
Al Sharpton Calls For Emergency Meeting To Address 'Appalling' All-White Oscar Nominees

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This is why racism continues in the US today. Because Selma is a movie about MLK he is insulted that it didn't get more Oscar nominations as if it deserves to be nominated because of it's blackness. Color vs. content people. I guess we need quotas in Hollywood.
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I wonder what percentage of Americans actually believe the nonsense he continually spews. Any takers?

I'd say realistically most Americans are slightly above average intelligence. Say 33%?

I see neither math skills nor understanding of statistics were utilised in this post
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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Just out of interest I looked at the last 5 years of acting nominations and got 92 white, 7 black and 1 mexican, and with blacks at (wikipedia) 12.5% of the population that's not really that bad.

The people who should really be pissed off are asian americans, 5% of the population and 0% of the nominations. Scandal! (Though they're probably all too busy becoming doctors.)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I think he forgot the fact that movie industry is owned by Jewish people.

Historically speaking, this has an element of truth.

In the early days of film, the hub of the industry was New York. Rather a few of the people who got in at the ground floor were Jews.

When someone noticed that the light was better in Southern California - particularly important for the film at the time - cheap real estate was snapped up for studios and the epicenter of the industry shifted to Hollywood.

The key players are not, and have never been, exclusively Jewish, but their presence is disproportionate in the same sense that Negroes populate the NBA. Hey, if you're an Eskimo and can routinely score 80 points a game against the Lakers, you're in...

I think the propensity for the entertainment industry is likely a cultural thing, where making bullshit palatable is a longstanding tradition in the Tribe. I'll ask a Rabbi or two.



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Hollywood may lean Left and be happy with the POTUS currently in office, but they'll brook no crap from Sharpton.

They'll just take him aside into a quiet room, show him some stuff they got on him that could put him in Club Fed and then tell him to shut his mouth, get his ass on a airplane back to NYC and don't even think about coming back.

Problem solved.

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I wonder what percentage of Americans actually believe the nonsense he continually spews. Any takers?

I'd say realistically most Americans are slightly above average intelligence. Say 33%?

I see neither math skills nor understanding of statistics were utilised in this post

Oh sorry I didn't know I had to do a scientific survey to make a post.

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I wonder what percentage of Americans actually believe the nonsense he continually spews. Any takers?

I'd say realistically most Americans are slightly above average intelligence. Say 33%?

I see neither math skills nor understanding of statistics were utilised in this post

Oh sorry I didn't know I had to do a scientific survey to make a post.

You surely are not in the position to do that ..... but, you're long enough on this site to know you need an evidence and not only your usual insult to be taken seriously ... :S

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I wonder what percentage of Americans actually believe the nonsense he continually spews. Any takers?

I'd say realistically most Americans are slightly above average intelligence. Say 33%?

I see neither math skills nor understanding of statistics were utilized in this post

Oh sorry I didn't know I had to do a scientific survey to make a post.

Nobody said anything about a survey.

Basic math skills and basic understanding of statistics is all that is needed.

Or go to Lake Wobegon.
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I wonder what percentage of Americans actually believe the nonsense he continually spews. Any takers?

I'd say realistically most Americans are slightly above average intelligence. Say 33%?

I see neither math skills nor understanding of statistics were utilized in this post

Oh sorry I didn't know I had to do a scientific survey to make a post.

Nobody said anything about a survey.

Basic math skills and basic understanding of statistics is all that is needed.

Or go to Lake Wobegon.

I know a lot of people like to rag on Regulator,but please show what he say's is automatically wrong.
Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle

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I'll try and help as his post was both wrong and confusing, but honestly not as bad as people are reacting. My post earlier in the thread was poking fun at the people who would predictably jump down his throat over it.

First off, the "33%" was an offered guess to his own question regarding how many people believe Al Sharpton's nonsense, but came after his statement about average intelligence, which is the confusing part. As for that guess? Eh, it's probably high. I'd put it at less than 20%. I did a quick search for Al Sharpton popularity polls and he has pretty consistent unfavorable results.

The "average intelligence" comment is going to set people off every time though. Intelligence, by just about any measure, is normally distributed. That means (among other things) that most people can't be "slightly above average." More specifically if you take "slightly above average" literally to mean "more than average, but within one standard deviation" then 34% of people fall in that group, hardly "most."

