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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. diva, sorry to scare you! i'm talking girlfriend and then maybe wife later...ya know we all gota settle down sometime...well maybe not, i guess i could travel around the world to every dz. as for clear blue sky, the last two days have been awsome here, to bad i could only look up and wish i was jumping. thunderstorms started a little while ago so i guess it's back to the rainy german weather for a while. p.s. yes, i got your last message...sorry i didn't reply to it yet. works been busy and keeping up on the forum is a handfull in itself. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  2. -a nice skydiving girlfriend!!!!or maybe even wife??????? "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  3. i'll try and memorise it...but don't hold it against me if i don't...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  4. sory skreamer, best i can do is let ya sit in the cockpit of an f-16. ofcourse you'd have to be here in germany to do that. i can also get a nice digital pick of a herc for ya but beyond that i'm a little low on the rank scale to do much more. now i think there is a herc bogie in either sweden or norway every year, ya might want to take a small trip to the north and jump there. (might be a little while though, ya need 300 jumps to jump at that boogie) "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  5. well,.... i'm just a lowly senior airman, and that would almost take an act of congres to get aproved...well maybe just a 2 star general...hey there is one close by maybe i should get the balls and ask'd be good for american/ european relations!............ "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  6. tiger, ya didn't have a rig on when ya went on your observer ride? i though all people on a plane with preplaned parachute jumps had to have one on? now thinking back a friend of mine went for an ob. ride in a casa with me jumping and he didn't have a chute on either..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  7. you'l just have to wait and see when you meet up with us in nl.....and it might not be as fun as a pro-trac but to me it's going to be. it's alot less high tech. than one and lower maintanance but i'm going to enjoy it it's not a casa...i wish i could get the af to let me borrow a c130 but i doubt that will ever happen. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  8. i took my gear with me on several airlines all across the states. the only thing i ever heard was from the ticcket counter. they asked me if my back pack woould fit under the seat. granted i don't have a cypress the x-ray people never gave me an problem. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  9. okay, okay, it's an inverted skyvan. now why they don't do it in the states in beyond me. i have never seen nor heard of any reg saying you can't climb ona wing in flight of turn the plane upside down. it's just most "sane" people wouldn't want to walk a wing while it's in the air or jump out of a upsidedown plane. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  10. where in the regs does it say you can't climb on the wing? and i don't think it was inverted, just the picks were upside down. they'd hit the tail if it was inverted. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  11. nope, in my opinion way cooler! it's something that will let the whole world in on our mini-boogie. i can't say for sure because that would ruin the suprise....but it will be cool!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  12. omri, i think pammi would look pretty funny with a beard! i think she could get a waiver for the beard.............. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  13. i think that's the famous "pink skyvan" it's got a very good rep. here in europe. they have boogies just for it sometims. i think our fellow forum member cronistin could help us out on some info about it. i belive it's home based at her dz in austria. i almost went to a biigie last year it was at but couldn't aford it. it travels all around europe. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  14. i can't wait myself. just ordered a new skydiving toy to play with while i'm there, it's going to rock!!! i just hope i survive thursday night on the town! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  15. i know what ya mean about crw. i got to partake in some a few months ago and it was awsome. flying so close to another canopy was wierd!!! wish there were more people into it here where i live. there probly are i just don't have the money to drive hundreds of miles to do it.....i'll work on my freefal skills for now........ "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  16. wingnut


    where is canada located? is it that big country south of the us? or is it the one to the north, i never was good in skool! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  17. i've had the same experiance with sdlv. they really didn't seem to need my money and it showed in how they acted towords me. i think there is another dz south of vegas run buy a guy that works at the windtunnel. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  18. that reminds me...i haven't sent in my state taxes yet....ooopppsss!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  19. i recently came across a 7 cell "unit" canopy that has a new pilot chute attach point on it. instead of the normal ring in the center of the canopy it has a nylon web that atatches to a point about 1/3 of the way in on both sides and it comes to a loop like you would find on a bridle. there is no place for a closing pin on this, it thought it might be a built in bridle on the canopy but because of the lack of a pin i don't think so. any help on this? can it b converted to the standard ring attach point?....i know you would probly need to see it to get a better idea, i'm just wondering if there are any idea on what this is for. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  20. i second that motion...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  21. froggie, glad ya had such a GOOD weekend. i'm looking forward to a good but not as good as you probly had weekend in a month. untill then it's save every penny and then jump alot a GOOD weekend for me might be a long long long way off................ "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  22. wingnut

    fun 2-ways

    i've done mostly only two way jumps before and you can have some fun very easily. how about a linked exit and then turn point by flying a 360 around the other person while they hold a heading and then redock and switch. or maybe just 90 deg turns....start out in a frontal dock and then one jumper turns 90 deg. and redock on thier side. then they turn 90 more deg. and you dock on thier knees, then another 90 and your on thier other side and so on, then switch..combine both or just make some stuff up, it's not that complicated to think og some stuff to do that's fun! hell when he least expects it fruit loop him that will throw him off. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  23. skreamer, what's "cat. 10" mean? i know it is a level of skill along the licensing in the bpa but what does it let you do? also what are "warp" jumps? do you fall really fast durring these jumps? (mr.sulu, warp factor 8, and steer clear of the romulans please) okay enough of the questions.......glad to hear ya had a great time this weekend, i got video of my graduation jump and had to wait a month to show it to my family. i did show it to everybody and their brother in the barracks though. hopefully you can get your family to comeout and watch you jump someday. next time i go home to visit, my parent are going to come out and watch me. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  24. so........what the heck does: " skull a beer or shot" mean? i'm a little out of touch with u.k. slang, and i haven't seen that one used on the t.v. channels i get from there.......the weakest link?...not me!!!!!! so, hawaiian theme it is then. went there back in '96. remind me to show ya the hang over what time are you guys flying into amsterdam? how many jumps are you guys planing on doing over this weekend? i'd like to jump my ass off and do at least 8 jumps a day!! well back to work for me....gota keep the sargent happy of he likes to find stupid sh!t for me to do like clean! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  25. jtval, where did you say you were stationed at? was it eglin or tyndal? glad to hear a.l.s. is going good, i have a friend here going through it now as well. he's oly in his second week though. i'm glad you got your rig! so tell us what it is!!!!!!!!!!! is it brand new, second hand...etc..... i'm in the process of building my second rig right now.all i need is a reserve, risers,and pilot chute! not too much left to get. and since i'm going to be getting a tempo 170 res. it's going to be pretty cheep too! i found out i get to go to hurlburt field for my cross-training. it should be pretty fun durring jan-april for me. i get to do pc every other day and it should be a blast!!!! when i graduate i'll get a black beret!!!!!!!!!.....only problem is that, then i get stationed at an army base and have to work with em.!!!! :-( oh well it shouldbe fun anyways! let me know if youhave any info onthe sourounding area of hurlburt/eglin area. take it easy. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows