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Everything posted by CornishChris

  1. CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  2. Pastafarian. CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  3. ... with exactly the same thread title. CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  4. My calendar ends on 31st December. Does that mean the world will end then too? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  5. Another problem is that when you are in the tunnel and static it is a lot harder than when you start moving around. I had this issue with static head down in the tunnel - I found myself in 2 jumpsuits, fighting for lift. Once you start moving about the positions for movement generally create more lift so you can fly at lower speeds. It is frustrating though - the tunnel I was in varied in power a lot and some days I needed all my effort just to get off the net in HD at which point i had nothing left... Keep persevering though - it is definitely the best way to learn... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  6. I had to do a double take on a thread with 'Sabre' and 'lazy opening' in. You know how many sabre owners out there would love to be able to say that?! CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  7. Empuria is my favourite DZ and as close to a home DZ as I have as I do more jumps there than anywhere. I have always had a lot of time for one of the owners, Pete, and I am confident that the business will continue as usual. I haven't heard of all staff being fired and having to apply for their jobs back - that would just be fucking stupid. Who better to run the business than the people who run the business. There is a reason it is the biggest DZ in Europe - because it is well run, safe, fun and you can get lots of jumps in. I have heard mainly good things about Dubai from many friends who have jumped there and I see this as a positive move... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  8. So that's three of us at least then. The Farmers of South Cambridgeshire, UK also thank me... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  9. I have been jumping for about 10 years and this year took up another random hobby - beekeeping! A very good friend of mine is also a skydiving bee keepers. Are we the only two is peculiarly niche club, surely not?
  10. A tragic loss of a life. Check out this if you want to understand the Irish Pro-Lifers... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  11. Just buy a new suit. You can't just throw money at a problem. Unless you want it solving... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  12. Also worth checking what the procedure is at a new DZ. About 8 years ago I was in Oz (where I lived and jumped at the time) and two French guys turned up at the DZ. We were on the same load and they asked me for help with the Skyvan door when the buzzer sounded as they were first out but nervous of the door. Now it's worth pointing out that our procedure then was to have the door open a good 2 minutes before actual exit so you weren't rushing everything and it was regularly longer than that. I opened the door and the two guys just pinged straight out of the plane - I literally didn't have time to stop them. I looked out after them and didn't recognise any of the area we were flying over. They got lucky and were relatively near a road when they landed but it took them 2 hours to get back to the DZ where they promptly got in their car and left. This could have been much worse as Aussie bush (no sniggering) is not somewhere you want to land as it is thick, rough and contains many unpleasant creatures (again, no sniggering), so I bet these guys wish they had checked what the protocol was before they hucked it out the plane... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  13. Much better! Thanks CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  14. Having never been in this forum before it doesn't surprise me that this is the top thread as it is why I cam in here. This is still happening to me and is worst on the iPad and iPhone. I regularly click the wrong link and it is infuriating! CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  15. I have worn a hoodie occasionally but always stick the hood inside my jumpsuit. Generally aim for hood less jumpers. I did however do a jump a few years ago where I had an odd snag. I was wearing sunglasses with a soft attachment cord (can't think of the right name but you get my drift), attached under my helmet, although the strap did stick out below the lid. On deployment my head was pulled around quite a bit and I felt something snap. Something (risers presumably?) had caught the sunglasses cord and ripped it off - it tore at the rubber attachment point inside the helmet. If that can snag surely it is Possible a hood could... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  16. I did my wingsuit training in Gap with Fly Your Body (S-Fly, (Zun, Jean Loic Albert et al)) a few years ago. It was a fairly regimented procedure with excellent instruction. At the same time there was an 'Instructors course' on. This was run by FYB to approve people to promote and train on their equipment. People had come from all over France (and one from Belgium I think) to learn from these guys. It worked well for us students as we had an instructor who, in turn, had an instructor so we had double the input. Not all of the people on the instructors course were approved. There doesn't seem to be a universal (or even national) approved rating but for me it was good to know that the instructors were being put through the ropes by the manufacturer. CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  17. I have spent a lot of time in Ukraine. It is a crazy, lawless, corrupt kleptocracy. Believe me, you don't want to more like them. By the way, how's the end of the world coming? Any updates as I have some stuff in my fridge I was thinking of replacing but I won't bother if it's soon...? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  18. Why not use a plane instead of a chopper? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  19. As a Pastafarian I am enjoying 40 days of Pasta in the run up to the American election. I expect nothing except massive weight gain. May He touch you with His noodly appendage!
  20. Impressed you managed to deploy with your left hand - how exactly did you manage that? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  21. Think that's going to work? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  22. Do you happen to have an insight of what god's will for the nation is? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  23. What exactly are you praying for? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people
  24. Where is the DZ? CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people