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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. it's of me sitting on santa's lap at x-mas time. igot the pic taken for my mom. she love that kind thing and even me at the age of 20 i had to be nice. and it was thaken at the bx on base here in germany...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  2. something special gona happen durring happy hour???? woooo hooooo the pub is finnally here!!!!!!! i even got a mug shot there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this site is soooooo coooooolllllllllllllllll.....SANGIRO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  3. pammi, a carton is another way to say "case" as in a case of beer! these funny people here speak english and don't want to translate it into american for us...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  4. as the traditional skydiver story starts out..."no shit, there i was, though i was gona die" well i didn't think i was but it was a wild weekend!!!!! HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! oh man was my weekend sooooooo cooooooollllllll!!!! all started out on thursday when i took my rig to get the reserve repacked at Performance Variable (large german rig and chute maker). i took my sabre 150 with me!!! had the rigger repack my res. and put on some new velcrow, also asked him if my sabre would fit in the rig, he said yes, just have to shorten the closing loop a bit...... picked it up on friday. i should have had the velcrow replaced a long time ago it is so much nicer to close the top flap on my main compartment.......went to an airport about 100km away were my club was jumping for the weekend....nice strong winds to help my decent...... got on the 3rd load on sat. and did a hop n pop at 5k. 3 seconds of freefall then deployed.....seemed like forever for this sabre to open...i was scared from all the stories i had heard about slammers.(specialy since my last ride was a slamer that ripped my canopy) it opened beautifully though...right on heading. right off it was so much more zippy than my pd 9 cell. did alot of practice flares at altitude and even tried to stall it held the toggles at my waist forever, it never stalled. came up on aproach and the ground rush was wierd. came in at 1/4 brakes about 30 ft up, then let it have it when i got closer and made a perfect standup with just a little swoop. next 2 jumps were about the same, but i played with turns up there, man i loose so much more altitude, used to beable to do a 360 and almost loose no altitude, now i eat it up! i finnally see about the low turn injuries!!!!!!!!! okay then i made my 4th jump of the day (first time i ever made 4 jump in a day...BEER) it was into the field next to our club presidents new house. he was having a party for us skydivers there and it was a nice big field to land in. i set up my aproach and landed very nicely....on my butt!! then i proceded to slide 10 feet into a compost pile!!! that sucked but it was my first landing into a compost pile does that mean beer? we had a kick ass party and sang a bunch of german dfrinking songs....ya know the germans love drinking songs..... drove back to the airport in the morning and made two more jumps....first was from 11,500ft. more altitude than i've seen in almost a year.... went low on the tandem i was jumping with and never made it back jump i jumped with another tandem and i took a "cool" exit this time. was standing on the over wheel step on cessna 206 holding on to the strut and a floater bar. the tandem went and i dove after them....that posistion is a good place to view exits from. i went late so i wouldn't have to worry about being in the drouge's way. i finnally made it to them in the last 1,000ft and tried to dock but there was no time left. i then rolled on my back and watched them deploy above me...rolled back over and fell the last 1,000ft to opening altitude.....rode my chute back and the video guy followed me back...shooting video all the time of me new chute does look so pretty when it's in the air!!! oh i forgot to say. my sabre is turquoise top and bottom with neon green ribs!!! it looks sweet!!!!! well i hope you all had a kick ass weekend like i did. 6 jumps and many many beers drunk!!! wooooo hooooo!!!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  5. wingnut

    No Pull fixes

    cdunham, i too have a racer circa 1983...i've cutaway with this rig and i could see what your talking about....but, i'm also in the emergency procedures school of though of a one hand on each handle then pull in order... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  6. don't worry, time will help. just start talking to people at your dz.... ya don't have to do as skyhalk suggested an put up a "carton" (it might help though
  7. wingnut


    skreamer, they were laughing on the ground as well, ya just didn't see em!!!!
  8. i never did a tandem....went to first jump class for static line and before i even started the class i knew i was going to get my lisence!!!!! took me two years because of money and other stuff but i did and someday i'll do a tandem,....from the tandem master side of it!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  9. that part of my brain doen't work sometimes too! it happens........... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  10. albatross, ya hit the nail right on the head!!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  11. my frind in college had me listen to that from his video game....i don't see why it's so funny......just dumb translating skills!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  12. the pub!!!!!!!!!!!!.... whoooooo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! no one's gona beable to guess mine........... glad to hear your back home sangiro, traveling for a month, working on this site....keeping up with thouands of post on the forums,....when do you ever rest????? "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  13. wingnut


    mine's the 5th..... as to the nakie jump, oh'll eventually do it i swear.....evrybody will just takes a crazy person (like me) or some one to talk one in to doing it (like us forum memebrs).......i bet we could get a good sized picture in parachutist if we got the worlds larges nakie formation going......would have to be from a high, high perspective so no one is offended by any nudity in the mag. though..... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  14. watch yourself fff.......i'll could tell ya about garters but why....ya interested in getting some for yourself... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  15. yup dz life can shape kids lives.....i'm proof!!! i was first brought to a dz by my sister (she had the car) at the very young age 17 and then i was schooled on the right way to act in public and things that are funny.... but please be nice if you ever meet me at a dz...i'm still a little kid and when i grow up (hopefully never) i don't want to end up havving my mommy yell at me for my antics out around the town........having said that.....i need to go jump.....
  16. as geek sorta said but i'm gona twist (really really twist)....ya could always enlist into the life insurance is term for as long as i'm in and 100,000 cost $8 a month...skydiving is included!!!!!!!!! but of course ya'd be stuck in the military for atleast 4 years and depending on if ya like it that might suck royally!!!!!!!.but when ya get out say by by to the coverage!!..i'm covered for now.......maybe by the time i get out it will no longer be "high risk"....prolly not though...... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  17. wingnut


    joolee, birthday in august???? well then it set a birthday suit jump in august...mine just happens to be that month too. if ya don't want a b-day suit jump..there's always the bikini jump!!! i'll be making my early b-day jump/100th jump/nakie jump this july at cross keys i think....i could always take the hour flight to london and make skreamer drive me to your dz....i'll protect ya from the ooggaling, don't think many guys (hopefully none) would want to stare at a naked/almost naked wingnut, so i just stand by ya and they run away from fear of blindness......sound like a plan??? "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  18. well i'm jumping a paramount "lite" helmet with an old (but small) GE 8mm camcorder.the camcorder sucks real bad, no lcd screen at all(even in the eyepeice). it was 50 bucks from a friend so i went for it. if i ever have to cut it away i'm not gona cry about it being smashed...the helet is very basic but does it's job. if i got to try a little better helmet i bet i probly wouldn't wnat to to jump the "lite" again, but for the money it is fine.... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  19. i always though skydivers prefered sheep!! i guess i could be wrong............... "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  20. hope everything works out for ya froogie.........wish i weighed as little as you do, i could jump a 78sq canopy and still load it the way i'm gona load my sabre this weekend! get some sleep!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  21. ************************************************ We want nude blokes frolicking in bathtubs full of corned beef!!! ************************************************ i don't know what corned beef is but i'm up for it!!! will i get a free jump or two out of it though??? (skydiving jump that is) any one have this add and a scaner? i don't get skydiving and i'd like to see what the hell you all are alking about.....pleeeeeaaassseeee send it to me.. (a scan of the add) "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  22. emma, the frat, soroarity thing can be just like in the movies!!!!!!!! not all are like it but with so many in the states there is bound to be the "stereotypical" frat out there!! come to think of it two of my ex-girlfreinds are in sororitys, i always did like thier parties though!!!!!!!! nothing says college like a frat keg party!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  23. wingnut


    ***********the knowledge that you are free to SKYDIVE YOUR TITS OFF all summer! At least, I hope that's what you'll be able to do!*********************** does that mean a nakie jump????????? ..........good luck on the exam!!!!!!!!!! i'll drink a beer to your good grades and great skydive after the exam!!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  24. wingnut


    ben, freefly, no!,,, sit fly yes! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows
  25. if i ever get a profit from my dz.come texel boogie video yu can have the mean time ya want to help with production costs, i could use a few extra $$$ for some jumps to make this profit getting video....only money i'll ever see from the video is money people pay me to make them not watch it again.... on the other hand get yourself a few more skydiving songs and ya could put out a skydiving songs cd!!!! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows