
decisions decisions...HELP!!!

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Ok, surprisingly, I have the opportunity to make it to the Holiday Boogie in Eloy this year. There are a few slight problems though; I dont have my A (meaning I have to either bust ass and get it before Dec or possibly not jump unless I arrange for training at Eloy), and I have no gear(meaning I'm out more $$ if I do go to Eloy). My knee is injured, but I'll take my chances on it if thats all that is in my way. This is a bit short noticed for me and my family to get together a good bit of $$$ to get me to Eloy. So heres the fork in the road....

Do I go to Eloy, have a hellaciously good time (jump or no jump) and hang out with all my DZ.commers?
Do I save the money from the Eloy trip and put it aside to buy gear with and then just go to Eloy next year?


"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Me personally I'd go with plan B....I mean ELOY will always be there but your gear and training isnt...I'd just asoon get my gear and my training so when you do go out you dont have to sit on the sidelines!! But thats jsut me!!

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My knee is injured

Stay home. Eloy will be there next year and if you're healthy you'll be there to enjoy it. Take this time to heal, to save money, to spend that money on your training, and to get good so you can go to Eloy next year and kick some ass.

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Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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There will be a party at Skydive Houston, and one at Spaceland. I don't know about the College Station DZ, it might not be big enough. But pretty much every DZ of noticeable size will have a party, and you can hang out with others of the skydiving persuasion.
And let you knee heal, and buy used gear, and learn how to use it with your Christmas money.
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I know! I know! I should just stay home and tough it out then go next yr with my own pretty gear, but crap! I have had a bad year and really need the R&R as well as the socialization. There are several people I'd like to hang out with and others I have yet to meet that have asked that I come. Could there possibly be a compromise between not goin at all and gettin gear, or going and partyin my butt off? Maybe a lesser of the 2 evils?;) I havent decided yet, and I'm still thinking about it so I can weigh my options. Thanks for y'alls help. I'd love to hear anymore advice or comment you may have.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I know! I know! I should just stay home and tough it out then go next yr ...

See, you answered your own question after all! I started jumping in June 2001 and was in a wicked hurry to do everything as fast as I can...alas my sponsorships with Visa and MasterCard forced me to make more realistic plans. No regrets here! Just accept your current situation, make a decision, and go for it. No whining later though...:D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Let me see....Bought my 1st rig (used) on jump 12,good investment, put 80ish jumps on it and sold it to a new jumper for the same money! 80 rental@$25.00,no-brainer. Didn't have to wait around for rental gear. No license, no jumping where and when you want,no-brainer. Get your license! Knee? I had 3 screws in 2 knees before I started jumping! Let it heal,don't screw them up for life. Eloy would'nt be a lot of fun NOT being a WUFFO and having to just sit and watch now would it? Heal,gear,license. Make sense?
Good luck!;)Eloy will be there again!

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I have had a bad year...

Having your own gear will cheer you up more than you realize. I never thought of myself as materialistic until I bought my skydiving stuff...I stared at it and giggled to myself for hours. Plus it means you can skydive at your whim.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Well, its not really the $$ issue. I could get the $ for Eloy if I really want to go and decide to go. My family is buying my gear as an incentive for being in college and working hard. I was even told I have the option of getting all new or custom if thats what I wanted. Heck, I'm getting a refund on one of my grants and its all goin for gear. Its just that if I go to Eloy, I wont be getting my gear as soon as I'd hope to. I WILL get gear next year. If I go to Eloy, I'll just have to wait a little longer.

The knee thing isnt all that big a deal. If I'm careful I'll be fine.

I just dont know if I want to go knowing I might not be able to jump. I dont think I'll have the time to finish my stuff for my A in time for Eloy. Grrr! I dont know!:S:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I was going to post that you should get gear and skip Eloy/come to the WFFC next year, but I just read your last post... I hope this doesn't sound judgemental - I'm not your Instructor. Are you ready for all new gear? Maybe you should go to Eloy, rent/borrow gear, get some more jumps, so you'll know what kind of gear you need; then get your new gear later, when you have a better idea what you really want/need in gear.
What an awesome opportunity you have with the 'Rents buying you new gear! I sure wish I had someone to buy me new gear! If you can do Eloy, make some jumps there, get new gear (just delayed a little - which I think makes sense for you), and stili do WFFC next year - sounds like a pretty sound plan!

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>Heck, I'm getting a refund on one of my grants and its all goin for gear

Yeah... I played this game too and its hurting me now that I'm having to pay it back with intrest. Luckly I saved most of it so its not as hard on me as it could be. They do want that refund money back in one form or another. Like denying grants the next year or reducing the money given to you.

I agree with Cajones... learn what gear you need from some place that hass all sorts of gear for you to rent before you buy. Does Aggieland have a dozen rigs with dozens of mains laying around for you to see what style you like best?

>If I'm careful I'll be fine.

And this one... I thought that too when I hurt my ankle and started walking on it 3 weeks early. I've still got a sharp pain left over from that one. Don't push it... the skys wil lbe there if you wait... rushing it could ground you for longer then you think.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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We will miss you if you can't make it. [unsure] But getting your "A" should be your #1 priority and then getting some gear shoud be a close 2nd. However, you've also stated that getting away would do your soul wonders and for me, meeting some of my "DZ.COMers" is a huge factor in having myself wanting to visit Eloy for this Christmas boogie. So is there a way to concentrate on trying to get your "A" (how far off are you?), coming to Eloy (even if it's just for a few days) and living cheaply and maybe getting some jumps in? (even if they are training jumps).
I don't know, it's a tough predictament. Better you than me? :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I really dont want this to come off wrong, but...

Its not as easy and carefree as it sounds trust me. Yes I am a spoiled brat. I readily admit that.:$ But I dont want to put added stress on my parents by demanding new gear and be able to jump/play at all the boogies. My parents are financing all of this but I am trying to lighten the load when I can. All of my extra money (that isnt used for bills) goes to jumping so I dont have to put my parents in a bind.

I have talked to my parents and my JM/DZO about the gear thing and I think I know what I'd like to do. I'm going to stick with the Dzs gear for now until I improve my skills significantly and start "window shopping" for my gear (demo different gear etc). I have a good idea of what I want and my JM agreed that my choices are sensible. I'd like to (hopefully) buy a new harness/container(so it will actually fit my big butt), cypres, and reserve and buy a slightly used main. The grant refund is going for my altimeter and helmet (after I demo a few helmets). I'm not trying to rush into all new gear. I want to weigh all my options so that I do end up with a safe rig that I'm comfortable in physically as well as skill/experience is concerned. Does this sound totally nuts or am I possibly on the right path?

I still want to go to Eloy to party though!:S:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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