
weekend numbers

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Yeah, I know the weekend isn't over yet, but I'm not jumping today so it is for me.

7? (points on an 8 way):4:0

Was the least experienced and almost the youngest in a group that gets together once a month or so to do 8 way (thanks for getting me the slot Bill!). Three excellent jumps and one that was hilarious. Downwinded the first landing into the student circle and did something to my heel; made it worse on the third landing on the grass. It hurt really bad on the way to altitude for the fourth one so I didn't make the planned fifth. Don't know exactly what I did to it; it isn't bruised outside and it's only a little puffy but MAN does it hurt! Spending today with it elevated and on ice. :(

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12 days till I go to Cross Keys again: 1 still broken nose: 1 eye still back and blue

Wasn't allowed to jump this weekend due to the nose. Doc didn't want me to risk getting kicked again this soon, full face or not. SO I stayed home, just me and my vicodin, watching movies and catching up on rest from WFFC.

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13 days until couch freaks: 2 still fractured ankles : 10 miles biked yesterday.

I've taken now two weekends off skydiving, next weekend will be the third. I'm giving three weeks off to get myself into better shape.

For the record, I have an avulsion fracture on each ankle. The left I did running about 6 weeks ago, the right I did landing at Rantoul. The left is a whole lot worse then the right. An avulsion fracture is basically a sprain. Both left and right have healed considerably. I'm working the physiotherapy hard, both should be OK for couch freaks.

Yesterday I got my bike out, put a toolbox and a bottle of water in my backpack, and hit the road. I stopped by North Beach to watch the Blue Angels in the air show, but missed the golden knights. I continued north about 4 miles, headed west about two, and stopped for a Margarita, Crate and Barrel, and Banana Republic.. Then I came home. Total distance, about 10 miles. I spent the evening with a bag of ice on each ankle. D'oh!

I think tomorow I'll bike to work.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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6 loads of laundry done Friday:0:0

Repack date for WFFC was on/after 14 Apr 2002, Lynn's last AI&R was 15 April, so had to take her Racer to our rigger on Friday. We spent the rest of the day doing the domestic thing and it rained yesterday. So much for our weekend.:|

For those who say "Huh?", Lynn works Sun-Thurs, so our weekend is Friday-Saturday. At least until the lottery commission does their job right and picks our numbers.;)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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about 100 and 50 (pages read of pathology and genetics respectively so far this weekend...WOO HOO!!!): 0 (until NEXT weekend): 0

Sorry to hear you're hurtin' Lisa. Hope you heal up soon!!!!!

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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0 jumps...my canopy was getting new lines. But:

1 outfit bought for job interviews (I'll be grad. in Dec. and I'll be thankful to ditch my current job) when Cache' had it's 75% off sale, and 1 pair of Nine West shoes at the 50% off sale.

1 visit to my mom, whom I haven't seen since Christmas.

3 loads of laundry, 1 good srub inside the refridgerator, 3 hours cleaning house, 1 hour looking through textbooks brushing up for the fall semester, 2 hours reading about/studying my investments, 1.5 hours swimming in the ocean and

30 minutes on the phone w/ Skymama while I was stuck in traffic.

Even after all that, though....I'd rather have been jumping:)

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1st NFL game (preseason or otherwise) I've ever done in Boston

529 - bugs found in this year's graphics package

1 collective sigh of relief that the Philly Eagles decided to go for the 2-point conversion instead of the extra point... as long as there's no overtime!

It was fun - but I'd rather have been skydiving!

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Made it for the first load Saturday and I followed the tandems out and did a hop and pop from 10k. I haven't done one of those in awhile and I forgot how much fun they are. Did a three way hybrid jump with two hot Sky Chics! Did a rodeo with another Sky Chick. (She could not be barrell rolled off no matter how hard I tried!) Did a solo Freefly to perfect my skills. And we did a 10 way speed star dive for two jumpers for their 100th jump!B|

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Oh wait, thats my current freefall time, not my weekend numbers...

