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Everything posted by newshooter12

  1. ***Dials the phone*** [dispatcher voice\ "Repost Police... What's your emergency?"] [caller\ "I'd like to report a repost"] [dispacther\ "Sir please stay on the line while I send help"] ***waits patiently for Ivan***
  2. mud wrestling fake tits bounce nicely around corner store
  3. not sure what you mean exactly, but if you can play with the color levels. maybe add a shutter effect, boost the gain or wash out the vid a bit. I know you can do that in camera and with Avid... not sure about premiere though. matt
  4. there was a pretty good post in here a few months back about it and what a few people thought about the ones they bought. Here is one of the posts found with a simple search.
  5. what file type did you encode it as? Mpeg2? and what was the bitrate set at?
  6. lol. i think DJ is right about one thing. **cough cough** but this one Chyron op i knew. well her backside would give yours a run for your money...
  7. a friend shared this link with me and it helped me...
  8. You get to collect the cover charge at the door. Photog/editor/ENG op here.
  9. good point. but it is closer to a northerner like me. and call me crazy.. i want to jump when their is snow on the ground at least once. Plus a potential florida trip may be the end of Feb. **can't wait to need these--->**
  10. yep... work in TV news. and FreezeFest is at CK their winter Boogie from what i've been told. "January 31st & February 1st - Freeze Fest 2004! Our annual tradition of fun and silliness and brass things. There is nothing funner than Freezfest. Its a Different Kind of Boogie!" according to their site... as well as the ad in this month's Parachutist page 50 matt
  11. And shut down any or all other unnecessary programs while running the NLE program.
  12. I've got to pat you on the back for being such a good sport to let your friend have so much fun with you like that...
  13. Glad to hear it all went well. Gotta ask though... Did you pack it yourself? And either way were you able to determine, once on the ground, what exactly caused the hard pull? Also what are you going to do differently, change or keep the same to do your best that the same thing doesn't happen again? Sorry about asking a lot of questions, but when I had a PC issue that was caught in a gear check I ended up changing the way i do things a little.
  14. Have you seen the commercials running on TV for it?
  15. my Protrack is inside my gunner and it came up with nearly the same readings as others for my last jump. So i don't see the real advantage of having it mounted outside. matt