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Everything posted by newshooter12

  1. What kind is it? you may be able to find the manual for it online.
  2. I'm suprised the repost police haven't shown up yet. there was a picture a while back from a gay/lesbian rally against war i believe... a woman was carrying a sign saying something like that... matt
  3. Sony's Photo Printers Sony's MiniDV Camcorders Canon's DV Camcorders Canon's Consumer Photo Printers Edited to add: A couple good places online to buy other then their sites.
  4. I believe any of the Bonehead helmets with audible pockets will fit it just perfectly. At least my Protrack (that i think is the exact same size or very close) fits like a glove in my gunner.
  5. working... time to go shoot. potentially a bus took out a light pole.
  6. Posting from work. Watching the snow fall outside until my story starts or there's some snow related video to shoot. Merry Christmas and thanks to you men and women serving our country... [insert\]saluting smiley face [/insert] (too bad there isn't one) matt
  7. About a week or so ago... The Food Bank of WNY with help from Anthony Masiello, the Mayor of Buffalo, launched their 1st Annual "Fruitcake Amnesty" Campaign. Long story short: They said they'd take any Fruitcake and make use of it for the needy in the area. i hope nobody gets sick from eating those bricklike things. matt
  8. you just don't know what you've been missing...
  9. what can i say.. he had his fun teasing me too. He's a teacher now. Gradeschool kids with delevopemental issues I believe.
  10. reminds me of my college buddy who used "Dragon Naturally Speaking" Long story short he couldn't type all that quickly so he'd use the program and corrected the errors when he was done. Until we started trying to get him to do it after he'd been drinking... twas fun. especially saying a word or two in the background while he was talking to it... he'd yell at us to stop or quit it and that would end up part of the paper too. vicious circle.
  11. Don't mean to hi-jack this... just thinking outloud. Did you catch the amount of $$ he had on him or his gaurds? $750k in US $100 bills. That's a lot of jump tickets, but combine it with a CBS nightly newsreport about the price of gas over there for the iraqis. They can get 25 gallons for $1.oo US. Something like 18.75million gallons for his pocket change. Scary part is that it'd cost me in NY about $2,981,250 for those same 1,562,500 12gal tanks full of 87. Can you imagine how much the US gov't was allegedly overpaying for the gas from Halliburton.
  12. I appreciate the review and all the effor and $$ it took. I just find this line funny. Especially the "look in the viewfinder" part. At work when one of there is some crappy video someone usually chimes in to ask if the person shooting it bothered to look through the viewfinder, or not. It's just that so many of the things a camera flyer has to do to get good or great skydiving video is contrary to a lot of what ground-bound videographers are taught. Something I need to get used too. matt
  13. nice stuff rainbow in the waterfall and all... What kind of film were you shooting? It may be my monitor, but a couple look a bit grainier (if that's a word) than the others. Fast film maybe? matt Good luck with the hug contest... sounds like you're the winner any way it works out.
  14. I was just looking at that too... Even ended up seeing their editorial staff on CSPAN-2 while i was flipping around. They had some interesting things to say. Lots of satire of course. matt
  15. The 10.5mm or 10.5 is on the market here. I've heard good, bad and ugly about it so i guess the verdict is still with the jury on that one. 12-24mm or 12-24 17-55mm matt
  16. what AM said plus: -it's great to hold down cables -keep thing together you just broke in the field and have no way to repair immediately -seal leaks in a canoe so you can fish the rest of the day -not tear paint or wall paper off when removing as duct tape would be sure to do -it's good to tape up reflective surfaces when you're lighting something so you don't get glare... there are lots more examples i'm sure. those are just a few i've used them for. matt
  17. Mine just arrived about 20 minutes ago. I've just got to jump it so i can replace my avitar.... I want to know how Kurupee gets these suits stateside so quickly.
  18. not to hijack this thread... Does Rawa have a website? I've found pics of their helmets through some dealers and reviews. Just not a site of their own. Last i checked they weren't in the gear section either. matt
  19. Are you talking about the Dolphin?? They are sweet for sure. Really fast too. I had to shoot one for a Coast Gaurd story a while back from a fixed wing plane (sorry don't know the type... it was pre-wanting to jump out of planes stage). matt
  20. Respect for the office or not... the men and women over there deserve our whole hearted support because they are the ones risking it ALL. I've only seen 1/100th the amount of planning and security it took to pull that off... no doubt. Whether GW was there of his own or his staff or whomever it was still the men and women present, as well as those represented, that were the guests of honor. GW's presence, I hope, Made them all proud. matt
  21. your welcome. it'll be interesting to see what if anything will happen, but i agree with the keeping a low profile. matt
  22. i know there are quite a few discussions here that a quick search may pull up... Some results from elswhere: USPA suggestions TSA suggestions Cypres suggestions hope that gets you started. matt
  23. huh... that stinks, but glad it worked out. I ordered mine almost 4 weeks ago and they said they'd ship it out 3 weeks from when i ordered it. Have to see how long it takes for mine.