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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I'm thinking you don't have any IMHO's.
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
    Enforce the site rules about trolling then.
  4. 2 points
    The most recent episode of Exit Point interviews Jay Moledzki and discusses parachute flying progression. It’s a BASE focused discussion, but has relevance in the skydiving world as that is the typical avenue toward BASE.
  5. 2 points
    I see those being discussed on twitter all the time. However, I don't understand how you can argue that a baker should be allowed to refuse to bake cakes for gay people, but Twitter is not allowed to moderate content?
  6. 2 points
    "She swoops in, kills the Queen, crashes the market, and then fucks off."
  7. 2 points
    She had a busy 43 days. She buried the Queen, the pound and her political party.
  8. 1 point
    TwitterCon doesn’t really roll off the tongue. What about ‘Truth Social’?
  9. 1 point
    Won't someone think of the poor oil company execs! Struggling to put food on their families while rich, fatcat grad students in atmospheric science programs laugh all the way to the bank and light their cigars with $100 bills.
  10. 1 point
    Maybe someone should found a Twitter for conspiracy theorists. Call it TwitterCon or something like that. Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    The election can't come soon enough for me, I am sick of seeing all the TV ads. Most of them are negative ads about the opponent. I am also not a fan of single issue campaigns. I am Big Falls and I approve this message.
  12. 1 point
    For me personally, it depends. How many other people are in the air, what are we doing, how current am I etc. After a sequential jump I have had no problem with accepting a center dock at, say, 2K or 1500 if we're doing 2-way. I've also been known to be part of a "post-stack" which is complete at the altitude previously indicated, but flown down to 100 ft or so. I do that only with people I really know and trust. Offset docks, that ends at 3-3.5K if we're doing 2-way and isn't happening at all after a larger sequential jump. I don't coach people for their first canopy formation jumps (I'll leave that to @IJskonijn) , but I'd like to submit that the minimum docking altitude would also greatly depend on what gear everyone is on. For the purpose of this discussion I regard bumping endcells as "docking" where newbies are involved. The most important thing to know is, cross your legs once you reach the minimum altitude you're comfortable with and people know to stay away.
  13. 1 point
    Understandable sentiment when looking at “baby” stars that are maybe five times as old as homosapiens. At least in our corner of the ‘verse we can know we made a difference. We’ll have created quite a layer of cow & chicken fossils to mark the anthropocene.
  14. 1 point
    Nothing compares to the Trump years in the USA.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    The King needs to earn his keep. If he forced an election I think the people would support that even if the pols throw a hissy fit.
  17. 1 point
    For office expenses incurred while engaging in public life (which I assume mostly means paying the salaries of the people who write the speeches she'll be paid tens of thousands of pounds to give to various right wing thinktanks). I was wondering earlier today who would want Truss to be involved in public life anymore, or even how she deals with this. She's been a true believer in pure neo-liberal economics since she was a student activist, it's been the core of her entire political career, she finally lucked into the position of being able to do exactly what she wanted... and the free market slapped her down harder than if she'd been the ghost of Karl Marx. How will she deal with the realisation that her entire life has been a lie? Then I remembered it's 2022, so in a week's time she'll have convinced herself it's all the liberal media's fault, if she hasn't already.
  18. 1 point
    Either Chris or Dave Rickerby. https://www.dropzone.com/search/?q=rickerby&quick=1 Wendy P.
  19. 1 point
    One of the metrics that canopy pilots have been using to evaluate their swoops is the time it takes to transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight (the rollout phase). This can be measured with a video camera but there are advantages to using GPS: 1) ease of use - A video camera requires you to use a stopwatch or to manually step through frames. Your GPS can measure the rollout automatically. 2) accuracy - Determining the start and end of the rollout is not as trivial as it might seem. Using a camera you would typically wait until the canopy is on final heading before starting the stopwatch. But the rollout sometimes starts before that. With GPS you can look at vertical deceleration to more reliably detect the start of the rollout. 3) repeatability - Using a camera there are several sources of human error when measuring the rollout time. With GPS you can use a well defined algorithm that makes comparisons more meaningful. Starting with gSwoop 2.10 (released yesterday) there have been improvements to the algorithm used to detect the start and end of the rollout. The start is defined as the point where vertical speed begins to monotonically decrease (which occurs near the time of your final snap). The end is defined as 1 meter above where level flight is achieved. The 1 meter offset is necessary to isolate the rollout from the slightly sinking phase that can go on for quite some time even after successfully scoring the entry gate. It is a somewhat arbitrary offset but when applied consistently it is possible to make meaningful comparisons between swoops. Here is an example from my first round of speed at Nationals this year: exited airplane: 6396 ft AGL initiated turn: 1600 ft AGL, 810 ft back, -382 ft offset max vertical speed: 383 ft AGL, 264 ft back, 192 ft offset (96.3 mph) started rollout: 315 ft AGL, 270 ft back, 179 ft offset (91.7 mph) finished rollout: 13 ft AGL, 40 ft back, 23 ft offset max total speed: 723 ft AGL, 297 ft back, 116 ft offset (100.4 mph) max horizontal speed: 30 ft AGL, 101 ft back, 44 ft offset (80.2 mph) degrees of rotation: 652 deg (right-hand) time to execute turn: 13.90 sec time during rollout: 3.35 sec time aloft during swoop: 7.65 sec entry gate speed: 73.7 mph distance to stop: 270 ft touchdown estimate: 270 ft (2.0 mph) speed carve time: 2.56 sec (47.8 mph) During this run I started my rollout at 315 feet AGL and it took 3.35 seconds to complete. I was 270 feet behind the gate at the start of the rollout (324 feet away when you consider the offset) and 40 feet back at the finish. You can see a video of this run here (thanks to Keith Creedy for the footage): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ecqp7ywqqa9ve2d/AAAxrlUUavJIN7mw6udaC4tKa/Speed%20Round%201/Speed_Rd_1_Shot16_kc.mp4?dl=0
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