0:2:1ish is more like it. Ended on jump #60 with exactly 1 hour of freefall time. How weird is that? I can't remember when I last did a sub 60 second jump, and all my recent ones are 67 or 70 seconds, so it's a bit of a coincidence. My 1ish beer is for my first jumps without a jumpsuit. I was going solo and it was too hot for that. I didn't notice any difference. So I spent all that money on 4 grippers? :)

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2;) (See...told you I would get laid since I wasn't going to the DZ):0:0

I had to work 4PM-12 midnight Saturday and Sunday. So, I didn't make it out to the DZ. I was supposed to drive down to my parents today but after staying up till 430 AM this morning I didn't quite make it before having to come to work. Oh well....it was for a good cause. Is it wrong to use a chick for sex if that's exactly what she wants? :D I have a 3 day weekend next weekend though so I'll make up for it!!! B|

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1 Tommy Lee Jones sighting in the bookstore:0:0

I shit you not, I was coming down the stairs at Borders on Saturday and I heard this loud voice that sounded kind of familiar, but I couldn't place it. I got down to the first level and saw this craggy-faced dude wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses talking to someone at the information desk. It sounded like he was demanding a New York Times.

I gawked for a minute, then went to check out. "I think Tommy Lee Jones is over there!" I told the cashier. He looked, then said, "Oh yeah, he comes in here all the time."

Crazy. I guess I knew he lived around here, but I forgot.

Otherwise, I was still too wiped from WFFC to do much this weekend besides work.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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1 - Number of times I left the plane without goggles over my eyes. It was cool, did a sit exit, and realized as soon as I left the step what I had done. Yanked them down over my eyes within 3 seconds of exit.
The case is for the first time I left the plane without goggles...TIMMY!!:S

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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Amy is here now, hence the second number. 5 jumps with the ol folks at Perris, which went pretty well - I like the strategy of jumping from 8am to 3pm, when it gets really hot. Now if Joe could just pack in under 45 minutes . . .

Made my first offer on a house at insanely inflated San Diego prices. Gave out two cases of beer for it.

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1 new LED flashlight bought this weekend: 2:0

Ugly weather in the morning... stayed till the afternoon too. 2 freeflys working on others fall rates. Yesterday was a recovery day from WFFC still....
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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100 (percentage of correct answers on C license test):1:3

To quote the old man who didn't want to go on the cart...."I'm getting better !"

On my previous 15 RW jumps, I turned a total of about 4 points combined.......on this one, we turned 6 points on a 4-way.......those coach jumps paid off ! And I actually flew my share on 5 of the points -- got drug around for the sixth. :)


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My girlfriend is getting married and this was the shower/stagette weekend, so I had 4 events to go to this weekend. (I'm maid of honour and have to go to everything)
Did a great coach dive Saturday morning before the bridal shower. Backloops and TRACKING!!!!! Oh yeah I love that! Been looking forward to tracking for many many moons. Wanted to do a second jump to do more tracking, but it took me a fair bit of time to pack and I didn't have time for another.:|
Loving my new-to-me Falcon. She's so much fun. Not much wind on Saturday, though, and she comes in sooo fast. Had to run it out but stayed on my feet.B|

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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1 for the number of times I had my client NOT show up to put an offer in on a place she was "in love with" (and I still haven't heard from her.)...
0: self explanatory...
0: self explanatory...


Ciels and Pinks-

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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37 - number of times i got accused of hanging up when i really just lost the signal on my cel phone.
5 - awesome jumps.
0 - I never buy beer when i owe it anyway.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Beer for my first really stable sit B|. Could've had #'s in the first column Sat., but wasn't really into it :S. Maybe time for counseling...or maybe just have another beer ;).

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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132: 0:1

Bowling.... I went bowling... I did not jump out of an airplane so I could get my butt beat, NOT once, not twice, and I should NOT have insisted on the 4th game beacause I got my but beat THREE times in BOWLING.... got to change my stinkin profile now...

First was for te first time at an all you can eat Sushi bar last nite. It was supposed to be "Sushi and a Movie" nite but my friends and I were having too much fun gabbin and we ended up being kicked out of the place so they could close.....

Spent the rest of my Sun at Point Pinole, was a very nice time just walking the trails and beaches, now to get the sand out of those places, and I'll be a happy camper..
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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