
National Anthem Protest

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Disrespect only fosters more disrespect. That applies to both sides of this argument. If you wish to protest don't disrespect the very symbols of the system that allows you to protest.

I agree. You should still show respect. Kneeling is one way to do that, even if it's not politically correct.

I'm a little surprised that the Oakland Raiders sitting out the national anthem caused such little noise.

In any event the national fumbler has managed to distract attention from his week of loosing.
-Health care amendment bill, down in flames
-incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, trumps pick in Alabama, loosing.
-trump's tax plan, ignored by congress, as the GOP starts from scratch. Going nowhere.
-trumps buddies in the NFL turning their backs on trump. i.e. Jerry Jones, Robert Craft.
- Six in Trump’s Inner Circle Reportedly Used Private Email Accounts While Working in the White House

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There's a difference between being in the Constitution and being constitutional.

If your squad leader ordered you to clean the latrine, it's perfectly constitutional, even though the Constitution doesn't mention latrine cleaning. You were ordered to salute the flag by your superior officers. Totally constitutional. Last I checked NFL players were not part of the military.

- Dan G

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There's a difference between being in the Constitution and being constitutional.

If your squad leader ordered you to clean the latrine, it's perfectly constitutional, even though the Constitution doesn't mention latrine cleaning. You were ordered to salute the flag by your superior officers. Totally constitutional. Last I checked NFL players were not part of the military.

But, the question is, what is the reasoning behind such an order, practice, tradition or custom?

It is a sign of respect for your country and the people who fought and died for it. It is the "Spirit of America."

Remember when that slogan was painted on ships, airplanes and other objects? Remember when the U.S. Parachute Team had U.S. Flag canopies?

There are many of us old timers that hate to see that spirit die. We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.

The NFL is and has been under attack by the wussification faction for a number of years because it is manly and people get hurt and there are winners and losers. So in keeping with that theme they cheer on the political correctness of a loser position.

This new spirit is we are all victims and it is somebody else's fault. It is disgusting.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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It is a sign of respect for your country and the people who fought and died for it. It is the "Spirit of America."

Remember when that slogan was painted on ships, airplanes and other objects? Remember when the U.S. Parachute Team had U.S. Flag canopies?

There are many of us old timers that hate to see that spirit die. We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.

Well, if all people were treated equally, then you might have a point.

If those "who came after" actually had a better life, then you might have a point.

They don't want to "disgrace our nation", our nation is doing a fine job of that all by itself.

They are simply calling attention to injustice and inequality.

And, not terribly surprisingly, those who benefit from those injustices and inequalities are telling them to "shut up and do what I tell you."
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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***There's a difference between being in the Constitution and being constitutional.

If your squad leader ordered you to clean the latrine, it's perfectly constitutional, even though the Constitution doesn't mention latrine cleaning. You were ordered to salute the flag by your superior officers. Totally constitutional. Last I checked NFL players were not part of the military.

But, the question is, what is the reasoning behind such an order, practice, tradition or custom?

It is a sign of respect for your country and the people who fought and died for it. It is the "Spirit of America."

Remember when that slogan was painted on ships, airplanes and other objects? Remember when the U.S. Parachute Team had U.S. Flag canopies?

There are many of us old timers that hate to see that spirit die. We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.

The NFL is and has been under attack by the wussification faction for a number of years because it is manly and people get hurt and there are winners and losers. So in keeping with that theme they cheer on the political correctness of a loser position.

This new spirit is we are all victims and it is somebody else's fault. It is disgusting.

Don't convolute military SOP/UCMJ with what football players are supposed to do. Different worlds. Also, things having to do with the flag, constitution, patriotism don't automatically fall into the context of soldiers serving and dying. There are many many many more national values than our ability to project our national interest via the military.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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yup, and thankfully the flag doesn't get disrespected by being turned into a bikini. Or a rag to be put on a bald head to catch sweat.

Big white tits in an American flag isn't disrespectful, but a black football player taking a knee, now that is a son of a bitch who should get fired.

Those guys marching with Nazi flags, well lets remember there are some good people among them.

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yup, and thankfully the flag doesn't get disrespected by being turned into a bikini. Or a rag to be put on a bald head to catch sweat.

Big white tits in an American flag isn't disrespectful, but a black football player taking a knee, now that is a son of a bitch who should get fired.

Those guys marching with Nazi flags, well lets remember there are some good people among them.

Kinda funny.

When Abbie Hoffman took the mic in DC, wearing a shirt made from a flag, it was a huge issue about "disrespecting the flag."

Apparently times, fashion and "respect for the flag" changes over the years.

And it's more than a little bit ironic that Trump has harsher words for athletes who silently protest than for Nazis and who kill people with a car.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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This new spirit is we are all victims and it is somebody else's fault....

We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The funny thing is that Joseph Heller nailed the absurdity of the whole thing over 50 years ago with the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade in Catch-22 yet people still don't understand the difference between ritual and real patriotism.

By taking a knee or or whatever else those players are demonstrating a much greater engagement with society and desire to help with what they see as a national issue than you could ever infer from simply standing for the anthem. A display of national pride that you do because you have to do it is hollow and empty. At least you know that the person who goes against the grain is for real.

(On that note, at least one of those owners linking arms on the field who doesn't already have a couple of top drawer QBs needs to offer Kaepernick a contract, otherwise their gesture's are imilarly hollow :P )

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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There are many of us old timers that hate to see that spirit die. We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.

That's the point - they don't have a better life. You guys elected clowns like Reagan that put the middle class life many Americans aspired to permanently out to reach to many. Those of colour have to deal with racist bullshyte every single day without respite. The generation not far behind mine has to go enormously into debt to get an education to get a job that pays real wages far lower than what they could have been if wage growth hadn't stagnated, and can't even conceive of the standard of living that many enjoyed years ago.

They have a right to be pissed off.

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This new spirit is we are all victims and it is somebody else's fault....

We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.


Do you mean people like THIS?

Is that a good example of those who "spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation"?
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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This new spirit is we are all victims and it is somebody else's fault....

We are greatly saddened and angered that those who came after us, who have a better life than we had just want to spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation.


Do you mean people like THIS?

Is that a good example of those who "spit on and disgrace our flag and our nation"?


(You get that I was just highlighting Ron's own victim mentality, right?)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Disrespect only fosters more disrespect. That applies to both sides of this argument. If you wish to protest don't disrespect the very symbols of the system that allows you to protest.

I agree. You should still show respect. Kneeling is one way to do that, even if it's not politically correct.

It is in a Roman Catholic church.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Disrespect only fosters more disrespect. That applies to both sides of this argument. If you wish to protest don't disrespect the very symbols of the system that allows you to protest.

I agree. You should still show respect. Kneeling is one way to do that, even if it's not politically correct.

It is in a Roman Catholic church.

Ahem... also among traditionalists in the Church of England.

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I truly despise blind links.
Is there a point to yours in regards to constitutional rights and protests?

Just a supposition: perhaps it was about the subtle protest from the anthem singer at the Monday Night NFL game from PHX.

source: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/anthem-singer-jordin-sparks-has-proverbs-318-9-on-hand-for-cowboys-vs-cardinals/amp/

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