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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. okay starting this out i owe beer!!!! today started out awsome. the sun was shining bright and i woke up early!!! i went to the post office to see if my camera helemt was was!!!!!!!! i got it all put together and then went for some breakfast at the chow hall on base....then i drovemy motorcycle to the dz. it was such a nice day....i got to the dz and the first load was just going up...i was on the one of ther other jumpers to let me film him...i did a good job for my FIRST time doing him the entire way through exit to deployment.....i am good!!! i them mad another jump with the same guy and another doing a two way...i went low and shot them form below...still got them in fram the entire up was a tandem that my friend christian was the tandem master for.....i got the entire exit and drough deployment.......... the ret of the skydive i was trying to get down to him but i finaly made it and got his deploymnet!!!!!! then i opened and all hell broke loose!!!!!!!! my canopy was packed for a nice snivel and it did just that...snivel, snivel,'s open in a second!!!! man it hurt!!! one hell of a hard opening!! so hard it ripped the third cell from the right......END TO END!!!! so i look at it and the audio on the video is pricless..."that fucking a bitch..."......i then cutaway( ya can hear the velcrow come off on both handels) and saw my nice raven 2 above me...opened soooo slow it seemed like a minute...only took about 2 seconds though! followed my main about as far as i could and still make it to the dz and made a mental note of where it was when i turned from it.......landed very nicely..standup!!.....had about 4 people looking for it from the dz.. it landed in a corn field just on the other side of the dz....i wa afraid it would land in town and someone would steal it!!........the rigger at the dz loked at it and said i was good for cutting it away...he saw some line brns and said it was probly my packing that did it!!! oh well, my canopy is trash now, but that just gives me more reason to buy the new reserve i need to get my second rig up and working... (anyone want to sell a tempo 170 cheap??)(or buy a trashed pd210).........also anyone have the raven saves web address? i want my t-shirt!!.....hope every one's weekend was'nt as eventfull as mine........ p.s. skreamer, moose, benw..looks like i'll be renting at the texel boogie!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  2. c-130 rolling down the strip, gona take a little trip..... i love joddie anymore?????? or know where i can get some??? these are marching cadences for the military....i love them!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Edited by wingnut on 5/12/01 11:50 AM.
  3. froggie, do tell the eyelashes on fire story...if not to everyone to me atleast......puuuullllleeeaaassseeeeeeeeee!!!!!1 "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  4. moose,,,, ya better be ready to jump your ass off in texel.....i might be renting a rig main blew up today.....ya should see the video........see my thread.........ya do nee to get back in the sky, you're counting the seconds...that's desperate!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  5. i hope ya feel better does the whole comunity here!!!!!!!! remeber what doen't kill ya only makes ya stronger, and when ya are stronger it's much harder to kill ya so it just repeats.................. i'm dedicating my first jump to ya's the h n' p from 11,000 and then some radical stuff under my pd210.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  6. okay everyone...i ate to rain on your parade but this is urban folklore....saw it on the darwin awards website....they say that the jelly fish would of been chopped up by the impeller blades and such and if he was working at tat depth for the decompresion he would of been wearing a dry suit not a wetsuit......i think it's just a story....but it does make the day go by faster "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  7. wingnut


    ahhhh, mountainman, ya got caught in the skydiving terms pitfall. a pud is another name for the handle on a pullout pilot chute system of deployment. sorta looks like a cutaway pad.........who whouldn't want to pull thier pud every jump? i would!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  8. wingnut


    i made 3 bungy jumps in las vegas last two times i was there, it can be alot of fun., getting your own equipment, and finding new places to jump is alot like it would be for skydiving or b.a.s.e. jumping. it's alot like our sport in it's own way.....i still much prefer skydiving. now i hear they have a 1,000 foot helo bungy near munich and maybe i could wear my rig, and then get myself out of the harness an mak a h n' p. the ground rush from a bungy jump scared th hell outa me but it was also a good adreniline fix seeing the ground come up at i never see that skydiving (unless i'm flying that new 70sq.ft. canopy!!!!) "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  9. greating and salutations, it's always a plesure to welcome a new person to the forums....since you've been lurking since last year i see we didn't scare you off.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  10. wingnut


    sis, did i ever tell ya i have a bike? to bad the farthest west it'll ever make it is probly western edge of florida. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  11. wingnut

    Lift Price

    $23 to 12,000 in a turbine c206 at one dz, $27 to 11,000 at the other in a c206 (here in germany)....... and $17-$19 at the one back in ohio. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  12. as i posted befoe in the other thread...... i did my first jump course with my twin sis. she has made 2 static line jumps and i now have 72 skydives...i think i'll get her back in the air when she grduated college and gets a job..she's into the adventurous stuff.....i think it made us better friends jumping together, quality time spent on the drive and getting to talk about it at home......i don't think she'll ever be as addicted as me but who knows, maybe she'll be a world champ someday...... now the real quest is getting my mom to do a tandem....she said if i ever quite smoking she would.....i have to quite here in a few months for work relates stuff so i just might see her do it! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  13. just wondering this.....can you fly on your back in a birdman suit? it would be cool to do a tracking dive with a few people and have them fly on thier backs below....... p.s. what is the min jumps they require to jump one?....just wondering i'm along way off from it now i bet!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  14. okay i just wanted to show ya guys what ya might be into if ya don't make the golden knights but are stuck in the army.....this is air force related so please forgive me but the general idea is true through out the military for the lower ranks......i think it's funny as hell myself.... ..... it's about a 2.5 meg download, but well worth it!!! Edited by wingnut on 5/9/01 03:26 AM.
  15. i feel the love!!!!!!!!..............i wish i was feeling freefall instead though......
  16. i sure hope i don't recieve one or those letters, cuz the "army of one" can kiss my a$$, the airforce has had me for 3 years now, and "no one comes close" i don't like these new slogans!!!.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  17. thanks...i'll be real interested in the weather here in a couple of weeks, it better be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  18. skreamer, nope i just lived there for 8 months....i'm origanally from ohio......way way east!!!!!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  19. wingnut

    my 1st rig about not getting to jump your own gear but hey, that means you'll just have to make up for it when ya get it!!!!!!!!!....rock on..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  20. pammi, i'm hopeing to get stationed at fort cambel, kentucky. it's closer to home ,in ohio, than anything else, i'd like to be closer to my family since i've been along way from them the past 3 years, but i could get stationed at a few plces throught the country. hopefully they put me where i want to long as there is a dz nearby though, i don't really care where!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  21. i think you might have to much time on your hands froggie......... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  22. wingnut

    No One Else On

    """""Dont drink 5 bottles of Mike's in 1/2 hour. it gets to ya quick as hell""""" froggie, ya act like this would be news to me........and how did i know youwould be passed out, well i know i would if i was at the dz....i just tend to stay up a little later though.......get some sleep, sheeez...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  23. i see.....i guess i should have know something was up when my pointer changed to a hand. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  24. i'm going to be in fort walton beach for four months come the new year. i'll be jumping at crestview since it's only a 30 minute drive from where i'll be stationed. maybe i'll see ya out there...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  25. as i don't live in the u.s. at the moment i can't help ya with the dz info, but i can say, don't let the amout we all drink scare ya off. and we do lie about how much we drink! (it's usually much more)lol.....good luck in you pursuit of aff. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows