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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    As I attempted to explain in my bumbling manner in Pedophiles #39, we don't have to be right about global warming for you to be wrong about transitioning away from fossil fuels. If the world survives humanity, 10,000 years from now the history of fossil fuel use and the economic impacts, beneficial or not, won't merit a paragraph in a Texas school book.
  2. 2 points
    Would you (and your twin) advise skydiving students there is no need to deploy their parachute until after they've reached the ground? After all, one second before impact they are fine, they are breathing, their heart is beating, they can move their arms and legs. Anyone who says there is an emergency is just pushing panic. Prudent people take action before the problem becomes irreversible
  3. 1 point
    Hi folks, 59 yrs ago today, I was in the crowd listening to that speech. To me, that was a moment in history. Jerry Baumchen
  4. 1 point
    At least rushmc (Marc) was good for a laugh.
  5. 1 point
    So the same group that screams "BLUE LIVES MATTER", and that "Antifa wants to defund the police and make them DISAPPEAR!!!!!!" now is threatening FBI agents and wants to disband the FBI (don't forget all the assaults and attacks on the Capitol Police on Jan 6). Hmmm. Fun fact: Multiple responsible people are calling on the Republican 'leadership' do denounce the threats to FBI agents by the Trump stooges. So far, they haven't bothered. In fact, they have made their OWN threats. So much for the 'party of law and order'.
  6. 1 point
    The word catastrophic is a poor usage in the current context and may be what affects your conclusions about us'n nincompoops. I'm pretty sure no one here believes we'll simply, and suddenly, wake up to a world without snow leopards, Dutch skating ponds, or frozen yoghurt bars. No, we simply see a line on a graph on what appears to be an inexorable, but not inexplicable, upward trend; an upward trend that seems strongly associated with someone drilling a hole in your neck of the woods back in 1859.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Now there is a word I haven't heard in years. It makes me nostalgic for a dumb idealogy that isn't as stupid as the QAnon believers or the Trump worshipers.
  9. 1 point
    Yes " The Iraq War is a study on how a superpower defied the opposition of the United Nations Security Council and failed miserably. It was a war of defiance where a new breed of politicians, such as Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, under the idealistic ideology known as neoconservatism, advocated for the proactive use of America’s military might to pursue what they believe to be America’s national interests. These neoconservatives believe in the promotion of democracy through the force, if necessary. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the moment the United States (U.S.) had reached the apex of its unipolar reign was also the moment that it reaped the collective hatred of much of the world." It never ceases to amaze how the conservative republican mind can re-write history to suit their agenda. To stroke a bottomless ego.
  10. 1 point
    The ice caps are pretty big; it might take awhile for them to melt. Kind of like how it generally takes a long time to have really serious health problems from weight and diabetes. But if you see the evidence starting, it might be easier to fix the problem early, rather than waiting to see if you like being overweight and diabetic. And then expecting that a pill will make everything perfect again. It won't. Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    I’m not so sure. School shooters don’t tend to have escape plans. They’re not intending to make it out alive. Right now they’re already getting into schools with armed guards and barricading themselves in classrooms. If they know the teachers are armed, they just know the teacher is the first guy to shoot when they get into that classroom. Nothing else really changes.
  12. 1 point
    Man, once the scientists got root access it was pretty much all over...
  13. 1 point
    You inspired me, so here's my takeoff on your takeoff: A fraud is a fraud of course of course And no one much likes a fraud of course Unless of course this fraud source is the famous Donald Trump! Go right to the source and ask him why He'll give you an answer that he'll deny Why tell you facts when he can lie? Talk to Donald Trump! People talk about this and that so often it's a pain But Mr. Trump will never speak unless he has something to gain A fraud is a fraud of course of course And this one will lie till his voice is hoarse Did you hear the one that stole reports? Well listen to this - "I am Donald Trump!"
  14. 1 point
    A man and a woman are sharing an elevator down. The woman in a good mood greets the man, “hi there, did you donate your blood for $50 too?” The man looked at her and responded “no, I’m here donating sperm and got $100 for it.” The woman’s smile vanished and she left the elevator irritated. A few weeks later the same man and woman run into each other on the same elevator. The man looks at her and says “Are you donating more blood today?” She immediately looked at him, and with her mouth full and unable to talk, shakes her head no.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    "What are the basic requirements for skydiving? Answer Time / Money / Interest
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