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More mass shootings

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***One thing we don’t do is start by defining some of our countrymen as the enemy.

Also, I don’t believe the ultra-Orthodox serve in the Israeli military.

Wendy P.

In the Vietnam veteran circles that sentiment unfortunately is strong. One thing that does not get much traction is to tell a Vietnam vet he is wrong. They still deal with coming home issues after fighting communism, not to mention PTSD.

Don't have to tell them they are wrong. They'll die off soon enough.

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>Old people die and with them their mentalities.

That's true. But looking forward to that is pretty rude.

Maybe, but Ron implied that they won't change their minds one way or the other, so that only leaves one other option.

If looking forward to a day with less racism and less people seeing each other as the enemy is rude, then I am fine with being rude.

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>If looking forward to a day with less racism and less people seeing each other as the
>enemy is rude, then I am fine with being rude.

I don't think the sentiment "the elimination of this group of people will solve the problem" has ever worked out.

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I don't agree with Compulsory Service in any form. This country is about the government managing free will and a free market and service to your country should be a matter of your choice of a career path.

Same here.

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>If looking forward to a day with less racism and less people seeing each other as the
>enemy is rude, then I am fine with being rude.

I don't think the sentiment "the elimination of this group of people will solve the problem" has ever worked out.

Good thing I didn't say the problem will be eliminated then.

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As I’ve always said, even a blind dog gets a truffle twice a day.


"In an hour-long meeting with Democrats and Republicans filled with newsworthy comments on gun control Wednesday, President Trump parted ways with members of his own party and accused them more than once of being "petrified" of the National Rifle Association.
"They have great power over you people," the president said to his fellow Republicans. "They have less power over me."

"Some of you are petrified of the NRA," he added. "You can't be petrified."

On the other hand, I now expect to see Hillary Clinton walking around in camo and talking about the joy of shooting ducks.


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Trump held a meeting today in Texas to discuss the problems of mass shootings in the US. "You haven't had that problem" Trump told Texans.

He later said this - "Take the firearms first and then go to court . . .I like taking the guns early, like in the crazy man's case . . .take the guns first, go through due process second."

Let's take a moment to imagine the screaming, incoherent fury we would have seen here if Obama had said this.

It will also be fun watching the White House try to backpedal on this tomorrow. "Don't worry. He didn't mean it. We'll have Hope talk to him; that always calms him down. But we can't really be sure." They're getting to be better at reverse than the proverbial French tank.

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In the Vietnam veteran circles that sentiment unfortunately is strong. One thing that does not get much traction is to tell a Vietnam vet he is wrong.

Lol, well they are wrong.

'Cos you know what else doesn't get much traction? Calling people the enemy. Kinda makes 'em wanna ignore anything else you have to say.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Trump held a meeting today in Texas to discuss the problems of mass shootings in the US. "You haven't had that problem" Trump told Texans.

He later said this - "Take the firearms first and then go to court . . .I like taking the guns early, like in the crazy man's case . . .take the guns first, go through due process second."

Let's take a moment to imagine the screaming, incoherent fury we would have seen here if Obama had said this.

It will also be fun watching the White House try to backpedal on this tomorrow. "Don't worry. He didn't mean it. We'll have Hope talk to him; that always calms him down. But we can't really be sure." They're getting to be better at reverse than the proverbial French tank.

Well, she just quit so that's not gonna happen.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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***We'll have Hope talk to him; that always calms him down. But we can't really be sure."

Hope is gone, literally and figuratively :P

Hope is gone because of "white lies". Imagine if it was HRC and she admitted to telling some black lies. Because as all RNC members know black lies matter.

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******We'll have Hope talk to him; that always calms him down. But we can't really be sure."

Hope is gone, literally and figuratively :P

Hope is gone because of "white lies". Imagine if it was HRC and she admitted to telling some black lies. Because as all RNC members know black lies matter.

Another one bites the dust.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hope is gone because of "white lies".

No no no, she was quite clear that her personally damaging testimony earlier this week had absolutely nothing to do with it. Just like her having used her official position to cover for and support a wife beater she was in an intimate relationship with was completely unrelated. No, she stepped down because there were better opportunities out there than working in the White House. Opportunities that presented themselves right now, and the timing of other events were just pure happenstance.

I mean honestly, how cynical are you people?:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I don't agree with Compulsory Service in any form. This country is about the government managing free will and a free market and service to your country should be a matter of your choice of a career path.

Same here.

Agreed. At the risk of going back on topic, and to prove it is possible to successfully swallow a broken chicken bone, I agree with President Trump! Let's grab 'em by their assault rifles first and ask questions later. After all when you're a President you can do whatever you want, right?

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until you start caring and talking about the mass shootings that occur every week in Chicago you'll have no credibility on this subject

since the 1950's every mass shooting has occurred in a gun free zone except for two

until solutions are adopted to address the real problems nothing will change

the firearm is not the problem
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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And what makes you think that, on a per-capita basis, Chicago is any worse than, say, gun friendly cities like Memphis, Little Rock, Myrtle Beach, Charleston WV, Baton Rouge, or Nashville.

Your fact-free opinion is worthless.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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until you start caring and talking about the mass shootings that occur every week in Chicago you'll have no credibility on this subject

since the 1950's every mass shooting has occurred in a gun free zone except for two

until solutions are adopted to address the real problems nothing will change

the firearm is not the problem

1/2 true as of two years ago.

What suggests a lack of caring for Chicago defined events?

Why would Chicago specific discussions be more relevant to, or than other geographic areas?

What addressing of real problems do you suggest.

What part, or tool, of mass shootings and the deaths associated with them. Would replace firearms if they were absent from the equation?

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>Also, if firearms are not the problem, then let's take them away 100% for a 1-yr
>period and see what does not happen.

Sounds like Trump would support that:

"Take the firearms first and then go to court . . .take the guns first, go through due process second."

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