If you take "slightly above average" as sarcasm and/or intentional understatement though (i.e. "realistically I think most Americans aren't dumb enough to fall for it.") then suddenly the post isn't that big of a deal.

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you are assuming that because Al Sharpton deems himself a liberal (and so do you) that therefore he has the support of all liberals.

Kinda like someone saying that all white people are white supremacists simply because the white supremacists themselves are white.

Al Shaprton is hardly a threat to any right wing agenda. If you don't like him, then fine, move on. But don;t dare lump us all into one basket here.

Every time he opens his mouth, someone has to jump all over it particularly in this forum....which does kind of make me wonder why you all find him so threatening that you must address it very time.... He's the Bill O'Reilly entertainer of the 'race side' whatever that is.....and makes a living doing just that. being an entertainer.

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I think that, kind of like how black people have to jump up and down loudly proclaiming the evil of black-on-black murder, and Muslims have to jump up and down loudly proclaiming the evils of radical Islamists, liberals have to jump up and down loudly proclaiming that Al Sharpton is a loudmouthed idiot.

Even if we did (Sharpton isn't worth that much effort), Fox News and The Blaze wouldn't report it, so no one that "needs" that kind of affirmation would hear about it. :|

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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.....and makes a living doing just that. being an entertainer.

I beg to differ. He's a verbal bomb thrower who in the opinion of many, has been the catalyst for several acts of violence as well as false police reporting...Tawana Brawley comes to mind and OBTW, Tawana Brawley IS paying off the lawsuit she lost to the man she accused. What's Sharpton doing to help Tawana? I doubt he's doing anything.

In times where the challenges and issues need serious engagement and cooler heads to prevail, Sharpton is napalm with a nitroglycerin trigger.

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I'll try and help as his post was both wrong and confusing, but honestly not as bad as people are reacting. My post earlier in the thread was poking fun at the people who would predictably jump down his throat over it.

First off, the "33%" was an offered guess to his own question regarding how many people believe Al Sharpton's nonsense, but came after his statement about average intelligence, which is the confusing part. As for that guess? Eh, it's probably high. I'd put it at less than 20%. I did a quick search for Al Sharpton popularity polls and he has pretty consistent unfavorable results.

The "average intelligence" comment is going to set people off every time though. Intelligence, by just about any measure, is normally distributed. That means (among other things) that most people can't be "slightly above average." More specifically if you take "slightly above average" literally to mean "more than average, but within one standard deviation" then 34% of people fall in that group, hardly "most."

If you take "slightly above average" as sarcasm and/or intentional understatement though (i.e. "realistically I think most Americans aren't dumb enough to fall for it.") then suddenly the post isn't that big of a deal.

Yes i was being generous with my estimation. But I was trying to say that most people above average intelligence wouldn't be swayed by his nonsense.

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.....and makes a living doing just that. being an entertainer.

I beg to differ. He's a verbal bomb thrower who in the opinion of many, has been the catalyst for several acts of violence as well as false police reporting...Tawana Brawley comes to mind and OBTW, Tawana Brawley IS paying off the lawsuit she lost to the man she accused. What's Sharpton doing to help Tawana? I doubt he's doing anything.

In times where the challenges and issues need serious engagement and cooler heads to prevail, Sharpton is napalm with a nitroglycerin trigger.

Sharpton got sued in the Brawley case by the man that they accused. His supporters paid his part of the damages from that suit. (nice huh?) Brawley didn't start paying until recently, more than 25 years later, and now she's got to pay off the interest accrued. :S
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He's a verbal bomb thrower

And that's different from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage how? There is more violence when he mouths off, but is that his fault?

He's a dipshit who runs his mouth trying to incite excitement so that he thinks he's relevant. His listeners are angry and dispossessed. They're even angrier and more dispossessed than Rush and Savage's listeners. Doesn't make them right when they riot, but they have a whole lot less to lose.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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So, Group 'A' sucks but Groups 'B' and 'C' suck a little bit less (or maybe a bit more IYHO). The common denominator is that all three still suck. To use any two to placate the remaining one is something that with all due respect makes little sense to me.

But you're right about Sharpton and violence. When those two NYPD officers were assassinated, that was one of the fastest back peddles I ever saw. Something like the arsonist who torches the building then offers to help extinguish the fire once the FD arrives.

BTW. I can't stand Savage and Limbaugh I take with a grain (one grain mind you) of salt.

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