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  1. the bottle goes to the rigger who packed your reserve after each reserve ride.the beer goes to the dropzone after each "first" of your skydiving career.
  2. thanks to everybody who replied to my post about used gear.I appreciate the input and you are right on. In was way off and I just modified my ads to say make an offer as I am not sure of values or prices. bit I am looking for a PD-143 reserve. T.
  3. right on , Monkey.why do people think that I will sell these items for less than current value.these values do fluctuate,granted, but 1/3 or less come on is interesting.
  4. I have several items for sale on and every jumper who asks about them believes that I am willing to "give " the gear away for free.when did this become a site for free/cheap gear. How much is a new rig today $3,500-4,000.How pathetic that you are unable to spot value.