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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. we jump a c206 at my dz and depending on the air temp and pilot we can fit 6 jumpers into it. normaly 5 though.........with 6 it's a TIGHT fir though....
  2. jessica, mikeD, Texas, well it's not that great a state.....just kidding.......i like it and i really haven't seen that much of it. i'd really like to see more of the central and south parts of the state. plus where else can you shoot your guns durring a cloudy day at the dz. (yes, i've seen it done before)............remember mike, "don't mess with texas" if i get to go to texas i'll get to meet 3 of the sexiest gals in the whole state, jessica, sis, and jumpergirl....who could resist them!.......... but......if i do go to florida it could also be nice.... they have a big beach there!!!!!!!
  3. hmmm........ my home away from home....well i'm sorta homeless as it is. see the military likes to send people where ever they feel like it so my current home away from home is the skydiving club in trier, germany. were a small club with about 40 members and a good group of regulars at the dz. hopefull i'll be back at a better home away from home in january. hopefully texas! maybe florida. i guess they say....wherever i lay my head is my heart will always remain back in ohio and man the dz i jump at there rocks! big planes, lots of outs and it's pretty close!
  4. skreamer, i remember a post you put up a whil ago. it had to do something with your bum and a heating radiator. i thought that was how you got your name. as for me i got mine while jumping in skydive texas. there was this ex-marine named cas and he was jokingly making fun of me for being in the airforce by calling me wingnut. i liked it so i made it stick.....i'll never forget sitting in his trailer dinking "black cans" and getting called wingnut. man life was good it's just getting better!
  5. okay while not in freefall.....can i say crw? just like starting a downplane but don't turn the canopy. at 14,000ft you'd have a good 3 minutes or more.......
  6. mm, have you looked into aerohio? they're over near wooster, but they are a fantastic dz. they have a few turbines and are getting another shortly. look into them if ya want, i've jumped there before and they are top notch.
  7. wingnut

    Hop and pop!

    you will come to love hop n pops when the days are avercast and the clouds hover around 4,000ft. nothing says fun like a jump from 3,500ft.................glad this jump was better than the last for ya.
  8. i have yet to wash my jumpsuit. i bought it used and washed it then but ot since. i have only worn it about 4 times though, and here in germany it doesn't get to warm....i also fear if i washed it it wouldn't zip up anymore, but what can i say i got it cheep and i fall like a rock with my "slicky" on.
  9. db's method works very well! i've ben using this method to make closing loops for a while now!
  10. i bow down to the web goddes!!!!!
  11. i'm with sis on this one! i sometimes just stuff my canopy in my gear bag when i'm done jumping for the day and repack it at home because i'm to lazy to do it at the dz before i leave. plus, why pack outside in the wind when ya can do it inside where it's warm and dry. now taking it out after i repack it is a big hell no! i did that when i was first learning to pack, after i got it down i stoped. there's a reason people pay $5 or more to have thier main repacked!.............but hey do what ya want, whatever floats your boat!...
  12. wingnut

    Spectre 170 FS

    now db, ya know this isn't really the place to post this. there is a very nice classified adds section to this page it might go better there! blues!
  13. nice page! looks like it was a little crazy!(ccs, not the web page)..... stacy, you have either to much time on your hands or yout just good. it would of taken me like 6 months to get around to doing something like that. great job on the story.... i liked how the links played into it!
  14. welcome, i feal your pain of awful winters. i'm currently stuck in germany and although the winters are not as cold they still suck here. as for finding a job at dz around the world? how are your packing skills? it would probly be easiest to find a job as a packer since you are newer to the sport. rememeber also that you might need to get the respective documents to work while abroad. good luck in your search.
  15. didn't the standard sacrifice to the weather gods used to be a vigin? are we that low on worthy virgin sacrifices to use chickens now? man, what is this world coming to.
  16. radar traps for snow mobiles?man what is this world comming to? i used to love it riding by bike (non-motorized) through town because i could speed when it turned into a 15 mph zone!
  17. sis, want to have a philisophical debate?
  18. wingnut

    Awesome Easter

    way to go greg! glad to hear that you and so many other people were having such a good time this weekend! p.s. make a copy of that video, you'll wear out the original showing to everybody!`
  19. kingy, man you got some balls! i was thinking of saying something like that then relised i'd like to look at the polar bear from the front and sides not from underneath it at 50mph!
  20. skreamer, glad to hear you liked the country i've called home for the past two years. don't worry about not having a jump in the uk. i have less than 1/3 of my jumps in the U.S. and that is where i'm supposed to have the most! soon you can add holland to that list in june! let me know next time you come over to germany i'll make that long ass drive to hanover. (only like 3 or 4 hours). seems like finances arn't going to let me make it to langer for the large aircraft boogie. (unless i sell my car) and were you giving the temp in F or C? i've jumped in -5C. before here! it's all about not thinking about it! plus we only make hop n pops from 1,500M when it's that cold! hope your nose recovers!
  21. wingnut


    welcome to the realm of the "A". it opens so many doors. man,it feals good doens't it. took me two years to get mine and wow it's so cool. hope to see you out at a dz someday!
  22. damn, that bad was it? think i saw a nice flash cartoon about that! at the end of the cartoon the chic ended up having a closet full of chewed off arms!... i'll have to see if i can find the link to the site it's on!
  23. glad to hear ya got him hooked! just don't let him get away! i draged my sister along for my first jump...lets just say i have over 70 jumps now and she's still stuck on 2 static line jumps....maybe i'll get her back in the air after college...then she can pay for my jumps. jumping with family always rocks!
  24. i was starting to dispare, now i can breath....... glad it was a blast froggie....can't wait to hear about it in detail!.....
  25. frank, how could i forget the rest of the world, i'm living in it! yup it would be nice to have a little section in a photo lbrary of meetings. maybe something saved for the future pub. (if it ever gets made)