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    Vigil 2 Control Unit

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  1. My dz is open all year (in Canada) and I wear a balaclava and windproof leather gloves. It's important to be wind proof. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  2. I doubt you're covered for jumping at that price. I got the policy specifically for jumping. I bought it from a guy I jump with who worked for the insurance company at the time. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  3. That seems a bit pricey. I have $100,000 for $40/month through London Life. is for both, my wife and I. We are both skydivers. I think it is a lot of money, but so is $250,000. Plus we will be locked in for 30 years. Havent signed yet, but getting ready to. I will be reading this thing front to back. You are right. Now that I think about the numbers, they do seem to jive. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  4. That seems a bit pricey. I have $100,000 for $40/month through London Life. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  5. $500 US Triathlon 160 Jan. 97 approx 300 approx 300 1 no/no/no "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  6. You made that? Wow, that's skillful cool. I'd change the cutaway handle colour to something more contrasting though. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  7. We are used to seeing clouds from the ground...back-lit by the sun. When you are above them you can see cool prisms from the sunlight. I fell through a small cloud once and as I was coming down on it I could see the suns reflection in the form of a round prism. It was my most memorable jump. A guy I jump with told me he went through a cloud and could see his reflection off the water in front of him! I'd like to do that. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  8. Hell yeah. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  9. No. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  10. No. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  11. Triathlon 160. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  12. Popsjumper, if your computer wont run Google Earth you can try Google Maps. Click on the 'satellite' button. If you have a scroll wheel on your mouse you can zoom in/out with it. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  13. Iron Maiden tribute band. This could be: A) Fun B) Embarrassing C) a little from column A, a little from column B. Just thought I'd share. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"
  14. I agree with you, Lisa. It's shameful. If skydiving is self-regulated then someone needs to 'regulate' these jokers with a slap upside the head. "Kicking gravity's ass since 2003!"