed. start by searching most of the vehicles entering the country. and finally ban handguns outright.
  13. If she had killed him, a lawyer would also simplify. I only ask because in Canada you can only use "reasonable force" to defend yourself. A big difference between the two countries. Anyway that is it from me. This all reminds me of the scared-white-people cartoon in Bowling for Columbine...same State I see. rm
  14. And why? I am just wondering how it would hold up in court. "so he walked up to you in your vehicle and said 'want to have some fun', and you killed him". rm
  15. If he hadn't backed up when he did I think I would have double tapped him in the head. I'm just glad they walked away. I really do hope they think about it the next time they go to hassle someone else. Maybe looking down the barrel of a redheaded woman's Glock changed his view. Ha Ha. I just realized how well my sig lines goes with this thread. If you had "double tapped" him in the head, how long would you have spent in prison??? If it is "none" something is wrong. rm
  16. I'd go with Bev. Give her a call and talk to her directly about what you need. Then get several experienced people to measure you up. Stick with Shannon as coach. He is the best! rm
  17. Most (but not all) of the jumpers that I have talked to that have put a few thousand jumps on rigs with and without articulation, all else being equal, prefer the standard harness. if I were buying new, I'd pass on hip and chest rings. the harness I'd get would be fine without them. rm
  18. joints would be same as today. think of an extended soft link and a shortened coventional riser. only for top swoopers where aerodynamics is actually a factor - taken to the extreme only good for hop n pop (competetive) jumps. make the new piece out of the thinnest diameter stuff available while being reliable. good thing I am not a rigger! rm
  19. I am not a rigger but why not replace the non functional portion of the front and rear risers with a loop of 1000 lb dacron. kinda like the perminant soft links I had at one time...except extended and sewn together. Fronts and rears would be different. rm
  20. make sure others will like it because you will (most likely) be selling it. on canopy colours in general - don't waste too much time on it. rm
  21. if you have used one what did you think of it and what was the size and wing loading. what about pack volume compared to PD, PA and SMART... rm
  22. I've heard talk from one of the old grey hairs at my local DZ about back in the day before they got all fancy about putting in-flight doors in place of the cargo doors of a U206 that they would just leave the cargo doors off the U206 they had then and climb to altitude with the doors off always and the pilot flew from the left position... in the summer... but then in the winter, they would put the cargo doors back on, the pilot's seat was switched over to the right position, and they had an in-flight door on the left side of this U206 ala-C182-right-side in-flight door... so I guess it can be done. What would be really interesting would be to take a U206, set it up with the pilot on the right and an in-flight door on the left-front and also have the cargo doors off... lauch a 3-way from the cargo doors and a 2-way from the left strut... not sure why, but I guess its just the stuff of bored skydivers... but I digress... sad to report my local DZ has a U206 without a door, summer and winter, in Canada! Makes you appreciate a 182 with a door. burrrrrr.
  23. there is a ton of used stuff. buy each piece separate so you get exactly what you want. the container is the tough one - it needs to fit you. Under "containers" I have 2 for sale currently which look like what you are looking for... rm
  24. when you fold the risers lengthwise and sew they do not get shorter do they??? it is only to reduce the frontal area by a few square inches. when you are going 90mph (you are a top competitor) can be significant. Or am I missing something? rm
  25. no worries, I am just kidding. I am no Liberal Party supporter. I'm for the Green Party for now on. Not sure what their stance on hand guns is... rm