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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. wingnut


    ben, just when i though you guys had forgot about the wingfairy ya bring em back!!!! now they think wingfairy is a real person........ and foir weekend? nope you have us awau for 3 days!!! 4 if you count my driving time to and from texel.....and you throw us out of a the plane???, i think not, your gona have to rush to beat us out the door if your lucky..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  2. first and foremost..a place to have fun!!!! if ya meet somebody at the dz all the more power to for married people at dz's there are a few, alot of people have non-skydiving signifigant others.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  3. i now have the sound track to the 4 way jump were going to do in texel....that is if it's okay with frank that i use it.........i liked the song!!!!!!! keep em coming...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  4. merrick, that's too funny...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  5. stacy, ya make it hard to wait to visit your great dz....only a month and days left till i'm there.....gona jump my a$$ off!!!!!!! hope it's as rocking then as it sounds now!!!......glad to hear ya had a good time this weekend...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  6. matt, ya know what caused the line twist??? .....glad ya took care of ewverything well...i'm glad i havn't had that kina high speed mall yet!!! the nice slow,slow ones are much better!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  7. roflmao......... once again ya got us good...atleast this time it wasn't aimed at us americans........ "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  8. jack, cool!!! when ya gona be in england??? ya never did give a far away in northern cali are ya..i'm going to go to perris for a weekend when i go to las vegas with work..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  9. jack, ya want to have a running thread of new updates on your site of my camera exploits??? ya don't have to keep all of em on there just the most current ones i send ya. if ya want to i'll owe ya maybe a couple a jump tickets if i ever make it to cali....... mountain man, thanks for posting those too....i sent em to both of ya cuz i wasn't sure they went through to jake the first time (got an error message) ya only need to do it for a few then no one will want to see it anymore...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  10. damn,fff, that's funny as hell....... now i don't think it's so bad what he said...... but we probly should tone it down a little around kids at the dz, probly most people a point....there is still some stuff that a minor shouldn't be around at a dz after dark though......unless it's my current dz..nothing ever intereesting happens..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  11. jack, thanks for puting that up for me....did you get the other vid i sent you of the actual skydives, i think i did a nice job of editing on that one (the skydives video)? ptiger, naw not a sailor, an airman i am!!! it's military wide, use of foul language!!!!! and it was a freaking hard opening it a b$%^$!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Edited by wingnut on 5/14/01 04:40 PM.
  12. wingnut

    What a weekend!

    glad to hear ya had such a good weekend!!!! finally everybody (most everybody) is getting to jump again... this summer is going to rock for us all!!!! see ya guys in the sky!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  13. my third one saturday made number 75....yey, it's a bit early......but i feel i can handle it....the video wasn't that bad either..... p.s. who's asking if you don't mind telling. "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  14. okay guys call me dumb, but how do you upload something to that ftp site? i tried everything i could think of to start the file transfer....i'm using windows 98 second edition. is there a way i can copy it to the site or something like that.....i tried draging and droping it on the directory in the browser it just asked me if i wanted to download the file from my computer to my computer. anyy ideas??? forgot to say i'm also using aol for my internet service provider (hey it's the cheapest thing her in germany with unlimited acess!!) "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Edited by wingnut on 5/13/01 03:16 PM.
  15. skreamer, it's not that f#cked up...just cost me more than it's worth to get for collors... blk,orng,negrn,ylw,pnk,orng,red,blu, blk... as for cutting it up....naw, but if the winds are right we could have some fun wind surfing with it.....something to do if the winds are too strong to for mooses's only a pd210, we'll need a manta 290 for those panties!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  16. ******so it's on your chest************ maybe your stomach but chest??? i can see one problem there too... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  17. mountanman,,,, can i e-mail it to you?????.....actually i'm doing it now.........i tried the free servers...damn file size limits my ass...who wants to post a 200k movie.....that would be coolif you could leave it going for a week!! even a few days so people can see it... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  18. i know what ya mean about the wild of the liots at my dz turned around one day and said some stuff the the other jumpers, only think i cought with my bad german was the word "bored". next thing i know the other guys are holding thier helmets out and we start to pull negitive g's.. then the pilot pulls back and we go into a half loop, then he rolled right and nosed the plave over... and this was a c206 with 5 jumpers on board!!!! man that was wild.... i din't expect it at all.... a friend of mine went for an observation ride on the casa i jumped once...he said it scared the hell outa him when the last jumper left.....they beat me down to the ground and i was in the middle of the load!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  19. tanks, dis iss some goood sheet........... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  20. the video done! the reserve ride is about 3 megs and the other is 15 megs. i am going to put it on my x-drive account but then i need someone to put it on thier server for me. x-drive won't let me just have a url for it. i can e-mail anyone that wants it access to it. please help me out anyone.... i'd love to beable to just post a link for don't need to keep it on your server very long just like a week or so. anyone????? "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  21. fff, ya knew what i ment!! it should read POST!!!!!!!!!!! i wish it was pot though........... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  22. that sucks dude!!!! ya couldn't jump anothr rig or was there only two student rigs??? i would of went for something bigger and made a jump! that's what i'll be doing next weekend since my main is trash now! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  23. i'll have the video up soon.....i'm making one just of the reserve deployment for the guys with a slow conection and a nother one with all 3 jumps...reserve deploment one should be about 1 or 2 meg....the other three might be around 20 or so depending on what frame rate i choose and audio settings..i might skimp on those for a smaller file to the perfect song picked out."radio" by Goldfinger. this song alsways makes me feel good. p.s. i forgot to say that from the subject the second part was my second reserve ride.....both low, low speed!! p.p.s. look back here later today for the link to the videos.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  24. daz, i'm from just north of columbus...currently living in germany....there are many quality dz's around that area.. check out cleveland parachute center and AerOhio skydiving......aerohio is near wooster and is worht the drive from clevland....twin otter, 2 caravans....c182..they got it all, pluss the dzo's are supper nice!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  25. moose, check out my pot' finally your gona be bus while your off that oil rig!!! do you knwow how much they charge for rig rental at texel?? "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows